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What sub do I post a general Insane story on??
  • Good idea, link the community and post here, too, thanks.

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    What sub do I post a general Insane story on??
  • I think you may have to start a new community for this, I'm genuinely not sure where a story like this might go. Excellent, though. Very interested to find out more.

    The "Casual conservation" community is probably too casual for this. Maybe creating something like /c/WildPersonalStories ?

  • Removed
    The correct civilians to slaughter
  • Look man, if your options are literally only "do nothing and accept your fate" or "kill a bunch of innocent people who never did anything to you and actually may have supported you" then maybe you should just give up and accept your fate, because we're literally seeing how many more innocents are dying because of this. They didn't put a dent in Israel's defenses. They gave Israel more excuses to the international community to murder even more innocents. Great plan, Hamas. I'm glad it worked out so swimmingly and actually changed things instead of just continuing the same bullshit cycle. /s

    If you can point to me out how this is going to result in anything other than more death and destruction, feel free to clue me in. Because fuck nothing has changed. They didn't take out the people responsible. They didn't change the power balance, and now even more Palestinians are paying the price because Israel is a fucked up aggressor.

    Acting like a bad plan that resulted in more innocents deaths is some great blow against the establishment is dumb as fuck.

  • School lunch debt, what about normal lunch debt?
  • Agreed, of course. Was just pointing out that such a thing did exist. Charities are not the most effective way to handle such issues, absolutely.

    Charities absolutely rely on things like public relations and advertising campaigns to raise awareness that they exist and/or need funding. It leaves everyone at the mercy of which charity is "most popular" and if yours isn't very popular, you could see it disappear. It also means a significant portion of the budget is spent on things that don't actually address the real problem, which is hunger.

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    The correct civilians to slaughter
  • I would hope, if I was going to attack them, I would have the ability and willingness to attack military or political targets: in other words, the people who are actually most responsible for the current state of Israel and its willingness to continue occupying Palestine. Like the US, Israeli "democracy" isn't necessarily super representative of what the beliefs of a lot of the citizens of the country are. It goes without saying that Palestinians have a right to self-direction and the international community should be recognizing them as a nation, and they deserve all that without constant encroachments and stealing land and being kept in a ghetto.

    However, choosing to attack civilians who may have actually been sympathetic to you is a path that actually undermines your ability to get more sympathizers. Just like Israel killing civilians in Palestine just makes more people support Hamas. It's a stupid, vicious cycle where attacking civilians on both sides just keeps getting both sides more entrenched in belief they're correct, because the other side attacks innocents. Each side conveniently ignoring all the innocents they've slaughtered.

    Further, these are both driven by terrible ass Abrahamic religions that are both warring over the same Holy City. Like in the US, it's religion holding us back and making people wildly violent. Just look at the MAGAs, they're frothing at the mouth at wanting to kill people who don't believe like they do, even though they hardly even ascribe to any of the values of their own ostensible religion. They're both religions with a terrible fundamentalist streak (Islam and Judaism), and it is part of why both sides are so willing to commit atrocities: because they believe their God is behind them, and thus they have faith they are in the right.

    Seriously, if they want me to take them seriously, they could pop Netanyahu and his fucking cronies, who have shown the Israeli government to be a corrupt sham much in the way Reagan, Bushes and Trump did for the US. Nah, they're too eager to go after innocents. Both sides are too eager to do that, and I'm not getting behind either ancient ass bullshit ass bigoted fucking religion.

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    The correct civilians to slaughter
  • It's called collective punishment and there's a reason it's a warcrime. Being willing to punish any and every Israeli citizen for the crimes of some is just as bad and the exact same thing as what Israel is doing by cutting off power to everyone in Gaza.

    Both sides are willing to punish everyone who they consider different than them. Both Hamas and the Israeli government operate on the idea that everyone needs to be punished for the crimes of the other side.

    I don't know what's so hard to understand about both partaking in collective punishment. Israel has more power, money, and resources, absolutely. They've been horrendous to the people of Palestine, for over fifty years now.

    That will never justify killing innocents, my dude.

    An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind.

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    The correct civilians to slaughter
  • ...and you're treated as culturally insensitive if you point out that it's partially motivated because of two bullshit ass religions, and the reason they won't stop is because they've each just got to prove their God has the bigger dick, even though they're technically the same God.

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    The correct civilians to slaughter
  • Oh, I don't disagree, but Hamas committing similar atrocities isn't helping. A war crime is a war crime is a war crime. Targeting innocent civilians is never justified, and that is something both sides continue to do: target innocent civilians. Both sides essentially are involved in collective punishment of each other. In other words, war crimes.

    Both sides are guilty as hell of some really fucked up shit. Yes, Israel is the occupier, but it doesn't justify killing innocents. Period.

    Just like killing innocents in Palestine makes more sympathizers for Hamas, killing innocents in Israel just makes more sympathizers for the Israeli right-wing like Netanyahu.

