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trans and nonbinary people (and cis if you apply!), how did you pick your name?
  • My name (Diamond) mostly came from my username. I used to be more active talking on Discord, so a lot of my friends would call me based on my username. It was weird at first, but I got used to it! Some people found it surprising, but the reactions aren't too bad.

  • Missing CORS prevents third-party web clients
  • Huh, interesting. It seems that a WS connection to wss:// works, but not wss:// I remember reading somewhere that the WS API will eventually be removed, though.

    I'll continue development w/ the REST API until I feel like it's in a mostly-working state, and then I'll probably subject myself to the WS API after. Working with the REST API does feel a lot easier.

  • Missing CORS prevents third-party web clients
  • Websocket handshakes are done over HTTP. The endpoint for Beehaw's WS API would be wss://, so it's still going to use the same CORS policies as accessing the / (root) path.

  • Missing CORS prevents third-party web clients

    Hey Beehaw mods!

    I'm currently working on a Lemmy web client, but the lack of proper CORS headers is preventing anything from working :(

    I just wanted to ask if the appropriate CORS headers could be added to the front-facing proxy layer. If you're using Caddy, I believe something like this should do the trick:

    reverse_proxy ... { header_down Access-Control-Allow-Origin * header_down Access-Control-Allow-Methods * header_down Access-Control-Allow-Headers * }

    Relevant issue:

    diamond diamond (she/they)

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