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Why are Republicans/Conservatives embracing fanaticalism these days?
  • It helps them ignore actually doing good things for their constituents. Identity politics is what fascists use to work voters into a frenzy to manipulate them into voting for them in order to sneak extreme corporatism into office.

  • Should jonringer just fork nixos? RingOS?
  • “You’re wrong” proceeds to not correct anything OP wrote.

  • We Need To Stop OpenAI
  • Broken clocks and all that…

  • Raspberry Pi is now a public company
  • Much like the fediverse, we’re very early on that technology. We’re waiting for the network effect to take hold in both areas. Once it does, things will improve significantly, IMO.

  • Raspberry Pi is now a public company
  • Amen. I’d love to see Home Assistant start using it. I’m not holding out hope, though, because the guy behind Home Assistant is actively hostile.

  • Raspberry Pi is now a public company
  • RISC-V is an open instruction set, which should be what the Pi foundation (if their open source mission is to be taken at face value) would be switching to if they weren’t just a way for Broadcom to push their chips on the maker community under the guise of open source. proprietary architectures such as,the evolving landscape of computing.

    RISC-V, an open-source instruction set architecture (ISA), has been making waves in the world of computer architecture. “RISC-V” stands for Reduced Instruction Set Computing (RISC) and the “V” represents the fifth version of the RISC architecture. Unlike proprietary architectures such as ARM and x86, RISC-V is an open standard, allowing anyone to implement it without the need for licensing fees. This openness has led to a surge in interest and adoption across various industries, making RISC-V a key player in the evolving landscape of computing. At its core, an instruction set architecture defines the interface between software and hardware, dictating how a processor executes instructions. RISC-V follows the principles of RISC, emphasizing simplicity and efficiency in instruction execution. This simplicity facilitates easier chip design, reduces complexity, and allows for more straightforward optimization of hardware and software interactions. This stands in contrast to Complex Instruction Set Computing (CISC) architectures, which have more elaborate and versatile instructions, often resulting in more complex hardware designs. The open nature of RISC-V is one of its most significant strengths. The ISA is maintained by the RISC-V Foundation, a non-profit organization that oversees its development and evolution. The RISC-V Foundation owns, maintains, and publishes the RISC-V Instruction Set Architecture (ISA), an open standard for processor design. The RISC-V Foundation was founded in 2015 and comprises more than 200 members from various sectors of the industry and academia.

  • Work begins on Boston's Boylston Street bike, bus lane project
  • Inb4 someone gaslights me about the traffic that I sit in every single day because the mayor decided to close down 2/3 of all lanes because some policy “wonk” decided that it’s better to punish people rather than do something to address the traffic problem.

    Inb4 someone pipes in with, “well actually, statistics say that there’s less traffic than there was before, sweaty.”

  • What's the dumbest blockbuster movie you have seen that somehow received high praise?
  • I disagree entirely. Jackie Brown is actually my favorite Tarantino film.

    Tasteful and interesting.

  • Raspberry Pi is now a public company
  • They’ve been declining for years. It’s time the community ditched them for RISC-V machines.

  • Why we gave up on learning how to play an instrument?
  • Reading your replies to comments here, it’s definitely your attitude that prevented you from learning guitar. Put it down and learn piano or keyboard. However, this time, try to somehow have a positive outlook.

  • Tuning keys upgrade recommendation?
  • Gotoh SGL510Z MG-T XN EL5 height for Low E and high E: 21.5mm shaft height for A and B strings: 20mm shaft height for D and G strings: 18.5mm shaft

  • What's your take on Cassavetes?
  • He was a brilliant filmmaker. I once got to talk with Frederick Elmes about shooting “The Killing of a Chinese Bookie”. He said, “I’d shoot it very differently today. I was so young then that I hadn’t yet developed a style.”

  • I wrote a bash dependency checker
  • Wanted to perhaps introduce you to using nix along with direnv and flakes to make your dependencies declarative rather than determined by factors beyond your control.

