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ThinkPad X13s with Ubuntu
  • This is a very late reply, but I ended up formatting it back to Windows 11 and selling the laptop. It's just not quite ready for primetime, and seems very limited during regular use-cases. I ended up buying a Framework 13 laptop, and installing Fedora on it. Couldn't be happier! Eventually I may move back to ARM-based machines once they progress a bit further.

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  • This is why I use xManager for free Spotify Premium, YouTube Revanced for free YouTube premium, and torrent everything else that I need. I'm so tired of subscriptions for literally everything.

  • Don't let him see you cry.
  • My spice tolerance definitely increased after living in Sichuan Province for 6 months.

  • Coming to you soon...
  • I have YouTube ReVanced on my phone. If YouTube ever defeats uBlock Origin on my desktop, I just won't watch YouTube on desktop anymore. I refuse to watch or view ads.

  • Cheap amazon grinder vs new brilliant cut grinder
  • I had that same Amazon grinder before I got my Mendo Mulcher.

  • A Month on Chimera Linux
  • What is your go-to Linux distro and why?
  • I’ve hopped around to a bunch of different distros, but I always return to Debian Stable. I don’t really need the most bleeding-edge packages for my system, due to my use case.

    Most of my actual apps are installed via Flatpak, so they’re all pretty recent, while still being on a rock-solid stable distribution.

  • To switch or not to switch, that is the question
  • I definitely do recommend setting the max_parallel_downloads to between 10 and 20. I had the same issue as OP with DNC being super slow, and this fixed it perfectly. I don’t know why that’s not set by default.

  • What do you like about your Linux Distro?
  • I use Fedora. I like the combination of recent, stable, up-to-date software, new releases every six months, and firmware updates for my ThinkPad direct from Lenovo.

  • Share your terminal emulator theme configuration
  • Bash on Terminator with powerline theme from Oh-My-Bash. I think the colors are the generic Linux colors in Terminator.

  • Linux and AirPod Pros
  • Man, I guess I’m lucky mine connected without any issues right after installing F38.

  • ThinkPad Cora
    ThinkPad X13s with Ubuntu

    I originally got this ARM ThinkPad to install Linux onto it, but support for the Snapdragon 8cx processor, and other hardware hasn't been supported until recently. I read a thread just the other day that it was now working on the Ubuntu Concept ISO built specifically for the X13s, and thought that I'd give it a try!

    Since I got it, I've been running Windows 11 on it waiting until the Linux firmware was ready, and the experience has been less than fantastic.

    Recently on Windows 11 Pro, the ThinkPad has had bluetooth headphones cutting out, and refusing to connect until it has been rebooted, as well as constant Windows Explorer crashes upon logging in (huge icons, icon spacing on Desktop is stretched out, Explorer doesn't start and it just shows the wallpaper with nothing else, etc). I haven't yet had any of these issues on Ubuntu yet!

    To get the system up-to-date with everything working (sound, bluetooth, Wifi, etc.) I ran the following commands in this order after the fresh install. I have heard updating everything without doing the firmware first broke some things on others' machines.

    1. sudo apt update
    2. sudo apt install --upgrade-only linux-firmware
    3. sudo apt dist-upgrade
    4. Reboot

    I'll be using this computer on Ubuntu now that everything is working! This post is written from it as well! :D


    My first split keyboard!

    I just built this Ergodone over the weekend to replace the JJ40 Planck that I use at work. I really needed the number / symbol row, since I still have trouble remembering where the symbols are even after using the Planck for two years.

    I actually use the Colemak layout, but I leave the keycaps as qwerty, since admin level powershell only likes qwerty, and some of the remote servers I go into don't retain my keyboard settings. Then I can just look down and see where the keys are.

    Upgraded my mouse/keeb ratio 😎
  • 👍 Can the keyboard fit in your pocket?

  • Aurora Corne low profile split keyboard wireless
  • Hello fellow Colemak user! :D

  • MK in the wild (my office)
  • Nice! I use a Planck both at work and at home. People always stare at it when they drop by my office and ask how I can work on such a tiny keyboard. :D I do sometimes miss the number row, but oh well!

  • coralof Cora

    Omnist and Mystic

    I am currently learning how to explore the Akashic Records, and in my free time, I enjoy reading stories on AO3, especially set in the Human Domestication Guide universe.

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