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Shamrock Shake
  • Mint is lame. I would be down for pistachio

  • Chekhov's gun
  • There are some times that readers may be frustrated by an item not being put to use later in the story, such as a red herring in a mystery. But like you noted, the real world is full of red herrings, so it can be used to great artistic effect!

  • Mozilla launches privacy friendly AI addon called "Orbit"
  • They said they'd open source Pocket and they didn't. In fact, they've simply allowed it to rot and just removed features. So here I think the skepticism is warranted.

  • Deleted
    Axolotl (pronounced ah-shollotɬ)
  • They invented the word. Colonial folks moved in. I'm gonna let Nahuatl speakers tell me what's right. It's not pedantry. It's not irrelevant. You're not going to change my mind. Deal with it!

  • Deleted
    Axolotl (pronounced ah-shollotɬ)
  • No, but I think you're a little defensive about it. That's ok. Have a good day.

  • Deleted
    Axolotl (pronounced ah-shollotɬ)
  • I learned the correct way from some stumbling on some Nahuatl speakers. Why would you 'disagree' that it's pronounced the way I mentioned? I didn't say the other way was incorrect (though I thought most people would be interested to hear the original way)

  • Deleted
    Axolotl (pronounced ah-shollotɬ)
  • Why not pronounce it the right way?

  • Musk’s plan to axe X's block button is a real win for stalkers and abusers.
  • I agree that X is enemy territory now, but in a world where billionaires can buy up all the major means of communication, it doesn't feel like enough to just close up our accounts and move on. They can follow us wherever our accounts go and buy platforms out from under us. Lemmy and Mastodon are slightly better as open decentralized platforms, but they still could be attacked by Musk if he had the initiative to.

  • Shrinkflation
  • It's all so underhanded and exhausting to keep track of whether we're getting ripped off

  • Here are the silliest Android phone features of all time
  • I found it annoying on my Note 20 because that space was mostly lost for using the pen. Glad to have gained that real estate back for writing on the S24 Ultra

  • Google TV Streamer review: The new 'big hub' of your home
  • I use Flauncher. It works pretty well and is a simple grid of icons. With some ADB commands it can be set as default, which I did on my Shield

  • Android 15 update blocks old notification noise — finally, some peace!
  • When I'm traveling and my tablet reconnects to wifi, I get a surge of vibrations. So the combo of notification sync and this feature sounds like it will finally solve that problem!

  • Anurognathus
  • I just think they're neat

  • Whiskers
  • Street Fighter villain saying yes yes

  • Whiskers

    My favorite part is that the movement of whiskers is called "whisking"

    Ford Chairman & CEO Jim Farley Wakes After Decade-long Nap, Shocked By China's EVs - CleanTechnica
  • It was crazy visiting China last year. The EVs that everyday people are driving feel so polished and futuristic in many ways.

  • What the heck is wrong with my succulent?
  • The leaves look like they're shriveling. I also see some aerial roots. That could either be a sign of not enough water, or too much, leading to the roots dying and the plant dropping leaves out of stress. I would gradually expose it to more light as well as it looks etiolated. So I would put it in a full sized real pot with good drainage so that it has a nice, regular amount of water delivery, and the greater light will ensure it can use that water adequately (and not get root rot)

  • Mozilla is a sinking ship.
  • Thinking before they adopt is hard to do. I understand some experiments get cut. But I'm not sure they are thinking even after they adopt. Thus the half-assed delivery and constantly abandoning projects before they get a fair shake

  • Toast sandwich
  • Beans on toast I can do. This is too much for me

  • dantheclamman dantheclamman
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