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Actually, Winamp is not going Open Source
  • Maybe someone can explain to me why Winamp is still so popular?

    I have used Winamp 2, 3 and 5 around 2000ish, and it was a fine player, but nothing really special. After Winamp I think I switched to MediaMonkey, which IMO was easier to manage my music collection. Then I used VirtualDJ, which supported cross fading between music with synchronized beats. I think I also used foobar2000 a bit.

    Winamp was an okayish player, but there was much more powerful software around at that time. It this just nostalgics or is there really something that people miss today that Winamp provided or still provides?

  • Fallout Series (Why don’t I like it?)
  • Time and your personal experience might be a factor.

    Often the first book I read from an author, leaves a very positive and fresh impression, but after I read a couple more of the same author, I learn their structure and writing style, and it becomes just more of the same, and I have trouble getting into those books.

    It is similar in other mediums as well, maybe to a lesser degree. TV series and video games have multiple writers to keep things fresh, but at some point it becomes just more of the same.

    You can still try to replay/rewatch/reread the great ones, but then you know what to expect. This might not be the case with new media of the same authors.

    Also time directly might also effect it, I have trouble really getting into any game now, because I have other stuff to do, and getting back into it afterwards (especially with video games) is more difficult.

  • Report: Fallout London's Delay, And The Move To GOG
  • I would wish if some standard mod download, update and collection API would be established, then having multiple mod sites where everything works slightly different, some mods are exclusive and you might have to pay each service separately for a fast download.

    I have a lifetime premium nexus account, so I was there when the enshittyfication started, before it was great, now I see that newcomers have it more difficult there. But I am not sure that multiple competing mod sites will be better, because there is no standard API yet.

    I would be willing to pay one provider, which pays for hosting and also gives some to the creators, but then I want to have full and convenient access to all mods.

  • Report: Fallout London's Delay, And The Move To GOG
  • Steam has a long history of breaking mods, by forcing game (and mod) updates.

    Users and Developers have to actively work around that on Steam.

    But while GOG doesn't force updates, they also could do a better job and allowing fresh installs of old versions.

  • [Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism?
  • Yes. Meat is expensive, and should be expensive.

    However meat replacement products cost even more, but they should be cheaper, because they are cheaper to produce.

    Diary free ice cream is more expensive. Cow milk is cheaper than oat milk.

    This isn't just about not eating meat or animal products, this is the whole "vegan lifestyle" food that is unreasonable more expensive.

    Like buying more expensive vegan salt or sugar instead of normal one.

    And if you don't do that, you are not a "true vegan™". And the vegan police will come and get you!

    "Oh, the pepper you just ate was fertilized by pig manure, sorry you aren't vegan anymore. You should have bought the more expensive vegan pepper."

  • [Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism?
  • You can accept that they are making a better choice, but then you have to accept that you're making a worse choice.

    No, people don't dislike vegans or vegetarians because of their choices, they dislike them because they lord their, what they think "better" choice over others. And create in- and out- groups via labeling.

    Being vegan or vegetarian means that you have to spend more money in the store to buy food, because meat is heavily subsidized compared to vegetarian options. Also, because being vegan/vegetarian is not the default, many products are overpriced.

    Another point is that a healthy and varied diet using only vegan or vegetarian food doesn't come so natural, so you have to research this more, which means you have to spend time, which again is a commodity.

    So it is not just about good or bad, it is also about privilege and class. So people should not go around making statements about other people making "worse" choices.

  • [Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism?
  • Currently being vegan or vegetarian is a choice of privilege. An healthy and varied diet becomes more difficult and expensive, when you start removing dishes from your pallet.

    So it becomes coupled with a status symbol, instead of being the default way. As long as people call themselves "vegan" or "vegetarian" because of their choice (people being vegan or vegetarian because of mental or medical issues, is different case), they highlight that status over "normal" people.

    If people are just not eating meat or animal products for whatever reason, without trying to use labels like "vegan" or "vegetarian" to highlight their status, then that is fine and a personal choice.

    Creating societal change, to make vegan or vegetarian the default position, will also lessen the status of the vegans and vegetarians, that use those labels as such. So they have incentives to not produce a political or societal change.

    Vegans & vegetarians should go on protests and lobby to make vegan food cheaper and easier than meat, so that it becomes the default. If they don't do that, and still call themselves vegan/vegetarian then that might imply that it is all about showing their status, and people don't like that.

    Consumer choice is a privilege and not about creating an effective societal/political movement. They should not be used as a status symbol.

    (Disclaimer: I eat meat and animal products very infrequently, only when my body demands it. I am also thankful for all vegans and vegetarians, because they gave us more interesting options in stores and restaurants.)

  • Bitwarden has launched a new authenticator app
  • There is not much difference between having two apps (password manager and authenticator app) or one app, that does both on the same device.

    So, if you want more security, then you have to deal with a hardware token and never with a authenticator app. But then if you loose your token, then you have trouble.

  • Bitwarden has launched a new authenticator app
  • I used to use Aegis, but after setting up my own vaultwarden, I use the normal bitwarden app/plugin on all my systems for passwords and TOTP.

    The advantages are that I don't need my phone to login, the keys are synced and backuped in the encrypted vaultwarden database, which I can then handle with normal server backup tools. It still works offline, because bitwarden app caches the password.

    This is IMO much more convenient and secure (in a way that loosing access to a device doesn't shut you out, and you don't need to trust third parties) then most other solutions.

  • Much ado about "nothing" - Xe Iaso (==Goodbye NixOS)
  • Not the drama itself should influence your judgment, but how they will deal with it.

    Whenever people work together on something, there will be some drama, but if they are dealing with it, then that should be fine.

    Nix and NixOS are big enough, that even if it fails, there are enough other people that will continue it, maybe under a different name.

    Even it that causes a hard fork, which I currently think is unlikely, there are may examples where that worked and resolved itself over time, without too much of burden on the users, meaning there are clear migration processes available: owncloud/nextcloud, Gogs/Gitea/Forgejo, redis/valkey, ....

  • The Way Forward, an update from the team behind Cities: Skylines
  • No, the consumers are never to blame for stuff like this!

    This is something that is just that we get told by the people that are lying about and hyping up a product, putting up manipulative incentives for buying it before letting us inspect it. Then releasing trash, but still appealing on our empathic nature and promising that it might get fixed later. And when things turn to shit, then it is our trust and empathy, willingness to support them, that is to blame for it. No!

    If the industry exploits our good and trusting nature, then we need to fight them with regulation and laws. Our civilization and the human nature is built on trust, and that should not be undermined by short profit oriented, exploitative companies or business practices.

  • A bad influence
  • A customer wanted to used Teams couple of days ago, I couldn't make it work on my companies laptop, trying three different browers. I just loaded an empty white page.

    I had to use a laptop from another customer, that also use Teams, to do so, which worked, but gave me toothache, in terms of security.

    Both laptops where on the same network and both ran Debian and I tried the same browsers, without any plugins and jitsi-meet works fine on my companies laptop. So apparently the system need to be specially configured for Teams to work.

    I am staying with jitsi-meet, thank you very much.

    The customer, I got the laptop from, knew what they did and provided managed Linux Systems for people to be able to use Teams.

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