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Trump Supporters Fly U.S. Flags Upside Down To Protest Guilty Verdict in New York
  • I flip US flags because fuck imperialism.

    They flip US flags because they are babies that bootlick.

    We are not the same.

  • You can't take it with you, but you can't leave it for someone else either: Valve says you aren't allowed to bequeath a Steam account in a will
  • Would be kind of funny to see the different stats that would change if a family was able to pass on the full account. Like maybe one child didn't give a fuck about games (outside of just signing in here and there to keep it alive and update stuff like email and security) and no other activity. But then their kid goes hard into games and see the gaps of time. There would be lots of accounts that may have super awkward stuff like hentai visual novels. lol. But seeing some stupid high amounts of achievements and total hours of play time would be neat.

    But not exactly shocking that these digital accounts would not have the ability to go much past your death. Unless we see the very deep change of all companies allowing people to remove a game and basically "gift" it. Which I can't see happening. Even physically having discs/carts hits a limit after so long. Normal wear of use and the material rotting does mean it is likely those would also not survive past a couple of generations. And that ignores the same issues afflicting the consoles needed to play the media.

    So basically the real solution to both the digital and physical passing games (or music/movies) is to rip DRM-less copies and keep the needed tools to either use the game without having the disc or needing to register to a server that is likely gone. Might be a good idea to leave ReadMe instructions along with the iso/rom and copies of the official and community patches that help with new OSes. After that it is basically just down to needing virtual machines or some other PC emulators to run old emulators.

  • Linux 6.10 Honors One Last ReiserFS Request Made By Hans Reiser
  • You start with this:

    I'm surprised that the kernel team allowed that crap in the first place. This should have been changed the day that murderer was convicted.

    But then you say this in response to the reply about 1984-ing the past:

    Are you joking? It’s a kernel not a library.

    So it would also mean that the code is code and not the person. Unless the code is malicious, then there isn't really a reason to jump to dropping shit that is in use just to reflect that the coder did some fucked shit. It isn't the criminal and such sudden dropping only fucks over people that had their shit running on it. Also shit was allowed in before the murder. It is software and not a person.

  • When Your Rulers Ignore Voters But Are Terrified Of Protesters, That Tells You Something
  • Very true. I was a freshmen in high school when the clusterfuck that was the W v Gore election. Which was basically the first election I kind of followed with the new interest of someone that would be able to vote the next time. And of course 9/11 and Iraq were very big moments to see happening. They were the points in my youth where picking a side kind of mattered. Seeing the massive shift from blind support (which hit lots of us) to the massive condemnations of what the results were. Seeing the very people that were so "USA USA #1!!!" tripping over themselves to send people to die, then turn into smug fucks about how stupid the Republicans are and getting photo-ops to be seen as "anti-war."

    Then 2008 shit really hit hard. The system was beginning to show even more of us in my age range the grift it was. Seeing so many peoples' lives fucked up, and seeing how just getting gas with my part-time minimum wage jobs would take so much while in school (I am forever grateful and lucky that I have the family help I had even though my parents were working class). But even after the massive protests over the wars and the financial crash, the same assholes just let the ones that created and directly aided the rich fucks that made it happen were let off. We have so many people that get life or even the death penalty for so much less harm. But these rich fucks and their paid for politicians just don't even try anymore. And we are groomed to just give up after maybe some large marches and speeches. To not push farther with demands, and if we start to they do a full push to present only out of the way and per-approved "peaceful protests" as "valid" and "correct."

    Every election since the 2000 elections has been presented as life and death. It is always "too important a cycle" to be "allowed" to voice support of third parties. Abortion was always on the line. Civil rights movements from the past had their guts removed and whitewashed to fit the narrative of liberalism and even super right of centre conservatives. And yet the liberals/centrists after gaslighting about how "important" the shit was, then immediately won't shut the fuck up about how "important" bipartisan shit is and why they aren't putting any fight to protect those same things they yelled at us about. So are the conservatives/Republicans fascists that WILL take away all our freedoms? Or are they "really nice people" that make bipartisanship so fucking "important?"

    Now that abortion and the civil rights of LGBTQIA+ folks were not protected, AND we are seeing more and more kids in cages along with a fucking genocide. We are STILL being told that the Blue Team is somehow the "good guys" and that the Republicans are the ones that WILL do all those same fucking things...but worse. It is infuriating that they are still trying to push the voters to just STFU and go with it instead of doing what voters are demanding. They act like the election is next week or something without time to change course. We are already being called "Trump supporters" for speaking our minds when there is literally so much fucking time to win votes. They only know how to be the "victims" and fake concerns for media spots, and are furious it isn't just working. Fuck all of them!

  • What open-source software would you like more people to know about?
  • It isn't a science vs pseudoscience, it is using an easy to understand set of symbolic numbers and words that are meant to be taken together as a point. The point being that we are assholes if we don't stop to take a moment to see that we at some point were those same "10,000" and experienced shit for the first time. And that jumping on others for now being those "10,000" instead of sharing their excitement is dumb. Humans tend to like lessons and reminders that are clear to understand. We as a species have learned and taught via parables basically ever since we could speak.