    In my bash scripts, I often create a .envrc file that points to my flake and sits alongside the bash file. Then, when I navigate into the directory of the script/project, I can make direnv and nix automatically load all dependencies (which virtually guarantees them eliminating the need to check for them).

  • A baseline scrapscript compiler
  • Looks to be heavily influenced by Unison. Personally, if this language can be a lightweight Haskell that has Unison-like features and can be used anywhere I’d have used Purescript, I’m really excited to see this gain popularity because Purescript has had major issues lately and I’m looking for something that can offer similar features without that headache.

  • A lot of dependence on Github
  • I agree but this is the state of the nix world right now. Perhaps flakehub can help?

  • [Sway] Oxocarbon - My humble and stable Workhorse
  • Yup.

    I’ve been considering making an open source clone in Typescript since it won’t allow you to use imported text without making you pay.

  • Removed Deleted
    Anker launches new KVM Switch for desktop and laptop
  • Why are we seeing this ad?

  • Adam McCullough - Monad Transformers for the Easily Confused - LambdaConf ‘18

    After listening to this highly informative talk, I switched my message alert sound to Adam’s exasperated sigh, adeptly showcased throughout the talk. 🤌🏽

    CYNIC - Focus "Uroboric Forms" Sean Reinert Drum Tracks

    > Here's a fun clip of us listening back to my final drum tracks to make sure we can move on to recording guitars and bass. We're inside the control room of studio B at Morrisound Studios....blast from the past!

    Sean Malone Tribute - The Bass Odyssey

    > Hi everyone. Here is a video i made in memory of the great Sean Malone who passed away recently. I Tried to make a Solo Collection of his work and to compil bass epic moments from his discography. I'm pretty sure that i've forgotten some other things, but i think it's enough to resume his career and beautiful talent. I Made this video as a remembrance of him: Sean we'll never forget your Amazing creativity. > > We love you so much. Rest In Eternal Peace. > > Track List : > > - 00 - 0:18, Cynic - Sentiment - Focus > - 0:18 - 0:46, Cynic - Textures - Focus > - 0:47 - 0:58, Sean malone - Controversy - Cortlandt > - 0:58 - 2: 14, Sean Malone - Controversy - Cortlandt > - 2:15 - 3:15, Sean Malone - Splinter - Cortlandt > - 3:16 - 3:54, Sean Malone - Hands Full Of Earth - Cortlandt > - 3:54 - 4:13, Aghora - Kali Yuga - Aghora > - 4:14 - 4:22, Aghora - Frames - Aghora > - 4:22 - 4:38, Aghora - Frames - Aghora > - 4:38 - 4: 58, Gordian Knot - Rivers Dancing - Gordian Knot > - 4:58 - 6:40, Gordian Knot - Unquity Road - Gordian Knot > - 6:40 - 7:29, Gordian Knot - Rythm Section from track Singing Deep Mountain - Emergent > - 7:33 - 7:50, Gordian Knot - Some Brighter Thing - Emergent > - 7:50 - 09:20, Gordian Knot - Singing Deep Mountain - Emergent > - 09:20 - 10:08, Gordian Knot - The Brook The Ocean - Emergent > - 10:08 - 10:46, Gordian Knot - Surround Me - Emergent > - 10:46 - 11:01, Anomaly - Art Of War - Anomaly > - 11:01 - 11:48, Spastic Ink - In Memory of - Ink Compatible

    Cynic – Focus (Full Album) [Official Audio]

    > Cynic - 'Focus' (1993) > The brilliant debut album from Florida’s Cynic, turns 30 in 2023. After years of forging a path in the death metal world, Cynic pushed every imaginable boundary to fuse their love of DM, fusion, prog and jazz, into one brilliant offering that altered the course of heavy music.

    mirrors here:

    Fragments - Unattended Generative Modular Ambient // 4 Hour Relaxation - Fragments - Unattended Generative Modular Ambient // 4 Hour Relaxation

    "Art is how we decorate space, music is how we decorate time.”—Jean-Michel Basquiat(thanks José Fonseca, I'd never seen that quote before!)Listen to this tra...

