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Bulletins and News Discussion from May 27th to June 2nd, 2024 - The Virgin France vs the Chad Sahel - COTW: Chad
  • This whole thread is very disappointing to me, I don't think anyone here has presented a coherent idea of what fascism is. I've said it many time on hexbear, the US is the perfect example of fascism having already won long ago. Fascism is the expropriation at the edges of the empire, where exchange is unequal due to expropriation. The US was fascist, stayed fascist, and is now fascist.

    Biden is just the specific face of it today, the slight flavor. A flavor that's slightly nicer to the queer community (not seeing the queer community as a space/group to expropriate from specifically) and nothing else. Trump wanted to expand some internal expropriation and apply fascism more internally and closer to home (and maybe at China, but I think he's just racist not actually wanting war). Nothing else.

  • The NYTimes is once again trashing the most promising mobility innovation of the 21st century
  • Yeah I should say, I'm not worried about theft as a phenomenon, I just wouldn't have an electric bike outside considering I don't earn enough to lose something like that. Theft is a tragic symptom but I also prefer not to be affected by it lol

    But smart, having inside places is cool. Most places I go and bike to wouldn't have that

  • I hate how disposable smartphones are
  • Eh I got it recommended by a comrade who seemed knowledgable about it, but I kinda regret it. It's expensive and, even if the parts are replaceable, the phone is slow and underperforming enough that it'll still just need replaced within 5 years due to software requirements from everything around it.

    Literally cheaper and just as little (or less) impact in continuously buying used flagship phones from 4 years ago.

    That comrade is a bit of a lib so I should've seen it coming. Of course I'm a lib so I didn't.

  • The NYTimes is once again trashing the most promising mobility innovation of the 21st century
  • Is bike theft not a major issue in New York It's the main thing keeping me from getting one. Bikes get stolen so frequently that I prefer my 100 buck bike, much more easily replaced.

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 27th to June 2nd, 2024 - The Virgin France vs the Chad Sahel - COTW: Chad
  • I can't tell who they're angry at? Us or Jacobin? Or a third party I'm not online enough to know? Or angry that we like Jacobin? (We don't right?)

    It feels purposefully vague to the point that I can't parse it

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 27th to June 2nd, 2024 - The Virgin France vs the Chad Sahel - COTW: Chad
  • I'm going to rant here, so it's not aimed at you specifically but it's something I need to vent here.

    I saw that video, after seeing many others some of which I didn't want to see and some of which I searched for for confirmation. Today, seeing that one, I realized I've experienced a sort of desensitization. I didn't feel ill, I didn't feel particularly disgusted at the image (did feel disgusted that people are doing and supporting this, of course), I mostly felt anger. Idk if that is desensitization or something else, but I just am constantly unbelievably angry at what has happened and can't feel much else when seeing these images.

    I used to describe to libs and non-Marxist leftists :same thing: how I felt about seeing unhoused people on the streets. People would mention how I was visibly angry when walking by someone, and I would always bring up that I'm constantly so angry about these people being unhoused in wealthy countries, and am upset that there's no way to fix it without much bigger changes than they want to comprehend, and I try to channel this anger into energy to read about how to fix this, strategize, organize, work for a better world, etc.

    I don't necessarily think this is good mentally or morally, especially when projected onto the suffering of Palestinians now. I feel like I'm so upset that it builds to be unbearable in its form and I can't deal with it as it is anymore, but can only try to become more energized and focused from it. Maybe it's dialectics like that.

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 20th to May 26th, 2024 - Never Break TrueAnon's Rules For Life - COTW: Azerbaijan
  • I've been asked shit too at borders. Not really intensely, but about party affiliations and about whether or not I was "radicalized" somewhere lol. I was turned into a communist by the West, not any country outside I've gone to lol

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  • Hahahha swaffelen, it's definitely a funnier way of saying it

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  • This says more like "I slammed my penis against the car door" which is less painful sounding and more like a show of force. Not that it matters much. Swamp German is the correct slur for future reference

  • Stephen Colbert's 'cringe' Joe Biden parody as toilet leaves fans fuming
  • Late to the party but I learned about skibidi when babysitting for my neighbor. She is from Afghanistan and speaks little English or the local language, but we get by. Her son, though, spoke the local language well at 4 and was trying, in 4 year old language, to tell me what skibidi was without mentioning YouTube, because the distinction of YouTube film and representing something real was not clear yet in his child brain.