    Focusing on complicated but very precise data removes the whole point of the meaning being presented. Now if this were being understood to be a real study or some other situation where the numbers and science were the focus then it would very much matter. It is just a super basic lesson in social interactions presented in a nerdy way.

  • Based on recent events
  • Prefacing with the TL;DR since I went much longer than I meant to and don't feel like deleting lol. But I thank you for seeing that most HB users (that voted) value keeping federation with dbzer0. The rest of my reply might be pointless nonsense, so fell free to stop here.

    I also have a HB account in addition to my I am obviously replying to you now with. I also voted that we should stay federated along with many others (which as you saw was a large majority). While there are real moments of hard trolling that I see, the shit happens with lots of other instances that aren't .ml, lemmygrad, or HB. It is something that happens no matter old internet, new internet, federated, mega social media sites. One person's troll is another's friend depending on so many factors. Some of which is even misunderstandings turning into people just all jumping in all due to said misunderstandings. While others are intentional, but might not be malicious and just taken the wrong way (completely text-based communications are constantly taken wrong).

    For example (in my case) I might take a post or comment differently depending on which account I am using. But not notice right away that the source is from an instance that I don't have an account on. So I might comment with a take thinking of the instance I am on (and therefore a different understanding of the regular vibes) and be taken much much differently than I mean. Sometimes I delete a reply right after posting when I see it is not from the instance I am using.

    I personally get taken wrong by people IRL when I am fucking around due to strong sarcasm and sometimes lack of expression on my face. My main point is that a lot of people on HB, Lemmygrad, and .ml actually like lots of the boards on dbzer0. I personally make sure to subscribe to the same boards from dbzer0 on my different accounts just to make sure I see the information, guides, and news no matter which I am signed into.

    And like many (if not most) of the comments in the vote on HB to stay federated or not (and some folks from dbzer0 in this thread), people do find the exposure to other instances to be of value. We can learn lots of things that we might never have if not faced with such exposures and interactions. There will always be people that make problems that really aren't helpful. But it really doesn't help to make sure everything is reduced to pure echo chambers and just "other" everyone else. It guaranties that hate grows as the "others" are just spoken badly of and enforces not bothering to try to interact. It allows lies about the "others" to not be questioned.

  • Worth the effort to obtain a copy of MS Office on the high seas? *SOLVED
  • Glad to see someone mention OO. I was going to, and saw your comment. I will always be down for LibreOffice, but OnlyOffice might be the "best" option for lots of people that are easily intimidated with change (or more specifically how something looks different). Even if it is lacking on some features, it just matters how the person it is recommended to uses MS Office. Being fair using MS Office or any of the similar suites is overkill for what they do. If smaller programs like Wordpad (RIP) or opensource Rich Text Format editors could handle so many general purpose documents.

  • Firefox Power User Keeps 7,400+ Browser Tabs Open for 2 Years
  • I wonder if they were using FF back when they had the Panorama feature back in the day. That many tabs seems like it would be great for organizing everything. It is almost hilarious to think that FF was so far ahead of the game that it just didn't make sense. Now all the other major browsers are adding some kind of tab groups feature.

    The way FF did it was cool and was like having virtual desktops but groups of tabs. Aside from proper vertical tabs that keeps theme and doesn't require hacking settings to get rid of the horizontal row (Edge and Brave are good examples as their hover to expand titles and collapse when using the pages are smooth). Bringing back grouping tabs like Panorama had them would be really cool to have again.

    Though I would love to see a blend of nice vertical tabs and groups like what I see in screenshots of browsers like Arc. Very different looking but in a good way. If FF could make their own spin of that UI work with both vertical and horizontal tabs. It would be dope af.

  • Microsoft will now urge you to ditch local accounts on Windows 10
  • Maybe next year will be the year of React OS?? lol

  • Microsoft is silently installing Copilot onto Windows Server 2022
  • More like open windows that were painted to make shutting them almost impossible.

  • Penpot 2.0, a major milestone in our journey, is now yours to explore and enjoy!
  • For real! The only thing that matches this frustration of trying to find out wtf something is and not just "feel good" BS statements about whatever it might be is surveys. Fuck me am I going to snap one day over fucking surveys on big companies. I hate going to support pages for getting like drivers to install for a PC I am working on and knowing that before I can even press "search" I get a box in the middle of the fucking screen already asking "How'd We Do?" or "Got three minutes to let us know how well we helped you today????" I would try to just start filling them out, but I don't want to have the very fed-posting-ish words I have for them to be tied to a customer's PC.

    Ignore this unless you (the persons reading this) either don't understand how fucked so many surveys are as a worker. Just thinking about how much I hate them means I needed a therapeutic rant to get it out. And I am not just going to delete it after typing it at this point. lol

    And the surveys that all big companies have are rigged to begin with. They all have either numbers or stars and comment boxes. But depending on the company and situation the rating part might be tied to a specific worker that may have even been the only good part of the interaction. So giving a real "rating" only means that worker is raked over the coals and can be written up. Even if the comments part easily shows this to be the case. The big box chain I fix PCs for does this and my co-workers and myself are constantly fucked over by customers that we were told point-blank that we helped them more than anyone else. But since those customers are fuming about all the other stuff (that was completely out of our control), they give whatever the lowest rating is and the comments about us specifically being good are ignored. All because those comments parts don't really matter to high-er level managers and corporate. Can't be removed from our metrics as being clearly about something else. So it just becomes about "well it means you will need to get more positive ratings to cancel it out".

