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Best App Launcher on Linux
  • Ah nice! Thanks for the suggestion. Yeah --preview is a great feature that is good to remember.

    And true, it's better to use find -executable than ls. Although in my case I would use -type f -o -type l since I want to include symlinks (often I will cd into my local bin folder and ln -s $(which ) to add it to my launcher). I'm using ls since I only put executables in there and using relative file paths so that it's nicer to look at. But cd or sed would work as well

    Yeah the xargs + i3-msg part is a bit clunky but I'm not sure what else to do, since the terminal window needs to close immediately, which prevents the application from running. I tried a few variations with nohup and launching in the background, but haven't found another solution. But I'm sure there's a way

  • Best App Launcher on Linux
  • I use fzf with a popup terminal:

    # example for i3
    bindsym $mod+Return exec --no-startup-id kitty -T _menu_ -e bash -c 'ls $HOME/.local/bin/ | fzf | xargs -r -I{} i3-msg -t command exec $HOME/.local/bin/{}'
    for_window [title="_menu_"] floating enable
    for_window [title="_menu_"] resize set 600 800

    I like this approach because it's simple and configurable. I prefer to see only the symlinks/scripts that I put in my local bin folder, but it can easily be extended to support .desktop files, multiple folders, filtering, etc.

  • Suggestions for Improving Linux Server Security: Beyond User Permissions and Groups?
  • 👋 right on! I actually also have used containers as a key to my security layout before, but yeah you miss out on all the benefits of portage.

    I was doing something crazy and actually running Gentoo inside each one! It was very difficult to stay up-to-date. But I basically had my host as barebones as possible and used LibVirt containers for everything, attempting to make a few templates that I could keep updated and base other VMs on. I was able to keep this up for about two years then I had to relax (was my main PC). But it was really secure, and it does work.

    The benefit of encapsulation is that you have a lot of freedom inside each container, like install a different distro if you need to. Also as long as they are isolated you don't need to worry as much about their individual security. But it's still good to. I ran SELinux on the host and non-SELinux (but hardened) in the guests.

    SELinux has a lot of advantages over users/groups, but I think the latter can be just as secure if you know what you're doing. For example with SELinux you can prevent certain applications from accessing the network, or restrict access to certain ports, etc. It's also useful for desktop environments where a lot of GUI apps run under one user- e.g. neither my main user nor any other program can access my keepassxc directory, only the keepassxc process (and root) can (even though the application is running under my main user). You can also restrict root quite a bit, especially if you compile in the option to prevent disabling SELinux at boot (I need to recompile my kernel to disable it).

    But again while it is fun to learn, it is quite a pain and I've relaxed the setup on my new computer to use a different user for everything (including gui apps), which I think is secure enough for me. But this style relies on my ability to adhere to it, whereas with SELinux you can set it up to where you're forced to

  • Suggestions for Improving Linux Server Security: Beyond User Permissions and Groups?
  • Like others have mentioned, SELinux could be a great addition. It can be a massive pain, but it's really effective at locking things down (if configured properly).

    However, the difficulty will depend on the distro. I use it with Gentoo, which has plenty of support/docs for it and provides policies for many packages. Although (when running strict policy types) I usually end up needing to adjust them or write my own.

    Obviously Red Hat would be another good choice, but I haven't tried it. Fedora also has good support, but I've only ever used the OOTB targeted policies.

    That said, I've started relying on users/groups more often lately, since it really gets in the way of everything.

  • How to quit VIM?
  • I alternate between helix and vim depending on the task, and their key bindings are kind of opposite from each other in a lot of ways. I've found that switching back and forth has kept me on my toes a bit and I don't feel as locked in to one editor as I did with vim before trying helix.

    So I’m now stuck with my customized neovim, devoid of any hope of abandoning this strange addiction.

    I would also try getting used to the defaults or a minimal config, which is also a good way to feel at home in the editor regardless of the system

  • How can I go about using the tty only on my system
  • If you want to mess around with scripting instead of an editor I would recommend Awk- it works great for CSV files and is really powerful. Usually you can use -F, to separate using commas, but for full CSV support (with potential quoted commas) you need to use something like -vFPAT='[^,]*|"[^"]*"' (which isn't POSIX compliant but works with gawk)

  • How can I go about using the tty only on my system
  • I'm not sure how to paste directly into a pane, but you can copy by opening up the scrollback in EDITOR from search mode using Ctrl+S e. This creates a file in /tmp so I try to make sure to clear it when I'm done.

    I usually only copy and paste between editor windows using a script that mimics xclip (automatically used by helix), and if I need to paste a command I either edit my bash history or write a script.

  • How can I go about using the tty only on my system
  • Great list. Customizing the font is definitely a priority. I recommend one of the Terminus fonts. Also zellij multiplexer + helix editor is a great combo that works well in the tty.

    One thing to add is that it took me a while to create a decent 16-color theme for helix and vim, and while they're okay by default you can actually get a pretty nice looking IDE if you spend some time tinkering with the colors

  • Question: Maybe is impossible to make std::begin (and friends) as friend function
  • Ah, nice idea. I've tried a few different ways of doing this, and I think what you're seeing is a discrepancy in how the compiler handles member access into incomplete types. It seems that, in your examples, the compiler is allowing -> decltype(f.private_msg) within the class, but I think it's not selecting do_something outside of it because it uses decltype(t.private_msg). In my case, I'm not even able to do that within the class.

