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Late Stage Capitalism is truly DISCORDant
  • all color categories are made up

    and the only ones whose corresponding wavelength ranges are directly detected by our eyes are ~red, ~green, and ~blue

    take it from someone who this year failed a color vision test so spectacularly that the doctor asked him 'so do you just see in black and white?': let people like things

    even fake as fuck shades of color that we KNOW THEY'RE JUST MAKING UP to mess with us

    wait what

  • Chinese scientists reach milestone on road to world’s first autism jab
  • The reason it doesn't seem like I was arguing against your comment is that indeed, I wasn't trying to refute your comment. Reconsider your defensiveness. And bear in mind that not all critiques aim to establish a kind of propositional negation of what they address.

  • Chinese scientists reach milestone on road to world’s first autism jab
  • Cures for otherwise blinding conditions do exist (e.g., cataract removal, some gene therapies for retinal diseases) and they're good. I have a condition that will eventually render me blind and I would seek to be cured if a cure existed for it.

    But pursuing/promoting cures for disabilities, including blindness, is not without problems. See, in the US for example, the politics of the National Federation of the Blind vs. the Foundation for Fighting Blindness. Cures also raise class issues and threaten to further marginalize people who won't or can't be cured, for whatever reason. In particular, imagining a world in which 'everyone' is cured is dangerous and even inherently harmful ideology.

    Also, while I have some reservations about the rhetoric and what I think it likely really means, there are blind people out there who will tell you they don't want to be cured because it's part of who they are and they're getting along just fine. Such people do exist. A similar sentiment exists for some within the deaf community as well.

  • Chinese scientists reach milestone on road to world’s first autism jab
  • Gene therapies for other genetic conditions often do, but then those aren't neurodevelopmental.

    I'm kinda fascinated by the question of how something like this would affect me. Like the way a psychedelic experience can teach us lessons we still retain (and want to hold onto), like the way formative experiences leave deep traces in us even when when we grow and change, what features of autism would always 'stay with me' on some level? If things changed perceptually for me, what old habits of mind would I retain? What would I miss most? What would I not miss?

    In a lot of ways I think temporary windows into different neurotypes would be much more interesting than purported 'cures'. People don't usually want to undo their own personalities, including mental dimensions like neurotypes. But who wouldn't want to play with that a bit, if they knew it were safe?

  • Spot the difference
  • I guess I still don't really see what your initial comment here is supposed to contribute in response to OP, which isn't really about being for or against child soldiers, or whether some child soldiers are good and others are bad.

    OP isn't really even about child soldiers per se. It's about media narratives associated with images of children handling weapons in the contexts of two conflicts, one of the differences between which being that in only one case does the commentary on the image venture as to suggest that the child pictured has been conscripted as a soldier. It's also about, perhaps more crucially, how allegations of child soldierdom are being used to justify killing children generally, across a whole, captive, civilian population, and that, again, in only one of those two contexts.

    (My question was searching for an interpretation that connects GGP back to either of those, which are what the OP is about.)

  • Chinese scientists reach milestone on road to world’s first autism jab
  • This kind of thing is really interesting for what it might teach us about autism and the human brain more generally, but when it comes to the practical applications I just don't see a future where it doesn't present a ton of problems. Even when you make it 'voluntary', eugenics is dangerous and closely allied with exterminationist sentiment, thinking, and practice.

    And it seriously risks, at a minimum, deeply undermining struggles to accommodate rather than erase disabilities. Admittedly this is a step beyond the technical capability, but if a society develops an expectation that some major human variation (be that autism, deafness, blindness, or whatever) be cured rather than accommodated wherever it is a 'problem', where does that leave people (or parents) who refuse the cure for themselves (or for their children)? I can easily imagine arguments like 'if you don't want problems, just administer the cure! you're being selfish', 'this creates an unnecessary burden', etc.

  • Chinese scientists reach milestone on road to world’s first autism jab
  • Also, to be clear, there's no accepted notion of 'autism for mice' (or any other non-human animal), even if describing animals as autistic can sometimes be arguably useful. So 'works in mice' is a phrase that does a lot of work here.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from November 27th to December 3rd, 2023 - Pain in the ASS - COTW: Burkina Faso
  • Realistically, I'd be angry and frightened at being taken hostage no matter what the circumstances, even if I had some understanding of why it was done, and even if I were generally treated well during the whole thing.

