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Prominent Android manufacturers commit to supporting phone software for 7 years
  • I agree, from a user point of view, however from Google's point of view guys only job is to make money for the company, which he seems to be doing.

    Android has been left to languish and especially the mid range and budget segment. Google had let OEM's use the largest sales market to keep selling junk low spec phones year after year with the same specs and no meaningful improvements. If you wanna really great cameras or wireless charging, your only choice is to buy a premium device. That locks out billions of people from having a great Android experience.

    Even the premium segment hasn't seen that much improvement from Google. It's basically only Samsung who are pushing things forward through OneUI and through hardware Innovations like folding phones and zoom cameras to make the experience better.

    I for one am tired of it and have decided that my next phone is an iPhone. For the same price as an A55 I can get a brand new iPhone 12 or for less I can get a refurbished model and have far superior cameras than any Android below €750 as well as years of OS updates and enjoy all the great user features Apple has added to iOS recently.

    The last iPhone I had was the 7 and it was ok but my S7 Edge was better. I've been on Android since then but now iPhone has finally made some great improvements in both hardware and software which I think should offer me a better experience than budget Android.

  • Prominent Android manufacturers commit to supporting phone software for 7 years
  • The article says "manufacturers" but then only mentions Samsung in the article....

    Not exactly a surprise tbh because they have to compete with iPhone. And I bet it's only for flagship devices. I can't see the budget devices getting this.

  • Taking your ideas for my next linux app
  • I'll take a look at that. Thanks

  • Taking your ideas for my next linux app
  • I must try that. Thanks

  • Taking your ideas for my next linux app

    Implement a wireless file transfer protocol that works with Apple's Airdrop and Android's Quick Share.

    In other words Airdrop for Linux that works with both iOS and Android.

    1. Create a software tool with UI that allows syncing of a phone with Linux to copy over photos, documents, music etc.

    Must work with ios and android

  • Linux Mint looks to fork more GNOME Apps because of libAdwaita
  • It's not a conspiracy. All I was saying is that by breaking backwards compatibility downstream either has to comply or find another way.

    As another commentor has mentioned, gnome did actually inform downstream a good while back but downstream did not engage, so gnome obviously proceeded with their own project how they saw fit. Which is the right way of course.

    Downstream should have tried to engage and perhaps found a good work around but sadly didn't.

    So they'll have to work it out now by themselves.

  • Linux Mint looks to fork more GNOME Apps because of libAdwaita
  • From what others have replied, this seems to be an old issue and it seems Gnome was actually in the right.

    I wasn't aware of that history. Here's the reply that helped straighten it out:

  • Linux Mint looks to fork more GNOME Apps because of libAdwaita
  • Indeed.

    Someone else replied to me with fantastic context I want aware of.

    Here's their reply:

    It seems Gnome did try to work with downstream but the engagement wasn't there.

  • Linux Mint looks to fork more GNOME Apps because of libAdwaita
  • Thank you for that context. I was unaware of that.

    I certainly get your point. If downstream won't engage constructively then upstream is free to do what they feel is right.

  • Linux Mint looks to fork more GNOME Apps because of libAdwaita
  • Who said anything about a conspiracy? I'm just saying they may be acting selfishly and it couldn't hurt to speak to other parties who they know use their code, to discuss how it will impact them.

  • Linux Mint looks to fork more GNOME Apps because of libAdwaita
  • Gnome Foundation likes to think of themselves as the pioneer in DE's and the default choice for Linux. Which was true for a long time. Cinnamon and Mate run Gnome, for example. I'm not sure about XFCE.

    If you're THE leading DE project at least try to accommodate those DE's that depend on your code or meet with them to inform them well in advance and discuss the best options for those DE's.

    In other words, work together for the good of all users instead of doing your own little thing in the corner and leave the others to deal with the mess you made....

  • Linux Mint looks to fork more GNOME Apps because of libAdwaita
  • No. It's deliberately breaking backwards compatibility to force other projects that use that code to either look bland like Gnome or stop making their DE's.

    That's bad for FLOSS and Linux users

  • What would an ENSH*TTIFIED Linux distro look like? [video]
  • Purposely breaking backwards compatibility knowing full well that other FLOSS DE's rely on it is enshitification of the worst kind.

    We all lose in the end.

