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Spotify is raising the cost of Premium subscriptions, again
  • Yes there are several solutions, just search for Spotify Playlist Backup/Export. There are free services as well as GitHub projects. You of course have to link your account with the free service.

  • Teacher accused of having sex with two students says she ruined her 'dream job' with stupid 'mistakes', jury hears
  • Yeah that's what that scene from South Park is satirizing if I remember correctly

  • What is your favorite alcoholic cocktail?
  • You can use Acquafaba instead (chick pea water). That actually works at least just as well, no taste, perfect texture. Many barkeeps prefer it from what I hear.

  • What is your favorite alcoholic cocktail?
  • My absolute favorite is New Your Sour (Basically Whiskey Sour with a dash of red wine (and slightly different mixing ratios. Last time I made them with Acquafaba (basically bean water; the water you get from a can of chick peas) instead of egg white and let me tell you, that worked like a charm, can only recommend!

  • Ampelkoalition: Wie von Sinnen
  • Haha ja das wollte ich auch ungefähr so sagen

  • My cat just died. What is the point of all this?
  • Well if this isn't the most beautiful thread I have seen on Lemmy.. thank you everyone. I'm not crying!

  • Some stunning orange jello!
  • Who ever wrote that is probably dead by now.

  • Secret plan against Germany
  • Because your comment is a trash generalization and insulting

  • Bericht zu Geheimtreffen: AfD trifft sich mit Rechtsextremen
  • hier wäre ein hoffentlich gemeintes /s vielleicht nicht verkehrt, just saying. Ich bin erst mal gestolpert.

  • Early color photo of a nomad in Uzbekistan, taken between 1905-1915
  • Haha my thoughts exactly. Although from what I know it is and always has been common for nomadic peoples to have fixed places where they might spend certain times of the year for example.

    That's why I didn't dare to make a comment like yours :D

  • I'm a gamedev!
  • Idk man.. seems like that would make GameDev mean anything and nothing. Just for the record, I have no stakes in this discussion, I really don't care. I just find it weird to blur a word like that. Is the game company's canteen cook also a game dev? The person who plugged in the monitors? The CEO? The HR person? And so on..

    I agree tho that this entire discussion feels a little like gatekeeping and would prefer everyone getting some credit for the game development over pedantic hairsplitting.

  • this technology suffers from high latency
  • That's damn funny

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • I'm with you

  • Went out at night with some magic mushrooms and took some magic pictures
  • And this is only with my fairly crappy phone camera. Imagine what you could do at night with a good camera and some nice lighting!

  • Went out at night with some magic mushrooms and took some magic pictures

    Had a lot of fun with a flashlight in the woods. Many mushrooms literally glow when a little light hits them, they are very easy to spot this way!

    Does anyone have some ID?

    !Warted Puffball (or Devil's Snuffbox :D)

    Warted Puffball (or Devil's Snuffbox :D)

    !Beefsteak Fungus or Poor Man's Steak (I'm not making these up)

    Beefsteak Fungus or Poor Man's Steak (I'm not making these up)

    !Some kind of Hypholoma

    Some kind of Hypholoma

    Pilot who ‘tried to shut off engines mid-flight was high on magic mushrooms’
  • Well I wouldn't go that far. What about a nice walk outside with a friend or sitting in front of a fire or a jam session, just to name a few activities.

  • Mushroom City. Can someone identify?
  • Hmm I don't know.. I do think they look more like xylaria

  • Mushroom City. Can someone identify?

    Xylaria hypoxylon and some organe slime mold?

    Found in western Germany.


    The deceitful bitter bolete
  • May I ask why you cut it? I read that it's seen as a delicacy in some places

  • ‘Life or Death:’ AI-Generated Mushroom Foraging Books Are All Over Amazon
  • Tbf the same thing exists for mushrooms, there are various apps. It's dangerous to rely on them but I use them for a first idea of what I might be looking at and then go from there. Quite useful sometimes

  • Beefsteak Polypore/Poor Man's Steak/Ox Tongue. Just learned about it recently on this /c/.

    Found a big one this time. It's supposed to be edible but doesn't sound to tasty and is supposed to be gathered young.

    Btw I love the English names, the German ones are often times very scientific/descriptive but don't evoke images like the English ones (there are exceptions of course).

    Sorry for the mediocre image quality.. I didn't get the focus right.

    Blue/Green Elfcup. Thr mycelium leaves the wood it grows on blue as well.

    !1 !2 !3

    We found a lot of that blue wood lying around before finding these little fellas that produce it.

    The poisonous Sulfur Tuft, which will probably always stop me from collecting its edible relatives

    I think it looks delicious though.


    Hypholoma fasciculare

    The edible species is Hypholoma capnoides which looks quite similar.

    Lets get some more content going!

    Little coral reef I saw the other day ;) not sure about ID.

    I'm not sure what is allowed here (no sidebar content?) and I'm very happy and thankful for this community! And I see so many upvotes but not so many new posts; let's see some more finds, ID requests, growing/harvesting/foraging discussions and so on! At least where I'm at 'tis the season 🍄

    The deadly death cap

    Amanita phalloides

    Western Germany


    The deceitful bitter bolete

    Tylopilus felleus

    Found in Western Germany


    Devils Fingers, found in western Germany

    Originally from Australia/New Zealand and imported to Europe, can be found here quite often. The smell is absolutely horrible.

    Nice little ensemble we saw today

    Mushrooms are going absolutely crazy here right now 💥

    Sorry for the BeReal frame in the corner

    scarletina bolete, "witch bolete" in German

    Forgot to take a picture without the hand for scale..

    It's crazy here right now, everything is full because of the humid weather, you don't even have to go of the tracks

    Bluetooth Saved Devices...why?

    Similar to the very random Share suggestions this has been a pet peeve of mine for ever: How in god's name does Android decide which 3 devices to display in this screen? Two of those I have not connected to in ages and one of those only maybe once or twice ever. Is there any way to change this? I would so love to have my most used devices there to save me a click and searching through the long list of saved devices. Any ideas? If not, that's fine as well, I'm also happy to just have ranted a little.

    d3m0nr4v3r d3m0nr4v3r
    Posts 18
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