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They’ve finally figured it out
  • Kroc didn't even found the company, he bought it from the McDonald's. So why wouldn't he have started a business that's satanist from the beginning? I bet the conspiracy idiots have an explanation for that too.

  • What games did you have a good time with that you just never finished?
  • You *have * to try Blood and Wine. Simply put, it makes up for everything before it. The bright, warm, Southern France -inspired map, great quests, and finally a homestead.

    Try Witcher with some QoL mods, like easier fast travel, auto harvesting, auto-applying of oils. Everything that lets you play the game instead of plucking flowers all day.

  • Google is testing a new way to make YouTube worse
  • I'm not a mindless consumer (aka sheeple) for making a decision someone else doesn't approve of.

    The alternatives to YouTube Premium are

    • Ads: won't happen

    • Ad-Block: won't work (anymore)

    • no YouTube: there are no great free or cheaper alternatives

  • Apple announced RCS with a whimper when it should have been a bang
  • That's it, for Apple the mere mention is already too much. Why would anyone want compatibility if they also just could buy an Apple product?

    Also the reason why ipads and Vision don't support multiple users: not only should you buy an Apple product, but so do your partner, parents, kids, etc.

  • Google is testing a new way to make YouTube worse
  • That's the point. You cost them money, because streaming is really expensive and skipping or blocking ads doesn't make money.

    The moment I was presented with an ad-blocker notification by YouTube, I subscribed to Premium. I won't watch ads. If it gets too expensive I'll quit.

  • Queen in Talks to Sell Catalog for $1B – Report
  • Why not make it public domain? They're millionaires or even billionaires already anyway. And Queen also had essentially no new musical output since exactly the day Mercury died. All they did was grabbing every tape with Freddie's voice on it and sell it.

  • Google can keep your phone if you send it in for repair with non-OEM parts
  • Depends. Where I live even signed contracts can be deemed illegal in parts if a clause is still seen as unexpected or surprising for the customer.

    If Google included a clause that states the customer loses a kidney to them, wouldn't make it legal just because it's written there.

  • Ubisoft meme
  • I don't defend the situation, I get along with it. Is it not possible for some people to have an issue with a product and still be able to use it?

    Launchers aren't perfect, not even Steam as the pack leader. But they're a **minor inconvenience **.

    I haven't got a single game installed that uses nearly as few resources as all the launchers. Mass Effect LE alone is around 100 times bigger than Steam on my drive. That's not bloatware, that's a mini tool in comparison.

    Curseforge/Overwolf takes less than 500 MB of RAM, when I launch Minecraft through it the game takes 20 times the amount.

    Tell me where the problem is. If your computer can run and install the game it can do so with the launcher too. Some of us can deal with that even if it's not a perfect situation.

  • Ubisoft meme
  • I don't claim it's not an issue and yes I can ignore it perfectly.

    Compared to what amount of resources most modern games require, a launcher or store app needs a tiny fraction of that. The issue is overblown IMHO.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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