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  • What's the joke here?

  • Lord of the rings is shit
  • I mean the first one is boring, but it had to be to set everything up for the second two, which are much more exciting

  • Lord of the rings is shit
  • It's not about the action, it's about the world he created. Look at Dune, for example, that book is objectively boring, but the world Frank Herbert created is what makes it so fascinating

  • Can I get some Jason Aldean memes?
  • The human race.

    You see, the thing about art is it is inherently open to interpretation. You draw the conclusion you want from any given piece.

    What i get from that song is that you may be able to get away with being an asshole in the city, but it doesn't fly in tight knit communities

    But go ahead and assume it's a song about bigotry, I'm sure that helps with you satisfaction in life

  • Those pesky iPhones!
  • Smartphones are absolutely a huge contribution to the mental wellbeing of people today. It's pretty fucked up, tbh, that anybody anywhere can choose to interrupt your day on their whimsy

  • Can I get some Jason Aldean memes?
  • Yall love to jump to conclusions and make everything about race, dontcha?

  • The transphobia stops now
  • I want aggressive support, but I don't want to cut my ding dong off

  • I wonder why rule
  • Too far is telling my sisters they should be vegans, too far is promoting body dysmorphia as something that should be celebrated and not treated. I have 3 sisters, none of which escaped the public school system without psychological harm. Two of which battle and were in hospice for anorexia.

  • I wonder why rule
  • I don't disagree, but I think some places have taken it too far

  • I wonder why rule
  • I suspect you're a cunt

  • I wonder why rule
  • Any of them, man. Why so aggressive?

  • I laugh at the Ford every time I see it. Today i got at chance to park next to it and the the size difference is comically large.
  • Alls I'm saying is your title felt super aggressive and it is funny to me because you picked a ford ranger, of all trucks, to lampoon when its easily the least egregious pickup that is available currently

  • I wonder why rule
  • Political ideologies do not belong in the classroom, for one. I don't want my children being told how they should view the world. I would like them to draw their own conclusions based on their own experiences

  • I laugh at the Ford every time I see it. Today i got at chance to park next to it and the the size difference is comically large.
  • Imagine getting this worked uo about one of the smallest trucks on the market. You can't make this shit up!

    I hope you find peace, friend

  • Truth.
  • Extra points if the have wheel spacers

  • Truth.
  • Woah, take it easy buddy. Just scroll on past. There's always gonna be shit you don't like online

  • Overthinkers of the Fediverse, what are you currently freaking out about?
  • Thank you, friend. I have no reason to believe she will... but I thought that about the other girls too so it's hard to tell when I'm being irrational or not

  • Overthinkers of the Fediverse, what are you currently freaking out about?
  • I'm seeing a nice girl for the first time in a long time and I'm afraid she's gonna flip a switch on me like all the others and stop talking to me for reasons I don't understand

  • Locked
    PC Gamer 2015: Let's stop calling ourselves the 'PC Master Race'
  • This is such a waste of a conversation, if you're offended by "pcmasterrace" I can't imagine how offended you by everything else out there. Like pick a real battle instead of these pointless skirmishes

  • drdiemz drdiemz
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