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Man recording a concert on cassette, Poland, 1980s
  • And still is. I shoot a fair bit of black and white film. It's cheaper, I can develop it at home, it produces a silver negative that will last centuries. The medium itself had been around for a century, so it imparts a sense of timelessness. I appreciate a good photo that you can't tell if it's 1924 or 2024 until you notice some dude with a cellphone in the background.

  • Climate goals could make gas heating obsolete. So why do gas companies keep adding customers? Building more gas infrastructure is like investing in video rental stores 15 years ago, says expert
  • There are also many ways to build a more efficient building envelope and insulation is one of the cheapest things that goes into a house. That makes the heat pumps even more viable in more climates.

    I also love how people love to hate on heat pumps when there's so many shit box homes with electric baseboards wasting tons of power.

  • Responsive Design Go Brrrr
  • I'm an architect. It's nice having the project I'm actively working on always active on one screen, with design sketches, marked up revisions, email with comments from client, renderer etc. active on the other. Sure it only saves a second not having to tab back and forth, but if you're doing it non stop all day it makes a big difference. Also just less effort.

  • Bike lights
  • Check out Fenix. I was super happy with my Fenix headlamp, so when the time came for a new bike light I was pleased to find they make solid options. Removable battery, good brightness, good adjustability to not blind others, used it road and mountain biking at night. Easily unclips from bar when you're leaving your bike locked up somewhere.

  • What's your hobby or pursuit that influences how you like to identify yourself?
  • Snowboarder. It's just my favourite thing to do going on 15 years now. It's influenced where I chose to live, the friends I've made, sparked a passion for outdoors that lead to also being a backpacker, climber, mountain biker, and realize my whole thing is really just having fun flowing through nature.

    Photographer. All that time in nature puts me in pretty places so I wanted to take landscapes. That's still my favourite genre, but I also go for random photo walks, am my social groups go to wedding photographer, document my own kid and family, collect and shoot old school film cameras, develop my own film even. I'm that random weird friend always walking around with a camera.

  • Moment innocent civilian brandishing white flag in Gaza 'safe zone' is shot dead in the street
  • Fine, Israel's leader/government, as elected by its population, is on record. Does that make it better?

    1% of the population is a lot of people. That's tens of thousands of lives cut short. Kids who'll never grow up, families torn apart, etc. Should that not elicit emotion? There's plenty of videos of children and unarmed people trying to surrender or otherwise being shot. Seems like anyone and everyone to me.

    Fun fact! Hysteria was originally thought to be a condition that only applied to women, hence the Greek root "hyster" for womb, as if that were the source of irrational emotion.

  • Moment innocent civilian brandishing white flag in Gaza 'safe zone' is shot dead in the street
  • That's a very good point, I'm sure most Israelis are lovely wonderful people despite the government and atrocities being committed. I bet most Palestinians are equally wonderful. Maybe we should be against indiscriminately killing them?

  • Moment innocent civilian brandishing white flag in Gaza 'safe zone' is shot dead in the street
  • You mean the organization that Israel influenced the creation of through decades of mistreatment and mishandling of the situation? The same one Israel is on record saying it's a good thing as it allows Israel to treat Palestine as a hostile state? Basically exactly what they're doing now, killing anyone and everyone and just shrugging and saying "because hamas"?

  • Gen Z is prioritizing living over working because they've seen 'the legacy of broken promises' in corporate America, a future-of-work expert says
  • I think this is a huge part of the problem. Rental property owners are just a liability buffer for the banks. There should be mortgages at a 1% down payment for first time buyers with a proven track record of making rent payments on time. Maybe the rates are a little higher, with the extra interest giving the banks motivation for taking on the extra risk. Then after the first term the owner can renew with a normal rate.

    Doesn't help with the demand issue, but maybe all the rentals will flood the market after nobody is being punished for not having $100k laying around because they're busy paying someone else's carrying costs.

  • Trump Isn’t Bluffing. We’ve become inured to his rhetoric, but his message has grown darker
  • Nothing wholesome every seeps lol love it. With you on the hovering around zero and wet though, that was my last big camp for three nights in Kootenay National Park. No problems staying cozy if it's dry and cold, but the seepage gets to you.

  • Good “Buy for Life” Brands
  • I want to agree, and still do for some of their items, but personally have found a lot of their products have gone downhill in the last few years. Quality control is all over on the gloves nowadays, sent two pairs back with weird stitching and a single pencil point tapered finger on liners. I originally liked the vigor midlayer fleece stuff as a budget R1 but it's pilled and worn super fast and just isn't that warm anymore.

    Their alpine merino base layer stuff is pretty awesome though, and found the ascent shell touring jacket nice and breathable for backcountry stuff. For the most part I'll just spend a bit extra and go for Patagonia moving forward, which of also consider a BIFL brand.

  • What's the oldest piece of tech you still have running?
  • Got my grandpa's Minolta XE7 in the bag on my way to visit my daughter for the holidays. Not my oldest camera, but he's not around anymore so there's some nice sentiment capturing family moments with his camera. Security hand checked the film, no questions asked, so that's nice. Couple rolls of HP5 to push for inside, and some Gold 200 if we get some sunny weather.

  • Most Americans want to electrify their homes — if they can keep their gas stoves
  • Canada, and yeah when it comes to how we build we are definitely behind. Oil and gas is so entrenched in the economy, especially western provinces, that any going against that is blasphemy to a significant chunk of the population. It will get better though. We can already do better, the incentive just isn't there.

    I'm a certified passive house designer and I'm always jealous of all the products and materials available in Europe!

  • Most Americans want to electrify their homes — if they can keep their gas stoves
  • It's not a distraction so much as it's the bait. Gas cooking gets the utility serviced to the building, which enables the gas furnace vs electric heat pump conversation. Gas furnace is cheaper up front, so that's what goes into suburbia.

    Builders and developers will always do the absolutely cheapest thing possible to stay competitive, and will only do better when they're either legislated to or consumers demand it. Home builders associations lobby to keep minimum requirements ... minimal, and most consumers just see pretty showers and big kitchen islands, so this is why we still build houses like it's 1980.

    Always amuses me how many people care about gas mileage on a $50k car but couldn't give two shits if their $2m home is efficient.

    Source: I'm a home designer who frequently has this conversation and that's usually how it goes down.

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  • Photography, mostly landscapes. Something satisfying about capturing the essence of a beautiful view and being able to share it with others who couldn't be there to savour the moment. Sometimes a fancy digital camera, sometimes old timey film cameras my grandpa got me into. I'm also into backpacking, climbing, splitboarding, and otherwise just spending time in the mountains so there's no shortage of views to capture.

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  • I always find climbing and running to be such complimentary activities. Strength and cardio both covered between the two of them, and at their core all you really need is a pair of shoes for each.

  • Gate No. 5 [MC Rokkor X 50/1.4 - Svema Foto 100]

    Photo walk back in winter. Old mill site that's being rehabilitated for future development. Make a point to wander by every now and then and document the progress.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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