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Trump’s Truth Social is now a public company. Experts warn its multibillion-dollar valuation defies logic | CNN Business
  • You can bet that WSB will have rocket emoji galore. One will drive up the other.

  • Trump’s Truth Social is now a public company. Experts warn its multibillion-dollar valuation defies logic | CNN Business
  • As tempting as that might be in the real world, in the financial world - this would be an expensive move, the most expensive short there is right now. Nearly all the available DJT stock was sold short but that has cost those people millions already.

    Trump Media Is Now the Most Expensive US Stock to Bet Against. His theatrics are literally all that is driving the stock up because, on paper, it should be an obvious losing hand.

  • Occupational fulfillment
  • Mars One received over 200,000 applications for a one-way ticket to Mars & raised money way too easily, before going bankrupt.

  • I wonder why I dont get invited to parties anymore.
  • I remembered that Cuban was on record for saying & doing this & that link was the easiest to source from because so many people know who he is. I wanted to highlight the deed itself. More recently, was the open letter written by over 250 billionaires & multi-millionaires pleading to be taxed more than they currently are.
    As you say, you know it's almost pitchfork levels when the letter, which was read at WEF in Davos, says

    “Our request is simple: we ask you to tax us, the very richest in society. This will not fundamentally alter our standard of living, nor deprive our children, nor harm our nations’ economic growth. But it will turn extreme and unproductive private wealth into an investment for our common democratic future.”

    According to the article, "Imposing a 2% tax on the world’s billionaires alone would raise almost $250 billion annually"
    Question is, why are governments so reluctant to grant them this?

  • I wonder why I dont get invited to parties anymore.
  • Mark Cuban put his money where his mouth is. He made 300 millionaires out of the 330 employees in one of his earlier companies by giving them stock ownership.
    Workers paid by the hour are ‘always going to fall behind, - Cuban

  • Windows 10 and its shortage of "Never shove this screen in my face again" buttons
  • Pop-Os is a good fit if you're already familiar with Debian & do light gaming - especially on NVIDIA cards. It just works.

  • Dutch firm Meatable can turn pig stem cells into sausages 60 times faster than farmers can rear pigs.
  • We could let the pigs run the farm, then document what happens.

  • Kyle Rittenhouse storms off stage after being confronted by students
  • Leave the kids alone, they have enough to deal with just trying to learn & not get shot by deranged, gun-toting nuts.
    Get a website if you want to promote politics.
    Politicians should be making sure school kids get teachers who are paid well & the kids have school lunches.

  • Kyle Rittenhouse storms off stage after being confronted by students
  • Politicians should be making sure school kids get lunches & universities have access to books, funding & debt relief. Get a website if you want to promote politics, leave the kids alone, they have enough just trying to learn & not get shot by deranged, gun-toting nuts.

  • “Desperate” Trump’s inability to get fraud bond makes him “massive national security risk,” Dem says
  • As the GOP nominee he will begin to receive some intelligence briefings even before the elections, as early as July. It was recently reported that the White House, caught in a "damned if you damned if you don't scenario" that is synonymous with Trump, sided to go with tradition & allow Trump access to these, even while he fights a classified documents mishandling case in court. This wouldn't make any sense in a Jack Ryan novel & yet ...

  • Still Unable to Post Bond, Trump Has Most Crazed Meltdown Yet
  • The last time a guy wrote about his "life's struggles" in jail, not long after a failed coup, things didn't turn out so good for us. Lets not give this magalomaniac any more ideas or access to writing materials if he ever sees the inside of a jail cell.

  • Voters don’t have a clue about how much worse Trump’s second term would be
  • Soothsayer: "Beware the Ides of March"
    ... many moments later
    Caesar: "Well, the Ides of March are come..."
    Soothsayer: Aye, Caesar, but not gone"

    Incidentally, the 15th of March, today, is the Ides of March.

  • Donald Trump Loses London Case Against Ex-MI6 Spy Over Kremlin Dossier
  • He should have been stopped by the Meuller Report. So many things, like an insurrection for example, should have made him ineligible for office. It is getting harder to put this all on Trump - people are enabling this. That he still has supporters is beginning to say more about them than it does Trump - we already know who he is.

  • Former CEO of Google has been quietly working on a military startup for “suicide” attack drones.
  • This thought experiment might explain the downvotes: "Making weapons is not evil", may be technically correct; however, nations start wars with weapons. Therefore, where is the easier, most effective & thoroughly conclusive place to stop evil - the battlefield, the factory or the mind?

  • X may lose up to $75 mln by year-end on advertiser exodus - NYT
  • I doubt this is lost on Elon, as much of Africa was sold off to colonisers on treaties signed with an X.

  • Spread Kindness ❤️
  • It bugs me that I need another me to make a meme.

    i = "me"
    print(i + i)
  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • You're partly right, it is not about ads. It is about the integrated control of your camera, your media & other peripherals/software/data by Cortana - which rings home all day long - all from behind closed source software which does who-knows-what with the information it gathers.

  • demosthememes Demosthememes


    Language is memetic.

    I'm on 🅼🅰🆃🆁🅸🆇 dot org

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