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PSA: Alternatives for the most popular communities
  • I thought we were all trying to get away from politics.

    First of all, why would you think that? Second of all, everything is political so that is literally impossible. And third of all, only centrists who want things to stay exactly as they are, because they feel they are are benefiting from the status quo, ever say such things.

  • PSA: Alternatives for the most popular communities
  • It may have come from a hole in the ground. It may have come from the Pentagon. It may have come little green men from Mars. What are you smoking?

  • PSA: Alternatives for the most popular communities
  • If Dessalines is receiving money from the Chinese or other fascist government to develop the Lemmy sourcecode

    What kind of moldy McCarthyite garbage is this? If my Grandmother had wheels she would have been a bike.

  • Zelensky: 'Our partners fear that Russia will lose this war'
  • That’s not how Russian oligarchs originally became oligarchs. They did it the same way it’s always done in neolocolonized countries: by being compradors to predatory foreign states and capitalists.

  • Zelensky: 'Our partners fear that Russia will lose this war'
  • The west is legit afraid of Russia’s collapse because once again someone will have to bail Russia out

    Yeah… that’s not what happened at all. What happened was the Western capitalist neocolonial plundering of the post-Soviet states through neoliberal shock therapy. And that’s why the US especially hates Putin: he kicked the plunderers out of Russia, interrupting their plundering.

  • The BASIC programming language turns 60
  • Thanks, BASIC, for teaching me so much I had to later unlearn in order to not be a garbage programmer.

  • Why there is so much communist propaganda on lemmy?
  • That's what happens when the communists are purged and billions of propaganda dollars are spent over generations to erase their memory: you end up with Newspeak, where people don’t know their asses from their elbows.

  • Why there is so much communist propaganda on lemmy?
  • The more you know.

    Even NATOPedia thinks they’re synonyms:

    The only time they’re not synonyms is when the capitalist class finds kayfabe democracy insufficient, at which point they deploy fascism. That’s what’s been developing in many Western capitalist states around the world in recent years. The working class is more and more agitated by their deteriorating conditions under neoliberalism. Even the petit bourgeois feel threatened. The far-right surge isn’t organic, though: the capitalist class fuels it to maintain their position.

  • Why there is so much communist propaganda on lemmy?
  • There is a euphemism for dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, and it is bourgeois democracy.

  • Why there is so much communist propaganda on lemmy?
  • I don’t really think you’ve captured communism: Cuba isn’t.

    Communism has never yet been achieved, as any communist government will tell you. Socialism is a transitionary step toward communism. You can’t go to bed in a capitalist state and magically wake up to a classless, stateless society.

    China has been moving away from communism for decades.

    If you think that then you have not been paying attention to what’s been happening in China for the last decade.

    Russia rejected the Communists for the Bolsheviks

    The Bolsheviks were the communists! Come on. Maybe pick up Wikipedia or an even better wiki on the topic:

  • Why there is so much communist propaganda on lemmy?
  • Not OP, but I’ll take a stab at it.

    In your opinion, are worker cooperatives operating in a market economy socialist?

    That’s not really how it works. The fundamental question is: is the state capitalist, meaning a dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, or is it socialist, meaning a dictatorship of the proletariat? While you can have a worker coop in a capitalist state, you’d still fundamentally be under the boot of the capitalist class that controls the state at the expense of the working class.

    And do you consider any countries today socialist?

  • Why there is so much communist propaganda on lemmy?
  • Given your false reports to the authorities, it seems you like authoritarianism after all.

  • Why there is so much communist propaganda on lemmy?
  • If you’re really upset by it you can filter which is gonna be the main source of left wing posting.

    That's true for you, anyway, because your instance is defederated from lemmygrad and hexbear.

  • Why there is so much communist propaganda on lemmy?
  • very-intelligent First you choose to be a wage slave and then you hate your bosses?

  • Why there is so much communist propaganda on lemmy?
  • Communists believe that socialism is a transitional state from capitalism to communism, but 1) communists aren’t the only socialists and 2) a lot of Americans think milquetoast social safety net capitalist reformers like Bernie Sanders are socialists despite them never calling for the abolition of private ownership of the means of production.

  • The closest thing to a fedposter that I’ve found so far >, if you aren't a paid shill for The Atlantic Council then you're leaving money on the table: > >You seem to have a particular interest in the Uyghurs. Are you Rushan Abbas or Adrian Zenz? > >Why did stop posting two months ago? Is that account yours as well, or did your coworker leave? Was it because the account got permanently banned from ! for a pattern of sinophobia? > >These two accounts seem the least organic that I've seen, aside from spammers. Who besides you has four times as many posts as comments?

    Currently the user tends to target these comms. Note that you won’t see their posts from hexbear because feddit\.de is defederated from hexbear (or because the user blocks hexbear? I’m not really sure how it works):

    diplodocus diplodocus
    Posts 1
    Comments 66