    For example, since I'm not able to use decltype(f.private_msg) inside the class, I'm using decltype(private_msg) instead, which causes an error at the do_something declaration related to incomplete type (presumably because of the t.private_msg usage):

    // candidate template ignored; member access into incomplete type
    template 〈class T〉 auto do_something(T t) -> decltype(t.private_msg);
    class Foo {
            const char *private_msg = "You can't touch me!";
            friend auto do_something〈〉(Foo f) -> decltype(private_msg);
    template 〈〉 auto do_something(Foo f) -> decltype(f.private_msg) {
            return f.private_msg;

    My reasoning is that removing the t.private_msg from the declaration works:

    template 〈class Ret, class T〉 auto do_something(T t) -> Ret;
    class Foo {
            const char *private_msg = "You can't touch me!";
            friend auto do_something〈〉(Foo f) -> decltype(private_msg);
    template 〈〉 auto do_something(Foo f) -> decltype(f.private_msg) {
            return f.private_msg;
    static Foo foo{};
    // this works, but Ret cannot be deduced and must be specified somehow:
    static auto something = do_something〈const char*〉(foo);

    The reason your second example works is because the friend template inside the class acts as a template declaration rather than a specialization, which isn't specialized until after Foo is complete:

    // the do_something inside Foo is a declaration, meaning this isn't used
    // template 〈class T〉
    // auto do_something(T t) -> decltype(t.private_msg);
    class Foo {
            const char *private_msg = "You can't touch me!";
            template 〈class T〉 // t.private_msg is allowed because T is not Foo yet
            friend auto do_something(T t) -> decltype(t.private_msg);
    template 〈〉 auto do_something(Foo f) -> decltype(f.private_msg) {
            return f.private_msg;
  • Question: Maybe is impossible to make std::begin (and friends) as friend function
  • I think the issue is that Foo is incomplete when you're declaring the friend, so I think it's impossible. I just tried it and g++ ignores the target candidate due to "member access into incomplete type", which makes sense since std::begin is already defined and calls .begin(). The closest you can get is to use another friend to expose arr and overload std::begin manually, but that's a bit silly 😅

  • Those who custom configure their kernel: what did you gain?
  • I suppose the most tangible benefit I get out of it is embedding a custom initramfs into the kernel and using it as an EFI stub. And I usually disable module loading and compile in everything I need, which feels cleaner. Also I make sure to tune the settings for my CPU and GPU, enable various virtualization options, and force SELinux to always remain active, among other things.

  • What are your thoughts on USB storage drives that have keypad encryption?
  • I have this device and use it to store my keepassxc and onlykey backups, and it's useful to me because I've stopped using passwords (I only need to remember the pins for these devices which can unlock my keepass dbs that have everything else).

    It seems secure enough for my use case, especially since the files I store in it are themselves encrypted (the onlykey backup still requires a pin), but I still want them to be difficult to access.

    I've had to rely on it before but only because I didn't prepare a backup onlykey ahead of time- ideally it should be one of many recovery methods. But so far it's worked great for me.

  • Do you all have any tips on activities to do yourself, instead of consuming content all the time?
  • Maybe try programming? It's incredibly exciting once you get the hang of it. It can be frustrating at times but it's really rewarding. Since becoming my hobby/job its given me an endless source of things to do at home. Plus it can open up new career paths :)

  • What's your favorite music player on Linux?
  • mpd + ncmpcpp

  • Is anyone using awk?
  • Yes! Awk is great, I use it all the time for text processing problems that are beyond the scope of normal filters but aren't worth writing a whole program for. It's pretty versatile, and you can split expressions up and chain them together when they get too complicated. Try piping the output into sh sometime. It can be messy though and my awk programs tend to be write-only

  • How do I get rid of excessive password prompts, with the least amount of lost security?
  • Yeah for me it's been great and I do essentially leave it plugged in the whole time I'm using my PC (attached to my keys). It does require a pin entered each boot, so leaving it in would still offer security. But as someone else mentioned getting kwallet PAM working would make things easier in any case

  • How do I get rid of excessive password prompts, with the least amount of lost security?
  • Lol. I press a button on the device (which I unlocked with a pin before boot), but it would be nice to have the DB unlock automatically

  • How do I get rid of excessive password prompts, with the least amount of lost security?
  • Personally, I've relied on an OnlyKey for a few years (with backups and an extra fallback device) and haven't needed to type passwords since. This doesn't help with the number of prompts, but it does make them easier to dismiss.

    I do use autologin, but I don't use a system wallet (only KeePassXC, which I do need to unlock manually). Autologin with system wallets can be tricky, but I've had some luck setting it up in the past. You might want to check out this wiki for PAM configuration.

  • Oh no ...
  • Nice, sounds pretty cool. FZF is great, I need to try out some new things with it. Never got into snippets but I'm sure that speeds things up considerably, will think about it.

    Yeah separate config files is probably the best approach if you have a lot of things configured. I haven't done that yet, but might try soon. My config has generally been pretty simple, mostly bindings and plugin settings. But I started developing in the TTY and had to shoehorn-in a conditional theme and such to get it to work properly, leaving it pretty unorganized.

    | I can never leave vim. It has taken over the pathways in my brain.

    Haha, yeah

  • Oh no ...
  • My neovim config is a total mess :D. But yeah i3-msg+jq is great, I've written a number of solutions to this problem before using the API and external scripts, but it's nice having things inline in the config file

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