    But if my kidnappers allowed me to take my dog with me and/or made sure he was fed and healthy the whole time, I would be grateful for that for the rest of my life, despite whatever trauma. I don't imagine my own country's cops or soldiers would ever do the same.

  • How's it going?
  • My father was recently diagnosed with a form of cancer that will probably kill him. For the past few weeks, pretty much the only things I've thought about have been my father's looming death, my virtual estrangement from him, the genocidal siege of Gaza, and the past hundred years or so of the history of Palestine. Needless to say, I couldn't keep that up. I had to make room for some lightness in my life and in my mind.

    The past few days have been a relief.

    I've reconciled with my father somewhat. He's still often stressful to be around, especially in his own house, but I feel better equipped to handle and pass over tense moments with him than I've ever been in the past. It's been good visiting him and my mom. I'm only now starting to look forward to going home.

    I'm reading fiction again for the first time in a long time. I'd forgotten how easy it is compared to history or political theory; how effortless reading can be when you're not trying to take notes, when you're not stopping after nearly every sentence to make sure that you're paying attention and understand well. What I've been 'reading' is actually an audiobook. My mom and I have been cozying ourselves up next to a shared Bluetooth speaker, sometimes with a bowl of popcorn or candy like we would for a movie. It's been a delight! The novel itself has already been thrilling and intriguing for both of us, and we must only be like a third of the way through. (This October, my mom expressed interest in educating herself about what led up to current events, and so she agreed to read three books on the history of Palestine with me. We're still committed to that, but good God is this novel so much easier!)

    I've been playing a relaxing, delightful, and sometimes very difficult videogame for at least a couple hours each day. A lot of my attention has gone to music, to the cool weather (which I love), and to the young puppy who moved in here recently (although my own dog, who is visiting along with me, kinda hates him).

    It's good to have a break from all my ruminations, from current events, and from my job. I wish I could have another week off somehow, but this'll do.

  • Purely based on aesthetics, what's your favorite Hammer and Sickle variant?
  • I wonder what CPUSA's policies and statements/principles were back then, and whether they then held to the 'internal colony' line. I don't know the history well enough to place that, but maybe another comrade browsing does.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Let him know that you think those anti-communist materials are wrong or misleading. Offer to explore some of these topics in depth with him in some format(s) that's agreeable to both of you (video, books, podcasts, whatever). Let him pick some sources, and you pick some sources, and then you both discuss them together.

    Most people who are anti-communist are reflexively so, and have simply never heard a lot of key history. Just studying/exploring/discussing communism and its history can undo a lot of that.

    As tempting as it might be, you don't have to go through everything in the propaganda they've sent you sentence by sentence and then debunk it. Just have a conversation with them about it and take a look at the real stuff together.

  • 'Marxist-Leninist' on r/communism (Reddit) praised fascists to attack my article lol
  • It's especially weird that they did so rather vaguely. It's not like they were like 'fascist figure X was right about historical fact Y in context Z, and here's why I think that matters'. They just favorably compare fascist 'geopolitical analysis' to your blog post, in general. That does seem like more or less just praising fascists to me.

  • 'Marxist-Leninist' on r/communism (Reddit) praised fascists to attack my article lol
  • Made curious by some of the other comments here connecting that Redditor's abusive language and refusal to really say anything of substance beyond 'I don't like this' and Maoism, I just spent kind of a long time looking back through that person's comments trying to figure out what about their thinking is particularly Maoist, especially in the context of that series of insults they wrote on your post, which don't, to me, reveal any particular way of thinking so much as a temperament.

    I did eventually find some Maoist language across their comments. They probably do self-identify as a Maoist or Marxist-Leninist-Maoist, though I didn't see a comment to that effect.

    But what I noticed more was that pretty much their only mode of discussion was verbal combat, and maybe in some cases declarations on certain questions or definitions of terms. There wasn't a lot I could recognize as instruction, exploration, or listening, although I imagine they'd consider some of their declarations educational.

    I'm tired. I can't think. I don't have a thesis here. But OP, I'm sorry that someone took it upon themselves to shit on your work instead of offering you feedback or simply saying nothing.