    It's a two way street and while Palestine has been oppressed for 50-some-odd years now, it just doesn't justify killing people who had nothing to do with making those decisions.

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    The correct civilians to slaughter
  • It definitely seems like a perspective that you have to be able to step back and be like "neither side is justified in their behavior" which is hard for people with a horse in the race to do.

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    The correct civilians to slaughter
  • Hamas: Bad guys

    Israeli government: Bad guys

    Innocents on both sides are just caught in the middle of both Hamas and Israel committing to collective punishment which is a war crime.

    I don't know what's so hard about admitting that both sides are indeed at fault here.

  • Why the Full Employment Created by Bidenomics Should Be Celebrated
  • Wake me when a third party is viable in the US. Unfortunately, as it stands, with First Past the Post voting, third parties currently do nothing but split the vote. That's purposeful, too.

    There's unfortunately just so much that has to change for this country to move forward. There isn't going to be a revolution, I agree with that, but it's also not going to get better by trying to work within the status quo.

  • Why the Full Employment Created by Bidenomics Should Be Celebrated
  • I didn't say I wasn't going to vote. I was simply pointing out that telling people to "vote harder" isn't working, and for very real and visceral reasons such as risking employment and ability to care for oneself. You can't act like real reasons that prevent people from being able to participate aren't part of the conversation.

    Democrats are still the better choice, but I really don't like people who could do more choosing not to because it's easier to rake in money and sit on their hands while the Republicans act the fool, and then acting like it's the voting public's fault. That's some kind of abuse. "I know we don't treat you very well, but the other guys will actually really hurt you." It feels like a threat. "We'll let them hurt you if you don't do enough for us."

    We need a real leftist party in the US. Yet the top Democrats think we need a Republican party. They think we need a lunatic far right fringe always pushing us to the brink of authoritarianism. Why the fuck would they think we need that instead of a true leftist party? Because they like how much money they can make off how the game currently works. It is a game to them.

    "I will say this—you'll be shocked, probably—I think the country needs a strong Republican Party [like] we need a strong Democratic Party...but this is not it," Pelosi said. "It isn't our judgment about what it should be. It's their judgment, but it's a missed opportunity for America."

  • Huh, I'm closer to being Borg than I realized.
  • I dunno, I always thought it was meant to mimic organics.

    "Cable management" inside the human body is horrendous. So it felt like in the mixing of machine and biology, the machines had to become more biological in the way they worked to function properly in tandem with the Borg biology.

  • Why the Full Employment Created by Bidenomics Should Be Celebrated
  • I'm sure everybody working three jobs gets a day off on election day and enough spare time to go to all local political functions. /s

    Dude over 60% of the US lives paycheck to paycheck. Maybe stop blaming them for lack of participation when most states make it outright difficult to participate. Missing work means risking losing their job (At-Will Employment ensures this, just like it makes discrimination legal. "We didn't fire you cuz you're gay, it's because you missed a spot/were three minutes late one time."), and if they're working paycheck to paycheck, it also means being unable to pay rent or bills. Risking homelessness just to fucking vote. That's what you're asking of over 60% of US citizens.

    Young people make the least money and have to work the most to get ahead, but we are always blaming them for not showing up on election day. Sorry they were at fucking work instead of risking homelessness. Because ending up homeless will really help them if the Democrats win, you know how good Dems are at solving homelessness! /s

    They kick homeless people out of city centers in Democrat cities, too. Because businesses making money matters more than a humanitarian crisis I guess.

    Most people don't have the time nor the money to be involved and that is on purpose.

    Get outta here with this "you just gotta vote harder" BS. Political participation is stacked against regular citizens purposefully.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Gonna be real difficult to recover from if you lose the device with your passkeys on it or that device is broken.

    Couple that with eSIMs and you are looking at a lot of headaches for the non-tech savvy.

    Supposedly you can use a security key but they are pushing biometrics, yikes!

    Wait until passkeys and all their issues have been solved by the major players.

    Don't lock yourself out of your digital life chasing something flashy and new.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • The sale of Pebble was supposed to include the developers jobs. They found out very late in the game that this wasn't true. He screwed his devs on the way out. Basically said "fuck your job, good luck.". Real shitty way to handle it, imo.

    Coupled with the fact that it meant all real support for Pebble was gone as well, it really was about Micigovsky making out with a bunch of money and saying "good luck, I dont actually care what happens" to his devs and the people who bought a Pebble.

    The way it shook out just doesn't make me trust him. I think he would do the same thing again, sell to a more scummy third party who will strip Beeper for profit when he isn't making enough money.

    I honestly distrust their business model as a successful long term one, based on his past.

  • Why doesn't Obama catch more flak for setting the stage for the kid-gloves treatment of Trump?

    EDIT: Downvotes with no comments. Shocker. Guess it's hard to back up your opinions, huh? I guess some people are totes fine with war criminals walking free?


    What it says on the tin:

    Obama told the nation that we "needed to look forward, not backward" when it came to prosecuting war criminals George W. Bush and Dick Cheney.

