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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
3 wk. ago

  • It was mostly uneventful, to be honest. I downloaded the two apps (static admin and the php app), tossed them into /opt/www, and set up nginx to serve PHP. The config in the main app had a section for my Postgres settings and the docs gave the instructions on putting the default server configuration into the static site.

    The only challenge was actually rather silly: I don't use PHP so it took me a bit to understand why apt install php installed Apache when I had already installed nginx. Once I found php-fpm it was smooth sailing from there.

  • This maybe isn't for everyone but I de-dockerified Shlink pretty quickly. Moving it to two nginx vhosts (server and admin) on a Shlink LXC and a centralized Postgres server made dealing with it a lot easier.

    E.g., the initial API key shenanigans were less fiddly after I took more direct control.

  • Yep. But there's also a cross section of ages spewing propaganda. I mean, RFK Jr is ancient. He should remember the time of bloodletting yet here we are.

    And the misinformation campaign is oppressive. When my first born was at his 6 month (?) pediatrician appointment, the doctor started in on, "I'm required to inform you that vaccination is a personal and religious choice ..." I cut him off and said, "I believe in science" and I could see the immediate relief on his face. I don't know what he didn't have to say, but it surely wasn't good.

  • After a long career in tech, one of the things I start to push for when I inevitably take over ops at my new job is to eliminate the silly names.

    I don't do it because I hate fun, I do it because when someone yells, "Squirtle has dropped off the network!" I don't want to have to go consult a lookup table to learn that Squirtle is a staging environment postgres replica and not the primary billing database.

    As a result, I apply the same standards to my home network without shame.

  • I think the culture thing is actually also tenuous.

    IMHO, what we have is a society that doesn't actually respect or care for children in any meaningful way. We blame them for being children, fill their heads with increasingly toxic religious nonsense, and now we're teaching them that lies and hate speech are totally acceptable.

    So what if they see a Rambo movie? If anything it probably gave them a 90 minute respite from feeling worthless and abandoned.

  • Having read the transcript, no, he does not. There's absolutely no reason beyond "both sides" bullshit to connect the two. Unlike Kirk, he didn't go on hateful tirades about groomers, drag shows, or pedophiles.

    Having been disappointed by Newsom several times, what he did say in the podcast continues his disappointing trend and gives unacceptable levels of support to crazy conservative garbage thinking.

    You can think Newsom said something terrible without taking the opportunity to make Kirk seem like he isn't a hateful extremist.

  • What part of Warren staffer suggests a pullback from the left?

    That "cut" is based on the false premise established from the outset. Your timeline shows a person moving farther and farther away from centrism over time, yet, Politico is acting like they just elected James Carville.

  • I agree with that.. sort of. They also need to do loud centrist events. Because rags like Politico will 100% run articles saying, "Democrats double down on leftist policies that cost them the 2024 election" without a moment of hesitation.

    We know that the far right media gets its talking points from Russia. After watching their disingenuous takes and "anonymous insider" bullshit (e.g., Biden only running for one term was a Politico rumor) I'm convinced Politico is also intentionally sending misleading information into the public conversation.

  • Politico’s Lisa Kashinsky noted that Lau’s appointment was a sign that the party is “taking a stay-the-course approach to staffing despite the party’s losses in November.…

    Politico is not an honest participant in any political conversation anymore. Lamenting that a Warren staffer from 2020 is a long-time insider only serves to rile up people who are already predisposed to "corporate Democrats" bullshit.