  • Vijay Prashad interviews Craig Mokhiber, UN human rights official who stepped down calling out apartheid and genocide in Palestine in an open letter

    Mokhiber explains that the Oslo Accords, poisoned from the start by US posing as a neutral 'mediator' in them, undermined the decolonial approach to the Palestine question not only in public discourse but within the UN. He distinguishes the UN's failure in Palestine to its support of a decolonial movement in the effort to end apartheid in South Africa. A lifelong (31 years at the UN) specialist in international human rights law, he casually refers at one point to double standards at the ICC and says he has largely given up hope in official institutions, including the UN in many capacities (he notes the value of aid work organized by the UN).

    To many, the contents of this interview (and of Mokhiber's letter) are not new. But it covers its subjects well, and Mokhiber's voice here is one that might be credible to some who are otherwise not inclined to hear anything. Worth a watch, imo.

    Useful article for showing the uninitiated how 'right to exist' means 'right to racial supremacy' in the Israeli context The Sterilization of Ethiopian Immigrant Women In Israel Juxtaposed & Revisited

    By Marian Haile Medical racism in the U.S. and its historical roots has affected Black women in more ways than one. Moreover, the painful aftermath and high mortality rate amongst Black women today…

    The Sterilization of  Ethiopian Immigrant Women In Israel Juxtaposed & Revisited

    The Bibi quote in this context is especially helpful:

    > Ethiopian immigrants weren’t allowed to enter Israel if they didn’t take a shot that, unbeknownst to them, would affect their birthrate in the country (a 50% decline) for years to come.

    > [...]

    > Many rabbis and prominent figures within Israel have also justified the sterilization by questioning the Jewishness of Ethiopian Jews, in which long-reigning Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu chimed in by saying Black Jews in Israel “‘threaten our existence as a Jewish and democratic state.'”

    Top UN official in New York steps down citing ‘genocide’ of Palestinian civilians Top UN official in New York steps down citing ‘genocide’ of Palestinian civilians

    Craig Mokhiber, director of human rights body, accuses the US, UK and much of Europe as ‘wholly complicit in the horrific assault’

    Top UN official in New York steps down citing ‘genocide’ of Palestinian civilians

    > [C]ontentiously, his letter calls for the effective end to the state of Israel.

    > “We must support the establishment of a single, democratic secular state in all of historic Palestine, with equal rights for Christians, Muslims, and Jews,” he wrote, adding: “and, therefore, the dismantling of the deeply racist, settler-colonial project and an end to apartheid across the land.”

    > [...]

    > Anne Bayefsky, who directs Touro College’s Institute on Human Rights and the Holocaust in New York, accused Mokhiber on social media of “overt antisemitism”. She said he had used a UN letterhead to call for “wiping Israel off the map”.

    Brief History of Israel-Palestine Conflict | Norman Finkelstein Teach-In on Gaza, Israel, and Hamas

    I found this pretty helpful in consolidating my basic familiarity with major events following 1948 into a timeline in my head. Might be helpful for others as well!


    > I call out to you, my people > > I firmly clasp your hands, > > I kiss the earth beneath your feet > > and declare: I sacrifice myself for you. > > I give you the light of my eyes as a gift. > > I give you the warmth of my heart. > > The tragedy I live > > is my share of your own.

    > I call upon you, > > I firmly clasp your hands. > > In my land I never was disgraced, > > never lowered myself. > > I always challenged my oppressors, > > orphaned, naked and with bare feet. > > I felt my blood in my own hands, > > never lowered my flag. > > I always protected the grass > > on my ancestors' graves.

    > I call out to you, my people, > > I firmly clasp your hands.

    — Tawfiq Zayyad, 1966 (as translated by Mohammed Sawaie in The Tent Generations: Palestinian Poems)

    This poem was also the basis of a famous Palestinian nationalist song:

    Good (English) sources for early, official Soviet criticisms of cybernetics?

    I recently finished reading Close to the Machine by Ellen Ullman, which so compellingly describes lives and situations in which entanglement with computers has a kind of warping, potentially even dehumanizing effect on people and processes so entangled.

    My understanding is that prior to its institutionalization in Soviet universities, the official state criticism of cybernetics sort of resembled this. Anyone know of any good anti-cybernetics essays or books from the USSR that are easy to get?

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