    He would end up legalizing and codifying a lot of the worst excesses of the Bush administration.

    His actions of letting war criminals walk without any consideration of what they had done literally set the stage for Donald Trump being treated with kid gloves. I don't see how the two aren't connected.

    Both of them dealt with the question of "Can we successfully prosecute a former President?" Obama kicked the can down the road to ignore the question entirely, because it might appear "partisan" or something.

    As evidenced by Trump's national security documents case, they really wanted to kick the can down the road again. They gave Trump every opportunity to just return the documents with nothing but a slap on the wrist. They only started bringing criminal charges when it became clear that he never had any intent of returning anything.

    Obama is viewed so favorably by so many, but it's hard for me to do so when I think about this. Obama's unwillingness to address this question in his administration is outright why we are facing the governments inability to reign in Trump at all. He's done so many things that would have shown regular people the endless inside of a jail cell, but they just let him keep running around free.

    When you allow criminals to walk free, other criminals see it as way to get away with whatever they want. That's pretty much how Trump treated the Presidency, a "get out of jail for fucking everything for free" card. He still views it as such. It's hard to imagine he didn't get this idea by watching previous Presidents get away with tons of shit that would see the rest of us behind bars.

    Anyway, long story short: Thanks, Obama.

    Potatoes O'Brien

    I'm so sorry for this. I'm not creative.

    Forgive me Q, for I have sinned.

    May as well be an iFunny watermark.

    The website isn't worthless so much as the watermark on memes.

    Negativland - "Aluminum or Glass"

    Would an advertising executive

    Understand where the homeless live?

    Would he know about the bubbles in his glass?

    Would the bubbles in his glass

    Understand what the man's golf cart is?

    Do they know you can die frozen underneath an overpass?

    Sufjan Stevens - Casimir Pulaski Day
    Snail's House Ă— Moe Shop - Pastel
    The Picard Song: A Gem of Star Trek Internet History

    YTMND is dead. Long live YTMND.

    more free format rule

    Source: Mr. Show

    Does Cloudflare's DNS Block Does Cloudflare's DNS Block

    Short answer: no. Quite the opposite, actually — is intentionally blocking users. Here's why.

    Does Cloudflare's DNS Block

    tl;dr: No. Quite the opposite, actually —’s owner is intentionally blocking users.

    CloudFlare's CEO had this to say on HackerNews:

    >We don’t block or any other domain via [...]’s authoritative DNS servers return bad results to when we query them. I’ve proposed we just fix it on our end but our team, quite rightly, said that too would violate the integrity of DNS and the privacy and security promises we made to our users when we launched the service. [...] The owner has explained that he returns bad results to us because we don’t pass along the EDNS subnet information. This information leaks information about a requester’s IP and, in turn, sacrifices the privacy of users.

    I am mainly making this post so that admins/moderators at BeeHaw will consider using or links instead of links.

    Because anyone using CloudFlare's DNS for privacy is being denied access to links.

    Origins of modern right wing discrimination? EA Wins Worst Company in America in 2013. (Trigger warning: violence against LGBT)

    I wonder if anyone else remembers this. It came to my mind because I was reading this story:

    >The owner of a clothing shop in Cedar Glen was shot and killed Friday night, Aug. 18, after a person made several disparaging comments about a rainbow flag displayed outside the store, authorities said.

    >The suspect was found nearby by arriving deputies, who shot and killed him, San Bernardino County sheriff’s officials said.

    This is... horrible. I don't even know how to describe it. For the first time in my adult life, I'm genuinely horrified and fear for my LGBT+ brothers and sisters, as well as their allies (which includes me, fuck).

    2013 felt... different. Two years later in 2015 gay marriage would be legalized nationwide.

    I remember thinking EA was trying to pull the wool over our eyes. I remember thinking that LGBT+ acceptance in 2013 was doing well. I remember thinking they were throwing up that people voted for them as worst company over LGBT+ inclusion as some kind of way to hand-wave away their awful business practices. Going back, though...

    >In the past year, we have received thousands of emails and postcards protesting against EA for allowing players to create LGBT+ characters in our games. This week, we’re seeing posts on conservative web sites urging people to protest our LGBT+ policy by voting EA the Worst Company in America.

    Does anyone else feel like me, and feel dumbfounded and like I just didn't think conservatives were that organized at the time? More to the point, I just didn't trust anything EA said and thought they were lying. I don't think they were lying anymore. I was wrong.

    I wonder, does that mean that far fewer people hated them than we thought, for their business practices? I mean, we've seen years of steady profits for EA, it's not as though they've lost a ton of business...

    I'm curious what other Lemmings thoughts are on this. I just kind of had a bit of an epiphany about it recently and came back around to thoughts on the subject because of (sigh) how awful everything is.

    dingus Hot Saucerman


    Situationists never die, they're just remixed.

    Have you heard of Monsieur Guy Debord?

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