There's no point in trying to use Meta-crap "privately", as these services main goal is to NOT respect privacy and make life miserable for anyone who dares. If you really need it for work-releated stuff, buy a second phone/device, register another e-mail - basically create separate digital identity for your "public" (non-private) life. Otherwise you will have to deal with various annoyances, like randomly logging you out, demanding SMS authentication or locking your account for some dumb reasons. Insta/FB are absolute garbage, and the last thing we should give them is our anger and stress due to dealing with their BS. It's not good for your health folks :)
If it's twice as wide as you want, just resize it. More important is that you probably ending up with both planes, left and right being identical, meaning it will not have 3D effect. Just tested it myself with latest version of ffmpeg. Still no official MVC support it seems...
How about this tool? As far as I'm aware plain FFmpeg can't decode MVC (or am I wrong?) App that helps in installation of different browsers. Not everything can be found in app-stores.
AvistaZ group is even more worthwile, specifically PrivateHD, although might not be as easy to join as TL.
Obviously... this post FEELS like it's been either written by Vivali employee or it's some other form of sponsored content 🤮
No opinion on Vivaldi, just don't like ads 😂
Use it in sandboxed "Work Profile" (AOSP) or even better... get a second phone for that.
Depends on your budget. If quality is important, you need at least decent VCR. High-end models might be difficult to obtain, especially those made stricte for digitizing (very expensive). Look for something with S-Video output if possible (better than single RCA), and from computer end... maybe Black Magic Intensity Pro 4K card? Comes with Resolve software. Alternatively you also get a cheap RCA-to-USB adapter, and that will work with most capturing software, but the final quality might be... well, cheap.
Perhaps... "Organic Maps"?