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Are there any fiction readers out there who have time to spare?

I have a draft of a short book (~45k words) that's been sitting in my computer gathering electronic dust for a while because I'm too anxious to show anyone else outside of very close family. It's based in a shared paracosm we had as children, so I think it's doubly important to get some unbiased criticism from an online comrade.

I know there are designated online spaces for writers but I get massive imposter syndrome there. 😓 It's like a coming-of-age science fiction story, if that makes any sense.

DM me if interested, sorry for the ramble...

ChatGPT 3.5 Turbo and its Anthropic equivalent are total simps
  • just append "from a marxist perspective" afterwards and you should be good to go

    LLMs are trained to appear as "unbiased" as possible to establishment ideas which just happens to be liberal

  • ‘Giving us oxygen’: Italy turns to Cuba to help revive ailing health system
  • turtle island = north america

    northern half of turtle island = canada

    number of canadian doctors (96k) approximately equal to number of cuban doctors (94k)

  • I just heard that the DPRK is PatSoc. Thoughts?
  • that was a great read! thanks for that write-up

  • cyrazure Cyrazure
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