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Hi, we're a tech startup run by libertarian Silicon Valley tech bros.
  • @ajsadauskas @technology Libertarians are just Republican’ts that smoke pot. 😎

  • donhawkins Don Hawkins - W7DAH

    \#Atheist #BanAssaultWeapons #BLM #DemocraticSocialist #Echolink Node 11091 Elevation 620ft #GridSquare CN85pk #HamRadio #LGBTQ+Ally #Linux #M4A #OpenSource #Oregon #PNW #Portland #ProChoice #Progressive #ProLabor #RCV #UnionStrong #Vegan #VoteByMail 
“Better to write for yourself & have no public, than to write for the public & have no self." --Cyril Connolly

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