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Hey. At least I'm housebroken.
  • I'm going to take a wild guess and say "bowling alley bathroom."

    Johnny, tell me what I've won!

  • das bagel
  • [German comedian on stage] - I just flew in from Zurich and boy are my arms tired.

    [Audience] - Cough.

  • This is a real threat :(
  • I think Neo was just making a joke about the two of you being husband and wife and discussing the issue here instead of IRL.

  • Everything must be a subscription service
  • Just let it flow for a minute or two to reduce the intake of those nasty hose chemicals.

  • Everything must be a subscription service
  • It is the app that makes them the sweet money. It will scrape your device for useful information (which you agreed was a-okay in the TOS simply by installing) and then sell that data multiple times over. This is why companies want an app for every damn thing.

  • Gen Xer here that does not share your co-worker's moronic view. Lock him up!

  • A cool guide The Decline of the Simpsons
  • A bit sad, yes. However, this image does somewhat validate my decision to stop watching after season 13. When the DVDs were selling, I bought up to that season as well. This image is also missing seasons 32-35 which looks like there are some better rated episodes. I am sure there are funny bits in the later seasons, but I am not really interested anymore.

  • The glass is half empty in the Goldilocks zone.
  • Sadly, I'll miss this one, but I was in the middle of Oregon during that total eclipse. Eerie is one way to put it, but I would say it provides somewhat of an existential experience having the moon fully interrupt the light of our star. The birds go quiet, the temperature drops and a twilight surrounds you whilst still being able to see sunlight off in the distance. I spent time using my camera for a moment or two, but really wanted to fully experience it at the same time. It involved a long time without sleep, but I am very happy I made the journey.

  • I found it! The manual! I'm not sure it's helping me though...
  • Just wanted to say we have one in our yard that has been there for almost 20-years. Previous owner left it to rot. I moved it close to some wild hops and they are covering it completely after two years. Still standing!

  • SCOTUS is making major decisions based on outright lies
  • The fact that this scenario literally never happened didn’t stop the Supreme Court from ruling to strip protections away from the LGBTQ community.

    They did the same thing with the praying football coach. Ruling on the lies as facts in the case even after they were refuted. Actions suited for a kangaroo court. How shameful.

    "Under the real facts of Kennedy’s case, Kennedy violated the Constitution.

    The Lemon case, which the Court overruled in Kennedy, held that the government’s actions “must have a secular legislative purpose,” that their “principal or primary effect must be one that neither advances nor inhibits religion,” and that the government may not “foster ‘an excessive government entanglement with religion.’”

    A public school official conducting a very public prayer during the course of his official duties as a government employee clearly violates this Lemon test."

  • Apple co-founder Wozniak suffers possible stroke in Mexico -local media
  • A story I like about him is that he used to get money in sheets from the US Treasury. All still legal tender and you can do this too. He’d tear off a bill and hand it to whomever he was paying and they would be confused.

    So yah, he seems like my kind of guy.

  • Finally!
  • Fookin floaters!

  • North America before illegal immigration
  • Very interesting, thank you! They also have an app which is nice.

  • He's not wrong... (cooperlit comics)
  • No knee slapper, but I had a chuckle.

  • The hardest workers get the smallest pay.
  • I had a chuckle at “gullible wing doors”.

  • Windows 12 May Require a Subscription
  • Here is an interesting link that a user can answer questions to refine Linux distro choices:

  • Windows 12 May Require a Subscription
  • I was thinking, "Wait...what...?" But there it is:

  • A professional
  • Imagine the lawsuits...

    You probably need to watch "Don't Hug Me I'm Scared". That should entertain you as it did me.

  • deadsenator deadsenator
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