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Google Kneecaps Loads Of Very Big Websites After SEO Change
  • None of this is relevant to the fact that your claim isn't even the weakest of weak evidence for your position. It is literally completely unconnected. SEO is a problem because searching through adversarial data inputs is not a problem anyone has shown any capacity to solve.

    And Google's search engine is a singular product. There is nothing to break it off from. Its position is exclusively the product of the fact that there is no other option that's remotely functional. Search is hard and no one else even has developed even a mildly interesting alternative.

  • Google Kneecaps Loads Of Very Big Websites After SEO Change
  • Except nothing else actually does meaningfully better than Google, even with Google being the only thing sites care about optimizing for.

    It's incredibly difficult to do a useful search if sites are hostile and doing everything possible to muddy the results.

  • With the recent helldivers 2 fiasco do you think Sony will still be able to fix destiny 2?
  • I'm at the point where the only way I'd consider it is if they change "we're going to stop removing content" into "we're giving back every single piece of content we've taken away since day one of D2".

    Because I paid for plenty before they turned it to shit.

  • Rabbit R1 AI box revealed to just be an Android app
  • No, they're not.

    An ereader is a piece of hardware that has a distinct purpose that cannot be matched by other hardware (high quality, high contrast, low power draw static content). Some of them do run Android, and that's a huge value add. But the actual hardware is the reason it exists.

    This is just a dogshit Android phone. There is no unique hardware niche it's filling. It's an extremely obvious scam that is very obviously massively downgraded in all of value, utility, and performance by being forced onto separate hardware.

  • Court Keeps DMCA Subpoena Shortcut Closed, Restricts Piracy Settlements * TorrentFreak
  • In the motion for reconsideration, the movie companies argued that Cox and other ISPs are not just mere conduit providers under DMCA §512(a); they would also fall under DMCA §512(d), as they can remove or disable ‘references or links’ to infringing content.

    If this argument succeeds, a DMCA subpoena would be valid, as these do apply to services that fall under DMCA §512(d).

    The movie companies used various arguments to make their case. For example, they argued that IP addresses are in themselves “references or links to infringing material” which can be disabled through null-routing. In addition, Cox can respond to takedown notices by implementing filters or blocking ports

    Seriously fuck off. That's batshit insane.

  • Deleted
    Interesting new data on Lemmy instance federation with Threads, ordered by Active Users descending.
  • Existing is shitty. There is no desire to "encourage" Facebook to do anything. Everything they touch is malignant and interacting with them in any way is a dumpster fire.

    Quarantining Facebook isn't to affect their behavior in any way. It's because the mere fact that an instance connects to Facebook makes them toxic.

  • 30% of Children Ages 5-7 Are on TikTok
  • I'm not going to argue if it's identical to ADHD chemically. I'm not sure we have the level of understanding of the low level mechanisms to differentiate (if it even is actually different), or even that ADHD is "one mechanism" and not a bundle of similar mechanisms of different types of disregulation with similar outcomes, because diagnosis of any mental difference is effectively all about checking boxes on patterns of behavior.

    But even if there's something you can point to as clearly a distinguishing factor to say "this isn't ADHD as we've defined it", which I'm not sure you can, I'm not sure how you say they're not similar or related.

  • 30% of Children Ages 5-7 Are on TikTok
  • ADHD doesn't even really mean short attention spans, it's more of the inability to willingly direct attention. It's the same way people incorrectly use "OCD" to mean liking things clean and/or orderly.

    Both of these are the product of needing constant stimulation. I understand your point that hyper-focus is also part of ADD/ADHD, and I certainly am not going to make claims about how your brain is changing structurally without evidence behind it.

    So this is mere conjecture for a mechanism:

    What these apps (with short format video being the worst) do is train your brain to expect a constant stream of dopamine hits. Novelty (presumably even trash novelty like TikTok) triggers dopamine, your brain becomes dependent on that steady stream of dopamine fix, and your body starts craving it once you remove that pattern of behavior.

    This is very similar to ADHD, which is also strongly connected to problems with how dopamine is regulated. It's not as simple as just not enough dopamine or poor uptake or whatever, but it's reasonably clear that it plays a role.

    So both cases are a result of poor dopamine regulation causing a need for stimulation that has a negative impact on ability to function from day to day. They're probably at minimum relatively similar.

  • Stop Using Your Face or Thumb to Unlock Your Phone
  • No, mind reading is a hundred orders of magnitude more invasive than any possible search.

    There is no possible scenario where it could ever possibly be justified or excused. Your brain is unconditionally sacred. There is no possible theoretical version of such technology that could ever not be pure, unforgivable evil to use without completely uncoerced consent.

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