    - Fragments - Unattended Generative Modular Ambient // 4 Hour Relaxation

    > "Art is how we decorate space, music is how we decorate time.”—Jean-Michel Basquiat(thanks José Fonseca, I'd never seen that quote before!)Listen to this tra...

    Lambda Calculus vs. Turing Machines (Theory of Computation)

    > Advait Shinde discusses the history of the theory of computation, delving into axiomatic thinking, Peano axioms, Turing Machines, Lambda Calculus, the Y Comb...

    Verifiable Random Functions

    cross-posted from:

    > Verifiable Random Functions

    PureScript demesisx
    Purus: Purescript -> UPLC | POA #1

    cross-posted from:

    > Purus: Purescript -> UPLC | POA #1

    Can We Nixify Lemmy's Dev Environment?

    cross-posted from:

    I had the (perhaps foolishly ambitious) idea of creating a rolling fork of Lemmy with the intent of modifying the codebase for use in an open source pub sub implementation of retail inventory. But I have to get standard Lemmy working first...and I like to use Nix for everything I do in the dev world (where feasible).

    So, I forked the repo and was immediately brought into dev environment hell.

    They only offer a choice between:

    A.) Docker B.) Ansible C.) Building from scratch.

    Two hours of fighting with the scratch build instructions and I eventually had to admit defeat due to some vague dependencies (and general malaise). Though I have completely flakified my Purescript and Haskell dev environments, I have found Rust to be a lot more challenging even on simple projects.

    Anyway, I decided to come here to ask: **How easy would it be to flakify the Lemmy repo to add a fourth build option for those of us in the Nix world? **

    Can I reference the build instructions from nixpkgs to get close to my intended goal? I need all of the help I can get. Be as pedantic or defeatist as you will. I currently have no skin in this game and merely want to help the Lemmy devs welcome people that are more nixy like myself (if nothing else).

    Can We Nixify Lemmy's Dev Environment?

    How easy would it be to flakify the Lemmy repo to add a fourth build option for those of us in the Nix world?

    I had the (perhaps foolishly ambitious) idea of creating a rolling fork of Lemmy with the intent of modifying the codebase for use in an open source pub sub implementation of retail inventory. But I have to get standard Lemmy working first...and I like to use Nix for everything I do in the dev world (where feasible).

    So, I forked the repo and was immediately brought into dev environment hell.

    They only offer a choice between:

    A.) Docker B.) Ansible C.) Building from scratch.

    Two hours of fighting with the scratch build instructions and I eventually had to admit defeat due to some vague dependencies (and general malaise). Though I have completely flakified my Purescript and Haskell dev environments, I have found Rust to be a lot more challenging even on simple projects.

    Anyway, I decided to come here to ask: **How easy would it be to flakify the Lemmy repo to add a fourth build option for those of us in the Nix world? **

    Can I reference the build instructions from nixpkgs to get close to my intended goal? I need all of the help I can get. Be as pedantic or defeatist as you will. I currently have no skin in this game and merely want to help the Lemmy devs welcome people that are more nixy like myself (if nothing else).


    edit: here's a naive attempt. I haven't tested anything other than it being a valid flake. Here's the link to my rolling flakification fork.

