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Android users who don't use the stock launcher - what launcher do you use, and what do you like about it?
  • Bit of FUD surrounding it, but Nova Launcher was acquired by an analytics company called Branch a year or so ago.

  • Android users who don't use the stock launcher - what launcher do you use, and what do you like about it?
  • Bit of an odd one, but after the Nova Launcher fiasco I tried several launchers also listen in this thread but landed on Hyperion Launcher in the end. Simple, clean and supports icon themes. Did the trick for me.

  • What is your internet service plan?
  • $90 for 100/20 in Sydney, Australia. I have FttP, but can't come up with a legitimate need for >100mbs at the moment

  • What is your favorite video game from the 90s?
  • Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time. Super Mario 64 was my first "3D" so to speak, but OoT took that to the next level. The feeling of wonder when I first left the Lost Woods and came out into the field will never be topped.

  • [Critique] Skyrim is a great open world game, but what could be done differently?
  • Ability to pick up quests or map markers just by hanging around taverns and inns and passively listening to conversations around you.

  • What are some useful tips you wish you knew earlier?
  • If you're playing a thief build, always have a kettle or bucket in your inventory. If you want to clean out a shop while the owner is still there, just put a kettle on their head and away you go.

  • This dishwasher will change my life 😭
  • Not too proud to admit I got way too excited when I got my first Dyson. If anyone has animals with long hair, you'll understand.

  • What perfectly normal thing can't you be around anymore due to something you experienced?
  • Smirnoff Double Blacks for me. Was the poison of choice for many as it was one of the first alchopops with 1.8+ standard drinks in a bottle. The mere sight of them makes me shudder.

  • Stumbled across these guys while walking
  • I think you mean they stumbled across you. Congrats, you've been adopted!

  • What is the weirdest interaction you’ve had with a stranger?
  • To this day, still not really sure how I felt. Confused maybe?

  • What is the weirdest interaction you’ve had with a stranger?
  • Not sure if creepy or flirty, but once when nursing my too many-th beer for the night at my local, a lady walked up, stroked my face and said "you're so cute and alone" then disappeared into the strobe-lit night.

  • What's something you'd change in men's fashion, given the chance?
  • In the same vein as cloaks, bring back robes. Hell yes I want people to think I'm a wizard.

  • What's something you'd change in men's fashion, given the chance?
  • Or a 'Lad Bag' in the local dialect.

  • Gaming hot takes?
  • Agree on fast travel if immersion is your thing.

  • Here we go again 📉
  • Settings records for most 'once in a lifetime' events. We #1!

  • what are your favorites foss apps ?
  • Looks like others have already mentioned most of my favourites, but one I feel deserves special mention: Newpipe.

    Haven't used the main YouTube app or website in years!

  • Eat your fibers
  • There's something simple yet effective about toilet humor, never fails to get a laugh out of me.

  • cntzr0 CountZero
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