    And as a customer, they use the whole "concern about wanting feedback" as 100% go ahead to just spam the ever living shit out of your txts, email, and even start harassing via calls that they force workers to make. FUCK SURVEYS so much from both a worker and customer standpoint! I volunteer to be the executioner of the people that make this shit a policy of a company (and of course the CEO, other C level folks, and every single member of their boards once the revolution comes.

  • Fairphone Fairbuds launch with replaceable batteries, titanium drivers and ANC
  • It is much easier to lose the remote since you only use it when using the TV (or other devices that have remotes). Where as you are much much more likely to be doing stuff on your phone actively. Also you can use various methods for locating your phone. Most remotes on the other hand don't come with the same features for finding them. I am only personally aware of Roku's remotes having the option to press a physical button on the main box, or via the Roku phone app (which can also be used as a remote).

    I loved having the IR blaster on my Galaxy S6, and thought it was lame that it wasn't around when I upgraded to my S8+. Though I will say that the pre-installed third-party app got on the enshittification train at some point. As I started getting random ads on my lock screen and found that this app cause. So that would be one thing that kind of made losing the IR blaster suck less. Still it sucks to lose features that were able to exist on my smaller phones now that I started getting the + and Ultra size models. Most certainly could fit the aux port at minimum.

  • As the US deliberately starves the Cuban people, solidarity activists launch campaign to send flour
  • Obvious troll is obvious. If the overwhelming number of Cuban people really and truly didn't support socialism. Then they would have taken over in a new revolution as they did getting rid of the US puppet state the last time. They have stood firm despite the literal attempts of US lead colour revolutions and refuse to be forced to bow to the self-appointed global police state that is the US. They aren't the ones that should change to serve the rich fucks that steal from nations across the world. It is those rich fucks that should be put in the dirt so that peoples across the world could live their lives without fear.

  • Scary AT&T breach leaks up to 70 million Social Security numbers to the dark web
  • What did you do to freeze your stuff? And how do you thaw it for stuff, and how long does it take? I did go ahead and make my My Social Security account after seeing your comment though!

  • Mike Lindell's MyPillow evicted from Minnesota warehouse after lawsuit claimed it was $200K behind on rent
  • Should have been putting money into the company and you know all that "fiscal responsibility" shit that people like him love to talk down to poor people about when the idea of assistance programs are on the chopping block. Wonder how much he put into helping Trump and into his personal political activities traveling around to own the libs or whatever.

  • VLC - App stores were a mistake
  • Mastodon and other federated platforms are still confusing to normies and less ideologically-minded users. Aside from that, unless VLC starts hosting their own instance, it is hard to say if the particular one they decide to use will stick around. They can relocate by taking some extra steps of course. But they would likely care to put that effort into making VLC Player better instead of into social media. For now at least. X has been more or less the same for a long time (even with the past couple of years) for what they use it for. I am sure they would like to be on an open platform over propriety if that were the only difference. And nothing is stopping them from using both at the same time in order to reach as many people as possible.

  • Mozilla just ditched its privacy partner because its CEO is tied to data brokers
  • I can't remember the last time I ever got that message before I installed the DDG extension a couple years ago. I think the extension overrides it, so I can't say for the past two years on my actual personal browser. However the only times I remember it offering to change it since I started using it in 03~04 has been when they really tried making sure people knew that the default could be changed (which might have been in some way tied to stuff like the EU making even OSes show options for browsers to install when first setting up). And the others were when they first changed to Yahoo and after the contract with Yahoo ended.

    That all being said, I think it is good to maybe once a year to have like the first update of the year or first major update ask. As never being shown other options just keeps smaller or newer competition from even being seen. DDG is a bit of a weird one since I both heard of it from being a "tech" person and because they went hard in advertising. But when I found out about the "Bangs", it was fucking over. Being able to change search engines from the one I am using was game changing to me. And seeing that it is becoming a thing for other ones is very nice to see (Brave being the main one I also use).

    That all being said. I think there has to be some bug if it is making you fix your settings that often.

  • Mozilla just ditched its privacy partner because its CEO is tied to data brokers
  • Do you have the DDG extension installed? Because I haven't had any issues with FF changing it or even asking to change it after updates (minor or major). So if you don't have it installed, and you have no plans to change away from DDG. It would be a worthwhile extension to add, and it adds some additional tracker blocking while not on a search.

  • dRLY d-RLY?

    Mostly on my Lemmygrad and Hexbear accounts. But still like and the people on here. Not a liberal, conservative, or a fucking fascist! The masses need to wake up and see how much we have been and continue to be lied to by those that want us to stay dumb and hating each other!

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