    ``` { inputs = { nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable"; flake-parts.url = "github:hercules-ci/flake-parts"; systems.url = "github:nix-systems/default";

    # Dev tools treefmt-nix.url = "github:numtide/treefmt-nix"; };

    outputs = inputs: inputs.flake-parts.lib.mkFlake { inherit inputs; } { systems = import; imports = [ inputs.treefmt-nix.flakeModule ]; perSystem = { config, self', pkgs, lib, system, ... }: let cargoToml = builtins.fromTOML (builtins.readFile ./Cargo.toml); nonRustDeps = [ pkgs.libiconv # Derived from Documentation on Dev installation for Linux pkgs.cacert pkgs.postgresql pkgs.openssl pkgs.pkg-config pkgs.libpqxx ]; rust-toolchain = pkgs.symlinkJoin { name = "rust-toolchain"; paths = [ pkgs.rustc pkgs.cargo pkgs.cargo-watch pkgs.rust-analyzer pkgs.rustPlatform.rustcSrc pkgs.cacert pkgs.postgresql pkgs.openssl pkgs.pkg-config pkgs.libpqxx ]; }; in { # Rust package packages.default = pkgs.rustPlatform.buildRustPackage { inherit (cargoToml.package) name version; src = ./.; cargoLock.lockFile = ./Cargo.lock; };

    # Rust dev environment devShells.default = pkgs.mkShell { inputsFrom = [ ]; shellHook = '' # For rust-analyzer 'hover' tooltips to work. export RUST_SRC_PATH=${pkgs.rustPlatform.rustLibSrc} export CARGO_PROFILE_DEV_BUILD_OVERRIDE_DEBUG=true

    echo echo "🍎🍎 Run 'just <recipe>' to get started" just ''; buildInputs = nonRustDeps; nativeBuildInputs = with pkgs; [ just rust-toolchain ]; RUST_BACKTRACE = 1; };

    # Add your auto-formatters here. # cf. treefmt.config = { projectRootFile = "flake.nix"; programs = { nixpkgs-fmt.enable = true; rustfmt.enable = true; }; }; }; }; } and here's[ the lemmy-ui flake]( (which, judging by past forays into tsc with nix last summer, should be a lot easier to create and work with than the Rust library): { inputs = { nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixpkgs-unstable"; systems.url = "github:nix-systems/default"; };

    outputs = { systems, nixpkgs, ... } @ inputs: let eachSystem = f: nixpkgs.lib.genAttrs (import systems) ( system: f nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${system} ); in { devShells = eachSystem (pkgs: { default = pkgs.mkShell { buildInputs = [ pkgs.nodejs # You can set the major version of Node.js to a specific one instead # of the default version # pkgs.nodejs-19_x

    # You can choose pnpm, yarn, or none (npm). pkgs.nodePackages.pnpm # pkgs.yarn

    pkgs.nodePackages.typescript pkgs.nodePackages.typescript-language-server ]; }; }); }; } ```

    Gigs - live music events past, present or future demesisx
    King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - Full Performance (Live on KEXP)

    http://KEXP.ORG presents King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard performing live in the KEXP studio. Recorded August 18, 2019.Songs:Mars For The RichVenusian 1Perih...

    Julian Lage - Emily (Johnny Mandel Cover)

    Here’s the piped link for those that don’t want to be interrupted with ads:

    State of Cardano Q4 2023

    Key Insights:

    • Cardano’s TVL increased 166% QoQ and 693% YoY. Cardano’s TVL ranking increased from 34th at the beginning of 2023 to 11th.

    • Cardano’s stablecoin value increased 37% QoQ and 673% YoY. iUSD remained the market cap leader, but alternative solutions such as USDM are approaching mainnet.

    • ADA’s price increased 127.2% QoQ, outpacing the overall crypto market’s increase of 53.8%.

    • The specifications for Midnight were released, such as the use of Substrate. Midnight is a data-protection-focused partner chain/sidechain.

    • Core infrastructure — such as SanchoNet, Hydra, and Mithril — continued development and testing.

    demesisx demesisx

    Plutus, Haskell, Nix, Purescript, Swift/Kotlin. laser-focused on FP: formality, purity, and totality; repulsed by pragmatic, unsafe, "move fast and break things" approaches


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