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Interview with GloriousEggroll about Proton-GE, Nobara, and more | Destination Linux
  • Changing from arch to fedora was mostly based on his ties with Red Hat. I am still waiting here for ANY REASON for a private person to chose ANYTHING from red hat, without having ties with them. Their documentation is horrid and mostly hidden behind some kind of login bullshit.

    Edit: Also the take on KDE "being" bloated. It misses the point. KDE has so many moving cogs that it gets quite hard to fix issues you come across. That is why its "bloated". Nobody is complaining about working features which are useful. But if some window rules are bugging out, good luck fixing that on KDE.

  • superfile - A pretty fancy and modern terminal file manager
  • Uhm both displaying copy/move process and having shortcuts for "favourite" dirs is quite possible with nnn. Although for the later I mostly use -S argument for persistent session.

    The only drawback of nnn in my book is the kind of weird/cumbersome way to configure it eith ENV variables. And the non-existent preview image display under wayland.

  • KDE Plasma 6 and SDDM autologin workaround
  • This bug is so old and tbh its a big f*** y** for KDE developement or whoever is responsible for this shitshow called SDDM. Its the reason my desktop pc is running LDM for multiple years now, since I stumbled over this.

    But yeah, we need more KDE specific tools tralalala, instead of a working login manager.

  • Configuring Kakoune Bindings in the Helix Editor!
  • Mhm interesting, compared to helix it also seems to be available in the debian repositories. But what I don't like is the similar approach as of vim/nvim where you have to configure everything yourself, instead of delivering a wholesome experience with sane defaults like helix editor does. Thanks anyway.

  • Music Players
  • That sounds like an excuse to waste lifetime. A good UI should be what makes or breaks an audio player. If I have to enter text queries to play songs this might work after I configured a script which handles all the shit I want to do OR the UI is in itself easy to use so I don't need to go to that length.

  • Valve needs to step up on Anti-Cheat

    So yeah, I want to discuss or point out why I think Valve needs to fix Anti-Cheat issues. They have VAC but apparently its doing jackshit, be it Counter Strike 2 (any previous iterations) or something like Hunt: Showdown the prevalence of cheating players is non deniable. For me personally it has come to a point that I am not enjoying playing those games anymore, although they are great games by itself. But the amount of occurrences being killed or playing against cheaters is at a height, where I don't see the point anymore.

    • Why I think Valve is the only company able to something against cheaters?

    Because they have the tools with VAC already aiming to prevent cheaters. Valve has got the resources to actually invest into something more profound which could be used for any game where anti-cheat protection needs to be implemented. And lastly Valve is the company which is interested in furthering the ability to gaming on Linux, the anti-cheat solution needs to work on both operating systems. Only Valve has the motivation and means to achieve that with their knowledge and resources. What do you guys think about the topic? Is the fight against cheaters hopeless? Do you think some other entity should provide anti-cheat protection, why? I skimmed over "anti cheat in linux kernel" posts in the net, but I have very little knowledge about the topic, what is your stance on it?

    Edited: Mixed EAC with VAC. EAC seems to be part of Epic Company. Both of these tools seem unable to prevent cheating like mentioned above.

    streetfighter dino
    SF6 Corner Pressure Guide: 3 Tips To Level Up

    great video and amazing channel all together, many very useful beginner to advanced tech tips for sf6, highly recommend.

    streetfighter dino
    The Pro Player™'s guide to mastering Street Fighter 6 Training Mode The Pro Player™'s guide to Street Fighter 6 Training Mode

    You wanna get good? Hit the training mode! But just mashing won't get you anywhere - so here's some tips to get you started in Training Mode! Whether you need the best combos, strongest oki setups, or just practice anti-airing, we've got you covered! MERCH: #bri...

    The Pro Player™'s guide to Street Fighter 6 Training Mode

    Great advice from Brian_F on how to make use of the training mode in SF6, must see for anybody wanting to improve his game.

    streetfighter dino
    Big Bird vs Angry Bird | Red Bull Kumite 2023 Big Bird vs Angry Bird | Red Bull Kumite 2023

    In the elimination round of the Red Bull Kumite 2023 two of the best friends in FGC matched with each other in Street Fighter 6. Watch Big Bird vs Angry Bird clash in the iconic Red Bull Kumite Cage in South Africa. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This is Red B...

    Big Bird vs Angry Bird | Red Bull Kumite 2023

    Amazing game of Redbull Kumite 2023 finals. Extremely explosive head to head match between the two "birds"

    streetfighter dino

    Great Zangief guide, explaining how to approach SPDing your foes. Really nice, helped me a lot.

    streetfighter dino
    SF6 Resource Hub Discord Server Join the SF6 Resource Hub Discord Server!

    Want to master SF6? Start here! This is a community centered around playing SF6, learning, and, having competitive fun. | 17501 members

    Join the SF6 Resource Hub Discord Server!

    They have character specific channel with lots of resources check it out, I will copy pasta useful stuff here.

    streetfighter dino
    MUST KNOW Marisa tips and tricks! | Street Fighter 6 Marisa Guide

    Cool video guide, esp the oki part and corner pressure is interesting. Looking to in cooperate this into my playstyle.

    streetfighter dino

    Great combo guide, to check the basic routes and punishes.

    streetfighter dino
    Learn Marisa In 5 Minutes! (SF6 Character Guide & Combos)

    Great short video of Marisa's basics, helped me a great deal so far (two star Gold currently). Channel has also other videos like this if you are interested.

    streetfighter dino
    SF6 List of Reversals with notes SF6 List of Reversals with notes - is the number one paste tool since 2002. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time.

    A pastebin for reversals for SF6

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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