I have home server with Home Assistant and small VPSes. I want to monitor one of the VPS in Home Assistant. I know that Glances could be the best choice here, but I cannot connect Glances wuth Home Assistant (I can access to web interface hosted directly on VPS, but I cannot connect it to Home Assistant). Is there a light alternative that I can quickly install on VPS server (ubuntu) and connect it with Home Assistant? I don't need a lot of metrics - only CPU, RAM, Load and maybe net traffic. I am open to standards like MQTT.
Hedgedoc and Nextcloud Notes
I tried another TeX editors, but I had some problems with packages that I need in my documents :(. But I would left Overleaf bc it is really heavy software.
I know, That's why I said I always look for Docker Compose bc it is the easier option.
The easier option is hunting for Docker Compose...
I know some Docker, even I built my own images, but I just don't really like Docker.
yeah, it is available in yunohost catalog https://apps.yunohost.org/app/overleaf and as Docker project.
I would guess that you need to learn more about Docker usage in general, rather than just looking for a Docker Compose file
Yeah, I don't really like using Docker so I always go for easier option, but my friend uses Docker a lot and also had troubles with Overleaf.
Also, I’d like to point out that Overleaf’s hosting and pricing options are quite reasonable, especially if you’re working for a university or institution: https://www.overleaf.com/user/subscription/plans
I don't work for university, but I am a student that needs Latex. Overleaf free plan got really bad, even my thesis cannot be compiled now and Overleaf pricing isn't really great. Student pricing is only for annually subscription, so it is not ideal for me.
Do any of you self-host Overleaf? I know there is a Docker project, but from what I've heard it's not easy to install. The Yunohost version used to work but didn't support file upload, so that makes it bad too.
Have any of you successfully installed Overleaf with e.g. Docker and it works just fine? If so, could any of you share e.g. the Docker Compose file?
- Home Assistant - Home automation and Smart home
- Nextcloud - cloud, rss, tasks, kanban, online office suite, file sharing
- Hedgedoc - markdown notes with easy publication
- adguard - ad blocking software
- Wallabag - Mozilla Pocket alternative
- Jellyfin - multimedia server
Gitlab isn't really lightweight. It is cool, but not lightweight.
Plus they always try to hide how stuff works behind the scenes so that day that upgrade script has a bug and fails, it’s hard to revert to a working stage.
Yunohost is creating backups for apps that are being updated. If update fails, it automatically reverts. Yes, it works, I checked.
those projects get eventually abandoned,
Yunohost is here for years now, and it does not look like it will be abondoned any time soon.
I use a Yunohost for more about 1,5 year. I love for stability and simplicity but also openess for more pro users. I have my own backup solution that works great. Yunohost isn't popular but has big catalogue. Some of the apps are not present in catalogue, so I use Docker on second device to get them.
Nextcloud is hard to install in manual way (even sometimes with Docker). As far I know, both Snap and Yunohost versions of Nextcloud are solid. I used Snap version on the cheapest Linode VPS, and it worked fine, especially when I doubled the SWAP to 1 GB. Now I use Yunohost version and I have only good time with it. It is super stable, fast and reliable. I used Nextcloud_ynh on HP 800 Mini G3 with i5-6500t and now on Asrock Mini PC with Ryzen 7 5700g. It is working just great.
If you don't want to use Nextcloud, you ca install Vikunja for kanban and tasks. For notes Hedgedoc can be great.
Jak się okazuje, lipiec 2023 roku był bardzo dobry dla Linuksa. I to na tyle dobry, że Linux wyprzedził macOS! A przynajmniej na Steamie.
I think you can go with Yunohost. It is easy to start selfhosting and exposing services to the web. I use it for more than a year, and it is super cool. Especially I love the fact, that it is easy for newcomers, but also it is opened for customisation for more pro users. Yunohost provides domain with ddns, Fail2Ban and tells which ports should be opened (80 and 443 is all you need, maybe another one for ssh). It also provides SSO for hiding services that do not use authentication.
Adguard Home works really bad on RPi Zero and not as fast as PiHole on Rpi3B+. That's why Adguard is heavier for me.
I used both and Adguard looks more buggy for me. And also it is heavier.
Asrock X300 Mini with 2x HDD 2 TB 2,5" drives in Raid1, NVMe Samsung, 1 TB 2,5" HDD connected via USB and Zigbee gateway
It has place for two drives - one NVMe 2280 and one SATA 2,5". If you want something bigger, but still Mini, You can buy Asrock X300 DeskMini with AM4 socket. I have this with Ryzen 7 5700g. It offers two slots for 2280 NVMe drives and two slots for 2,5" SATA drives.
Yunohost or Snap. Snap catalogue of server apps is small but it offfers Home Assistant, Adguard home and Plex.
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Are any of you hosting using Snaps?
Deploying snap apps is really easy, but the catalog is quite small. I use one snap app (Ghostscript) for printing server and it works just fine.
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Jeśli korzystać z Linuksa i Wallabag, to już teraz możesz zainstalować aplikację kliencką do przeglądania artykułów. Nazywa się Read It later.
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Wraz z @morganmlg@101010.pl przygotowaliśmy aplikację mobilną na Androida, która chociaż minimalnie ułatwia obsługę domowego serwera z usługami. Program wspiera Linuksy oraz usługi postawione za pomocą Dockera oraz Yunohosta.
Aplikacja jest dostępna w Sklepie Google Play oraz na GitHubie. Szykujemy się do udostępnienia w F-Droid.
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