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Brave to end 'Strict' fingerprinting protection as it breaks websites
  • Please don’t tell me you wear adidas (founded by a Nazi), or drive a Ford (made by an antisemite), or listen to Wagner, (a racist), or drive a Volkswagen, or play Minecraft, or use wix, or eat at Chick-fil-A, or…etc etc

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • The comment doesn’t contradict itself. It explains the importance of relationships with coworkers, and then establishes common ground with you as a fellow introvert who works from home. They never claimed to be chatting it up in the office.

    My advice to answer your question is to keep up this exact attitude, though.

  • Whats your such opinion
  • Many of penguinz0’s videos on YouTube are anecdotal case studies of the “brain rot” brought on by tik tok and by other “jangling keys” media like YouTube shorts.

  • Spending a few days with Hyprland made me realize how awesome Gnome is
  • Everything you said is true, though I feel it’s ultimately a comparison between apples and oranges. Hyprland is awesome because it’s a tiling window manager that you can configure to your most niche desires. Gnome is awesome because it’s a comprehensive desktop environment that sets everything up for you.

  • Project 2024
  • Unite under the common understanding that neither democrats NOR republicans are fit to hold office

    I hope the 2024 election is not another decision between Trump and Biden. When George Washington finally stepped down as President, his final words of caution were to avoid political parties, because, as he put it

    [parties] serve always to distract the public councils and enfeeble the public administration. It agitates the community with ill-founded jealousies and false alarms, kindles the animosity of one part against another, foments occasionally riot and insurrection.

    I wish that we did not have such a polarized 2-party system in the US. It’s hard to find a system that reduces political strategizing while encouraging democracy, so I find this document interesting.

  • I was permanently banned from r/usa for advocating for public transit

    Submitted a post to r/usa advocating for more public transportation, bikability, walkability, and urbanity in general.

    What irony be this, that in my earnest endeavor to illuminate the virtues of civility, my words were misconstrued as mere jest, my wit mistaken for malice. How swiftly the great reddit mods strike, casting me into the shadows of banishment. My intent was pure, my purpose noble, yet my words lost their essence, I was reduced to but a troll. They called me a troll! Oh, the indignity! A troll they called me!

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