  • Linux Mint looks to fork more GNOME Apps because of libAdwaita
  • The enshitification of Gnome continues until it be it's own little isolated thing and previous gnome code will have to be forked to make progress that users actually want.

    That will probably go for gnome apps eventually. The Mint guys might have to rewrite all the bloody apps to work with gnome 3....🤦

  • What would an ENSH*TTIFIED Linux distro look like? [video]
  • To quote Clem, head of Linux Mint: "At a time where GNOME applications are less and less designed to work anywhere else than in GNOME, a project like XApp is extremely important."

    Libaidwata breaks backward compatibility with older gnome versions and amongst other things doesn't allow theming natively, so the Cinnamon team are going to have to fork off and maintain the older code which works so they can continue to have theming and stuff with Gnome apps.

    Gnome seem to like doing the opposite of the Linux philosophy which says interoperability should always be a priority so that the code can be shared as freely as possible.

    I can't tell whether they are stupid or lazy over at Gnome. It's not enough to strip the DE down to nothing but now even the code that worked with previous, gnome still widely used, is being dumped.

    They are a little island unto themselves.

  • What would an ENSH*TTIFIED Linux distro look like? [video]
  • We have this already. It's called Ubuntu + Gnome

  • Windows 11 just isn't enticing Windows 10 users to upgrade, and its market share is actually falling
  • I use Linux at home exclusively (Linux Mint Debian Edition).

    Don't need Windows for anything but when I worked Enterprise IT the move to Windows 10 was a massive pain but we finally got it working and it wasn't too bad as an OS. There is no reason why you'd want to upgrade.

    As for home users, from my experience people don't like change. If you move a single shortcut on the desktop , they are lost and panic .

    So changing the entire look of the UI is not something people want. Plus Windows 10 auto update borked some windows 7 systems so users with that memory won't be keen to repeat it by upgrading to 11.

  • Is Android increasingly inconsistent?
  • I've not had any such issues. Runs like a dream on my Xperia 10iii

  • Huawei's woes really were just a flesh wound – profits just soared 564 percent
  • No it's not that. Huawei has a very good name in China and new models sell out in minutes.

    Thanks to the US ban Huawei hands had to put a lot of work into making their own OS, ecosystem and CPU chips.

    And they've managed to pull it off. They have some very clever people working there.

  • Scam bitcoin Snap app! Exodus Bitcoin Wallet: $490K Swindle

    tl;dr: A Bitcoin investor was recently scammed out of 9 Bitcoin (worth around $490K) in a fake “Exodus wallet” desktop application for Linux, published in the Canonical Snap Store. This isn’t the first time, and if nothing changes, it likely won’t be the last. This post turned out longer than I expe...

    A Bitcoin investor was recently scammed out of 9 Bitcoin (worth around $490K) in a fake “Exodus wallet” desktop application for Linux, published in the Canonical Snap Store. This isn’t the first time; if nothing changes, it likely won’t be the last.

    Xperia 5 V - Bokeh mode field test

    Pro photographer Olle Nillson goes out on a forest stakeout to capture stunning bokeh shots of birds. The results are stunning.

    If you're interested in seeing how other Xperia models perform, check his other videos. Production value of off the charts.

    I promise you they are well worth your time.

    Linux Mint Debian Edition officially released

    LMDE 6 has been officially released. The big deal about this is that it's based on the recently released Debian 12 and also that being based on Debian LMDE is 100% community based.

    If you've been disappointed by what the Linux corporations have been doing lately or don't like the all-snap future that Ubuntu has opened, then this is the distro for you.

    I'm running it as my daily driver and it works exactly like the regular Mint so you don't lose anything. Clem and team have done a great job, even newbies could use Debian now.

    Personally I think LMDE is the future of Linux as Ubuntu goes it's own way, and this is a good thing for Mint and the Linux community. Let's get back to community distros and move away from the corps.

    EDIT: LMDE is 64bit only. There is no 32bit option.

    Offline Action/Arcade game recommendations

    I'm struggling to find good offline, preferably paid or with 1 time in app purchase, games for Android.

    All the popular ones just want to milk you on IAP. I prefer to make 1 payment and be done.

    I'm looking for something along the lines of Double Dragon but optimistised for modern screens. Some arcade action adventure with a story and progression.

    Can't find anything.

    danielfgom danielfgom
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