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Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission
  • If you have a need to have an MS account but want to set your Documents, Desktop, and Pictures folders back to the old local versions instead of OneDrive taking over. I have found using this to be very helpful when helping customers that don't want to use it and avoid the headache of running out of the free storage. Obviously making a local user after getting into Windows the first time would also work. But it is always good to have fallback options for folks that Linux isn't an option for whatever reason.

    If a folder has been taken over by OneDrive it will give a path that shows OneDrive like C\Users\User\OneDrive\Desktop instead of %USERPROFILE%\Desktop so just remove everything before the \ and replace it with %USERPROFILE%

    One thing to keep in mind though. If you already have data present while it is set to OneDrive, it might make your stuff look like it is gone. But you can download/copy the files from the actual OneDrive folders into the regular folders after.

  • California voters may get chance to upgrade charges for some crimes
  • They were able to see how fucked up the war on drugs was with regards to weed (and of course alcohol). And they want to make bad shit like addiction even worse by further fucking over people. Just more of the right-liberal alliance just putting more people behind bars for addiction and the crime of being poor. No changing of the material conditions that create both issues. Of course the rich and famous will not be impacted. They get to just go to cushy "rehab centres" and make donations to the pigs (which are always on call to remove the "untouchables" from sight).

  • Stores like CVS are now making employees paid $7.25 an hour wear police body cams to stop someone from stealing a $2 tube of toothpaste.
  • I just want them to be stupid enough to give weapons to workers. Supply the literal arms to overthrow them by every means necessary. I so badly want to finally read a story about a gang of pissed workers being able to hold the C-suite of bosses and the board members hostage and just some truly fucked up torture of all of them. No fast and easy shit for them, as slow and as fucked up as possible. The kind of shit where if they black out, they get brought back to a nightmare that seems to go on forever. I really wish to be a better person, but they show us every single day that they would and will do all of those things to us. No humanity from them means no humanity to them.

  • Ultras weeping over dead IDF soldiers and calling them “proletarians”
  • They really seem to ignore that said conscripts are more or less handed weapons by the oppressors committing genocide. And puts them in a good position to just take all the weapons they can and build an armed resistance with said weapons. They might have been forced into being there, but they could be finding others and merc-ing the genocidal and apartheid fucks. If the right-wing govs want to unintentionally arm the left and other people that know said govs are evil. Then it seems foolish to not exploit the fuck out of it. Even if the conscripts might have been initially not against their govs. The moment that they wake the fuck up, it is basically still supporting evil if they don't rebel. Shit is already a war, so the otherwise regular day to day things that might hold someone back are gone. You are either going to be killed for following orders and attacking the oppressed. Or you might get killed for fighting back. If being killed is likely anyway, then fucking at least be on the correct side of shit.

  • Google lays off hundreds of 'Core' employees, moves some positions to India and Mexico
  • New waves of workers will either fall back to the groomed bigotry of "they took our jobs" as we have seen time and time again from other job sectors (like industrial/manufacturing/support/etc). Or maybe wake up to the corps/bosses/board members/capitalists being the real cause of their loss of jobs. Given that so many tech-bros tend to jump into libertarian stuff (regulations/taxes being evil by default which they also learned from the bosses that just fired them). I am guessing that sadly the former will be what they do, even if they go on to curse the mega-corps that purged them to inflate numbers. Though I hold hope that some will have a radicalizing moment and join the left.

  • ByteDance would rather shut down tiktok than sell it
  • I am not sure specifically (since the US has multiple bans/Patriot Act 2.0 bills all in play) if the current ban bill being talked about is this one as the "news" sites just keep saying the "TikTok Ban Bill" and not directly saying which one. But at least the HR 686 anti "TikTok" bills mentions that people that are caught using banned apps from listed adversary nations (which the PRC is listed by name) and/or bypassing bans to use the services can be both jailed for 20yrs and a possible fine of one million dollars. It also seems to share a lot of similar items as the other "TikTok Ban" bill, HR 1153

  • SBF sentenced to 25 years
  • Honestly it seems to have helped him in weird ways. I even kept forgetting how old he is, and a lot of media also kind of kept talking about him like he was some kind of child. At a certain point, I almost think his team and he himself made sure to not "clean him up." Just keep the look of some tech startup kid that never puts time into hygiene and too focused on the "go fast, break things" shit. He knew what he was doing, his parents knew (and encouraged it while demanding their cuts), and at least the others that were at the top also knew. This wasn't just some minor error (aside getting caught and thinking they could get it back). I also see it as the logical next step for what more traditional bank fraud assholes already do. Just done by people that don't actually know how to be smarter with the greed and the grift.

    Another example of "smart" people in one field thinking they are "smart" about everything. Hubris and the false sense of intelligence (and especially the "fake it till you make it" shit we see in all fields these days) is going to be getting worse as everyone is in the bubble of "yes men" and trying to climb fucking ladders into positions they have no understanding of. But that is more a rant of how capitalism is in for a real real bad crash, and no one knows how to do shit anymore (most importantly the fucks wanting power and money for the clout).

  • SBF sentenced to 25 years
  • He should have gotten way more than 25yrs. Should have gotten the death penalty like similar people like him get in China. Same for his parents.

  • AOC says a genocide is unfolding in Gaza.
  • Even if she does or doesn't actually care about Gaza. This does at least show that enough people have been putting in the work of being in her face and flooding her physical and electronic mailboxes to force her to say it. So it means that none of the elected office holders should be allowed one moment of peace.

