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All the ways streaming services are aggravating their subscribers this week
  • Netflix is a public company, you can just go look at how wrong you are about this.

    They took in $9.3 billion in Q1 2024, and spent $702 million on "technology" and $3.7 billion on adding "content assets"

    Their net profit was $2.3 billion, for one quarter. They could afford to just charge less money, but the line must go up.

  • Enter samd man
  • Megadeth is a wonderful band, and even their best albums have some downright terrible lyrics.

    I mean, Psychotron is an excellent song, but there's no defending the lyrics.

  • Centralia, Pennsylvania
  • I detoured through here on a road trip one time, the town was just kind of abandoned but didn't look too weird, but I just happened to get stuck in one of the worst thunderstorms I've ever been in as I was leaving. That's my overriding memory of the place.

  • How does data sent over the internet know where to go?
  • There are things called routers that...route traffic. A dumbed down version is routers talk to other routers to find out what they know about.

    If a game server you connect to matches you with someone in Japan, your computer sends a packet with the address in Japan attached to it. Your home router probably has no clue where that is, so it goes to its upstream router and asks if they know, this process repeats until one figures it out and you get a route.

    This all happens very quickly, and it's why people say the Internet routes around damage.

  • Open Links in Private/Incognito Mode?

    Is there a way to open external links in private mode by default?

    I am on Android with Firefox, and there's no way to copy the links out of a post, so it opens in the "powered by Firefox" half browser thing, and id rather open every link in private mode, or have the option to long-press and copy.


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