    The sound effects he used were so hilarious and confusing. If I can remember right he said "it's this monster head that comes out of the [ground] and goes 'bwaaaam' ". Think of Sound effects for Interstellar lol.

    I genuinely thought for a bit that this was some folklore from Afghanistan that I'd never heard of til I tried to ask his mom wtf he was talking about and she was confused but mentioned it possibly being something about a toilet and we looked it up hahahah

    In any case, Marg bar amriika

  • Incredible things are happening in China (and Westoids are mad)
  • It's cool if it's about the wind spreading the seeds that float on wind! I hope that's a double meaning. I interpreted it as knowing he was going to die and become nutrients for flowers, which is cool but more sad

  • This vibrating piece of plastic on a gearbox goes for $1,000. Chiropractors are something I aspire to be - a fake doctor that scams people out of money.
  • Holy shit that poor man! I don't do a ton of yoga, mostly because I stretch a lot for running and lifting so it often feels double, but it's a great way to get someone to stretch without it feeling like a chore. I hadn't considered that (though, as you imply, masculinity can get in the way). Keep healthy comrade :denguin:

  • This vibrating piece of plastic on a gearbox goes for $1,000. Chiropractors are something I aspire to be - a fake doctor that scams people out of money.
  • My back hurts like shit if I don't stretch for like 3 days. But 5.5 minutes of stretching and I'm good for 2 more. I'm fully convinced the people I know with back pain that a chiropractor fixes are actually just getting stretched by them and feeling better from that.

    Though cracking your back does feel great too, for me it's just something that happens as I stretch in stead of a stretch happening when I crack my back

  • Your brain does not process information and it is not a computer | Aeon Essays
  • I am not, and I will look it up in a minute.

    But my point is that such a low-fidelity reconstruction, when interpreted through the model of modern computing methods, lacks the accuracy for any application AND, crucially, has absolutely no way to account for and understand its limitations in relation to the intended applications. That last part is a more philosophy of science argument than about some percentage accuracy. It's that the model has no way to understand its limitations because we don't have any idea what those are, and discussion of this is limited to my knowledge, leaving no ceiling for the interpretations and implications.

    I think a big difference in positions in this thread though is between those talking about how the best neuroscientists in the world think about this, and about those who are more technologists who never reached that level and want to Frankenstein their way to tech-bro godhood. I'm sure the top neuros get this, and are constantly trying to find new and better models. But their publications don't appear in science journals on the covers

  • Your brain does not process information and it is not a computer | Aeon Essays
  • I would love to see some studies that you believe show this. I have seen several over the last decade and come to the conclusion that most of these are bunk or just able to recognize one brain signal pattern, and that that pattern actually is indistinguishable from some others (like lamp and basket look nothing the same, but then the brain map for lamp also returns for bus for some reason).

    It's not a useful endeavor in my opinion, and using computer experience and languages as a model is a pretty shit model, is my conclusion. More predictive possibilities than psychology, but wildly inaccurate and unable to predict it's innaccuracy. It's good to push back because it's accuracy is wildly inflated by stembros

  • Dead man walking.
  • This is the simplest explanation. There was bound to be someone who would report something small, no reason to pay someone to do it. The easy-to-solve problems have been solved for years and now you can just advertise that like it's new

  • BBC - TikTok loves North Korea's latest propaganda bop. Why?
  • And the broken clock is finally right! Can't wait to inform the libs that they've finally been proven right on this one

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from April 15th to April 21st, 2024 - Between The Darkness And The Dawn, There Rises A Red Star
  • The pokes don't have to follow any specific logical pattern. This is because it's not the poke itself but the fact that the poke represents a willingness to attack at any time. In fact, continuously being the one to "deescalate" can make yourself seem like the rational one. Israel just needs Iran to understand that they could attack at any time and Iran will eventually have to respond if that stance is maintained. The process/conditions that leads to the poking is the more important fact to understand. That is here destabilization and anti- sovereignty of states at the borders of accumulation

  • Help sending an American help for food from europe

    Can't figure out a goddamn way to send money for food or gift card or whatever to someone using Euros. Insert Stalin quote about hunger not waiting. Anyone got a nice way? Or a way at all? Like do i have to use fuckin Bitcoin?

    Any help appreciated