  • The revolution will not be sober
  • That's what I always get annoyed by when brands known for caffeine get into alcohol. Is it bad to mix a high or kind of high level of caffeine with alcohol given the Four Loko stuff? For sure. But shit is basically false advertising for these things. I don't drink energy drinks for the taste, and there are much better things to mix if that is the point of this drink. It isn't even a very high percent in the first place. So calling it "The Beast" is also lame af. I am guessing it is perfect for the teens that already drink a lot of regular Monsters to jump to and looks enough like the non-alcohol versions to be easy to sneak.

  • TikTok Ban: House Passes Bill That Would Outlaw App in U.S. Unless Its Chinese Parent Sells Ownership Stake
  • One of the bills (the Restrict Act) seems like it is just remaking the Patriot Act but with more spying. So I doubt that this shit will be just allowed to not go into affect even if Tiktok is sold off.

    Vid talking about it:

    The bill itself:

  • Musk's stupid car killed Mitch McConnell's billionaire sister-in-law
  • Well if you want the glass to be able to possibly survive someone breaking into it or being hit by something from outside (which seems they are doing better since that hilarious moment on stage). Then it seems that it would be obvious that it would mean also not being easy to break from inside. Even if it were regular car windows, the shit is hard to just break out from the inside without a pick or something else with a hard point. Also very curious how fast she had to have reversed to not have been able to stop and switch to drive or open the damn door. Not meaning to defend Tesla (and more specifically Musk), but kind of get the feeling she would have met the same fate in some other brand. Very stupid for someone that runs a shipping company to not know why it is important to not just floor it while being so close to a body of water.

    If we are lucky, we will see more CEOs meet similar fates. Put there by their own incompetence and their last moments having nothing but fear. Their wealth and egos being unable to save them.

  • More of conservatives being weird about Sydney Sweeney (cw misogynistic descriptions of women)
  • If they are so honestly amazed at women showing some skin/curves. Just wait until they find out about Twitch. Or that yoga pants exist.

  • Senator Massive Turd opened his mouth again.
  • Dude needs to have like 5 more strokes and STFU. The people are making actual demands of Biden and the whole Democratic Party. They have become just so used to just leaning on the "vote blue no matter who" stance and just literally put more effort in attacking voters for making any demands than they ever do when it comes to Republican Party policies that come up for votes. He is a bitch that threatened a jogger with a shotgun and convensed the victim that he had done more good than harm (even though the victim even outright claims that he was lying about all the actions he took with the situation). Fuck him and his false "man of the people" BS! They only ever "care" about shit like reproductive or various civil rights issues when elections come around. And they never even try to make protections for said issues when they have actual power to do so. I just hope the next stroke takes him out, seeing how being mentally unfit for a position of power no longer matters since Biden is being allowed to run again.

  • It's almost like there's a reason cars have paint.
  • We have reached the point in capitalism where basically where the "premium" products aren't even as well put together as cheap ones from decades ago. Not like this is shocking coming from Tesla Motors, but even the newest and top-spec iPhone's are having staining issues (at least those can keep water out so that is nice). Can't even do your own repairs without getting permission and losing unrelated features if not buying their parts. Low-end or high-end is meant to just be completely junked and replaced. And somehow still get applauded for combating environmental damages.

  • The audience Trevor Noah cultivated is pissed Jon Stewart didn't suck off Biden
  • I would guess that he was maybe hoping (foolishly) to freak out the Dem leadership and elected folks to wake up and break from what they always have done. Which is just always bow to conservatives and act like "bipartisanship" and "norms" are sacred above doing shit their own voters want/need. They saw the way Bernie and people like Stewart are able to get people jazzed-up and even inspire. And they went out of their way to undo all of it in the name of moderate/centrist can kicking. So done with the "we hear you and see you, but our hands are tied by insert excuse" excuse. At this point anyone that thinks Dem leaders are "fixable" and can in any way be trusted to fight for anything are just in the worst levels of denial.

  • The audience Trevor Noah cultivated is pissed Jon Stewart didn't suck off Biden
  • They do have a point though about the administration being a big part of an election. But sadly for this person (and the other folks that will use this line of thought), I think that a very large amount of people that are anti-Biden are not fans of his team either. So they are just furthering the arguments of even the anti-Biden Dems that are becoming more and more embarrassed of the party they have blindly supported for so long. Which does open some gaps for leftists to maybe at least flip to Green votes for President, or at least start following the lead of protest movements like the pro-Palestine/ceasefire ones.

    But we have seen how much rot the "blue no matter who" crowd has just ignored for my entire life from late 80's to now. The masses have been taught to be loud but not know how to do anything. Being fair Republicans aren't much better but have learned how to scare their established leaders here and there.

  • Finnish and Icelandic artists call for Israel to be banned from Eurovision
  • For real, them and basically all the big outlets weren't leaning into calling shit "alleged" when the IOF and Israeli media were making false claims about Palestine (along with calling Israeli children kids/children but calling Palestinian children shit like "youths").

  • Bluesky is finally open to the public - no invite needed
  • I might be remembering wrong, so ignore if so. Aren't they the ones that have/had the thing in their TOS that claims that all your creations and posts are legally theirs and to use how they want? I feel like that was brought up at some point and seemed like it was like how some companies basically automatically own the rights to things you make while working for them. Not saying the other social media companies are doing this, just that they do it in ways that profit them but just don't claim the actual rights to your stuff.