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The Palestinian activists fighting for LGBTQ+ rights against a neverending backdrop of war
  • Did anyone here read the article? Two paragraphs are about Queers for Palestine. The rest is about actual Palestinians trying to fight for LGBT rights. So many people here trying to dunk on how dumb it is to fight for this when it's the people actually over there fighting for their rights. Are you saying that shouldn't happen?

  • The Palestinian activists fighting for LGBTQ+ rights against a neverending backdrop of war
  • Why is this relevant? The article is about Palestinian activists fighting for LGBT rights for Palestine. Yes the rights of LGBT people in Palestine are not great .... But that's literally what this article is about, Palestinians fighting to make it better

  • 'New Vegas is a very, very important game to us,' says mildly exasperated Todd Howard, who will never stop getting grilled about New Vegas
  • Trying to make fallout die? He helped make a show that has done insanely well and brought the fallout series player counts to record highs. You can not like Todd but to claim he's trying to kill the series is hilarious

  • The walls of Apple’s garden are tumbling down
  • I'm really confused how this is the top comment. This article isn't about apple failing. It's literally just about the walled garden part of their being coming down, which is objectively true based on the things the EU has done and the current anti trust case in the US. I mean I definitely agree I don't think Apple is going to fall anytime soon. But that's not what the article is saying

  • ‘Romeo & Juliet’ Play Starring Tom Holland and Francesca Amewaduh-Rivers Faces ‘Barrage of Racial Abuse,’ Producer Says ‘This Must Stop’
  • Not really a big deal but it's funny that this variety article and all the other people reporting on this are using the same line of Francesca being from sex education when she's not lol. She's from bad education. It seems like so many websites are just copying from the same source and so they all have the same mistake

  • [Reddit] Mario Maker has been defeated. The very last level, Trimming The Herbs has been beaten by sanyx91smm2, and Team Zero percent has completed their goal
  • The title annoys me because team 0% did already accomplish their goal weeks ago. Sure it was anticlimactic, but with the rules set out for them from the get go, it was done when it came out tth was TAS.

    Don't get me wrong it's absolutely amazing and so cool the level got beaten. But this accomplishment does not signify team 0% completing their goal.

    Also I know it's just the title of the reddit thread so not annoyed at OP. And I'm only like pedantically fake annoyed lol

  • How A Small Video Game Narrative Studio Wound Up At The Heart Of A Massive, Anti-Woke Conspiracy Theory - Aftermath
  • I've got an ad blocker on mobile and yeah the article goes on wayyyyyyyy longer than what you show there

  • Lemmy's Image Problem (Updated 02-06-2024)
  • Not sure I'm seeing what's fucked up about this. It's not like they're using people's comments as their own work. They link back to this thread. It just seems like a place where they can dump a bunch of their own thoughts related to a topic without posting it here since it's not necessarily in line with this thread's topic anymore. And I thought it was an interesting read and appreciated them posting it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • Deleted
    ecocidal maniac rule
  • I never claimed that her, her music, or her fans were treated the same. I absolutely agree that they are not. I had no ill will towards her in any way shape or form before recent news about her private jet usage and her rising to billionaire status. I'm a woman and I defended my cis straight friends who enjoyed her music against the ridicule they saw from other cis straight men in our group. Even if I wasn't personally a fan of her genre of music.

    Yes I'm sure there are people who only call her out because she is a woman or popular with young girls. I think most right wing people (who this meme seems to be about) are more calling her out due to her more left wing views. However I still believe she should be called out. Even if people I disagree with are also calling her out.

    I don't really think I took it personally. I was simply attempting to respond to a meme that seemed to be defending her, and I had something to say. Nothing in what I said had to do with her music or fans or the state of the music industry for women. It was simply about billionaires being a bs class that shouldn't exist.

  • Deleted
    ecocidal maniac rule
  • I dislike, criticize, and will continue to criticize all billionaires. Including Taylor Swift. Yes she happens to be much more relevant at the moment. That does not mean people rightly calling her out are just hating because she's a woman and popular with teenage girls

  • “Wherever you get your podcasts” is a radical statement
  • I agree that the Spotify exclusive podcasts suck. However I am 99% sure reply all never went Spotify exclusive. The show just kinda imploded after the test kitchen series. I was listening up till the very end on normal podcast apps.

  • First game you played
  • Pajama Sam: There's no need to hide when it's dark outside

  • Roguelike vs Roguelite - what's the difference?
  • This article doesn't interpret the Berlin interpretation correctly. The things the article says are "must haves" are actually just "high value factors" as the post says.

    This list can be used to determine how roguelike a game is. Missing some points does not mean the game is not a roguelike. Likewise, possessing some points does not mean the game is a roguelike.

    So while some of these are deemed important to roguelike, it can be a roguelike without all of those things.

    Now personally I think the debate over the genre is silly, and I don't think the Berlin interpretation is really accurate anymore. But to be fair to it, it does not say a game has to have everything on that list. Spelunky is a roguelike. Idc what anyone says. Just because it isn't turn/grid based doesn't mean it isn't a roguelike. It has most all the other high value factors, and a handful of the low value factors as well.

  • Riot Games Now Requires Kernel-Level Anti-Cheat Software for League of Legends, Following Valorant's Implementation
  • Because why would a random user not affiliated with the creation of the instance, therefore having no power over the spelling utilized in it, in anyway care

  • Epic win: Jury decides Google has illegal monopoly in app store fight
  • I mean I don't love either company but I'd argue Google is a much more shit company than epic lol

  • Deleted
    Israel says Hamas ceasefire violated after 15 minutes
  • Is this just an image? I see no news story here

  • Sunbird shuts down its iMessage app for Android 'for now' amid 'security concerns'
  • If you're talking about the whole thing with dolphin almost being released on steam, it wasn't going to cost money. They weren't trying to monetize. They were just trying to have the download available on steam

  • Starfield Ghosted At The 2023 Game Awards
  • I honestly do love the game but like, this year was stacked lol. I had a blast with it but other stuff was better

  • Can't upload avatar

    Hey all,

    Having trouble uploading an avatar. Is there some file size limit or something? Thanks!

    A24 Expands Strategy From Arthouse Gems to More Commercial Films A24 Expands Strategy From Arthouse Gems to More Commercial Films

    A24 is shying away from the auteur films that made them successful to more commercial fare such as action and IP projects.

    A24 Expands Strategy From Arthouse Gems to More Commercial Films

    Non paywalled link:

    chloyster Chloyster [She/Her]

    Trans rights 🏳️‍⚧️

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