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What are some small minor things that annoy you in movies ?
  • Sorry, long time to answer but one of my most hated tropes in shows/movies is the bartender shaking a drink in a Boston tin and just dumping it into a martini glass. No ice. No strainer. Just I'm assuming water poured into a glass. I see it more often then I should. Also "leave the bottle." Fuck off. Order as you go mofo. Ugghh. I have more but those are a few.

  • Fast Food Worker Serves Bullets Instead of Curly Fries
  • Well as a general rule, don't fuck with the people who make your food. Am service industry and can attest. I've never spat in food or anything against health code, but if you're a dick your gonna reap your reward.

  • What dream do you want to fulfil?
  • As someone in their mid 30s and hospitality industry I don't see it ever happening. Social security fund getting robbed, climate change, possibility of western civilization going down hill I'm not holding my breath.

    Enjoy the ride and hopefully procure a trade that might be needed in apocalyptic times my friend. I'm riding on knowing how to bake bread or make alcohol.

  • What dream do you want to fulfil?
  • Own a house. I finally start making decent money and can save but it's nothing to what I would need for a mortgage. On top of that if I do finally bite I can't guarantee my income if I chnlange jobs which could be a thing. I just want to own and have a yard so I can get a dog. My shitty apparetment doesn't have space or commodities for it and rent keeps going up.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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