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It would appear has blocked this community
  • Yea just throw the new member under the bus

  • I have seen the light!
  • Welcome to the lemmy apps great war

  • Removed
    Superiority brings controversy
  • Help i have 4 different electron versions on my linux laptop

  • Priorities!
  • I have legit ptsd from creatures from rain world, 10/10 game

  • Priorities!
  • I love when my feed is 50% sync fanboys trying to justify their shitware app to themselves

  • Removed
    Linux Desktop Share keeps increasing, 3.13% now. Narrowing the gap to ChromeOs 3.24%
  • I thought it was so bad that nobody unironically used it, i guess i was wrong

  • I don't need it... 👀
  • Can yall stop posting about this proprietary shitware app

    this comment was posted from Jerboa, the app where you don't have to pay 20$ for the privilege of not seeing ads and not being tracked

  • As an OG Reddit Sync user of over 10 years, all this arguing really brings a tear to my eye. 🥲
  • Can yall stop posting about this proprietary shitware app

    this comment was posted from Jerboa, the app where you don't have to pay 20$ for the privilege of not seeing ads and not being tracked

  • I like the web app more.
  • Sync is everything but foss

  • Developer of Reddit is Fun just released an app for Tildes.
  • I wanted to check the code to see if hes actually mad enough to do it aaaand it's closed source

  • Today i installed arch linux for the first time
  • It's librewolf if they had a VPN to shill to you

  • What is your preferred fitness tracker/smartwatch?
  • Maybe someone will pick up InfiniLink in the future, looks like a cool app just unmaintained

  • Package Managers
  • Linux package managers on the left, windows package manager on the right

  • Removed
    Musk's new idea
  • It will fail miserably in the west, i can't wait for him to waste even more money

  • GRUB theming at its best
  • Kinda sucks that systemd-boot is not themable

  • You don't need external libraries for global state management in React Mastering Complex State Management with Context API and useReducer

    Mastering Complex State Management with Context API and useReducer

    Mastering Complex State Management with Context API and useReducer

    React Context + useReducer - Still to this day my favorite way of managing global state in React, no extra dependencies, no learning curve, it's all there built-in

    Welcome to c/React

    Here we can discuss everything related to React ecosystem ( including Next, Preact, etc. )

    Million.js - Make React 70% faster Million.js

    The Virtual DOM Replacement for React


    Definitely something to look into for more complex apps, I'm still trying to add it to Next.js but with all the /app dir migration stuff it's becoming a headache

    cufta22 CUFTA22
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    Comments 30