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  • Maybe because Mozilla and their partners actually did use machine learning to build the model that powers the local translation feature?

  • DAE find the attitude of most pet-owners to be more repulsive than that of most meat-eaters
  • @PM_me_trebuchets @tributarium Question: what exactly do you hope to achieve by barging in and insulting anyone who questions your (perhaps motivated) reasoning? You are a textbook example of how not to have an actual conversation. Instead of actually engaging with the points being made (and giving the reasons you disagree with them), you instead stoop to insulting people who are trying to have an actual conversation with you.

    Go outside and touch grass, my friend. Anger is bad for you :)

  • DAE find the attitude of most pet-owners to be more repulsive than that of most meat-eaters
  • @PM_me_trebuchets @Gold_E_Lox So ownership is fine as long as the owner determines that the conditions are adequate? Seems pretty sus.

  • DAE find the attitude of most pet-owners to be more repulsive than that of most meat-eaters
  • @PM_me_trebuchets Also, if I were 'normal', I would have accepted the meat, dairy, and egg industries as 'normal' and not at all exploitative. That is, I would not be vegan. But I actually like to think about these things and question my assumptions, even if it's uncomfortable.

  • DAE find the attitude of most pet-owners to be more repulsive than that of most meat-eaters
  • @PM_me_trebuchets You're not actually addressing my points. What gives you the right to determine whether your pet is allowed to reproduce?

  • DAE find the attitude of most pet-owners to be more repulsive than that of most meat-eaters
  • @PM_me_trebuchets But what gives you the right to decide if your pet is allowed to reproduce? And I'm not the one claiming pets are part of my family - pet owners are! So it makes sense to examine whether that actually holds up upon closer scrutiny.

  • DAE find the attitude of most pet-owners to be more repulsive than that of most meat-eaters
  • @PM_me_trebuchets @tributarium It's particulary problematic with pets because we see fit to *literally cut off their ability to reproduce*, among other things. People say pets are like family, but if you locked your child up in the house (for their safety, ofc) and neutered them without their consent, you would be thrown in jail for child endangerment.

  • DAE find the attitude of most pet-owners to be more repulsive than that of most meat-eaters
  • @PM_me_trebuchets @tributarium While domestication of several plant and animal species is clearly a "thing" when looking at human history (many of our most common crops are domesticated, for example), the shift from nominally seeing your pet as a partner (in, say, hunting, which is what dogs were originally domesticated for) to an object to be owned is *much* newer (and problematic IMO).

  • The consumption of certain food additive emulsifiers may increase the risk of cancer - Inserm Newsroom
  • @themusicman @xapr Yup, that's mostly how we shop. I'm vegan and my wife is vegetarian, so fruits, veggies, legumes/nuts/seeds from the bulk section, dairy and tofu from the fridge sectioo. Some of the 'safe' inner-aisle foods are pasta (we get legume pasta), canned tomato (we get the ones without salt), artichoke hearts, and that's pretty much it (oh, I guess silken tofu is in an inner aisle as well).

  • US men are dying much earlier than women, as death 'gender gap' widens: Study
  • @science
    @Treczoks @realitista
    No? As a feminist, I *do* want to see men stop subscribing to toxic masculinity. I want us to realize that it's okay to seek help and it's okay to be vulnerable.

  • US men are dying much earlier than women, as death 'gender gap' widens: Study
  • @intensely_human @SkyeStarfall Yes? Or rather, the *assumption* that she would is toxic masculinity. If she actually does that, she's bought into the same toxic bullshit.

    It's toxic no matter whom it's coming from. You *deserve* someone whom you can open up to.

  • Vegan Boots
  • @pabloscloud
    I have boots from here and they're great (I personally got the WVSport Insulated Waterproof Hiking Boots, but they also have other types of boots):

  • I've had more conversations about this than I care to count.
  • @FauxPseudo @jarfil You don't need 2g/lb of lean bw, though. The premise is *wildly* incorrect.

  • I've had more conversations about this than I care to count.
  • @Dkarma @BonesOfTheMoon You don't need 2gm/lb of bw, though. First, it would be per lb of *lean* bw. Second, it's actually more like *1* g/lb of lean bw, or 2.2 g/kg of lean bw **as an upper max**, like if you're a super body builder. For *regular* people, something much more like 1.5 g/kg of lean bw is totally sufficient.

    Oh, and I eat a ton of legumes, so I can (and *do*) easily exceed that 2.2 g/kg threshold on my workout days.

  • I've had more conversations about this than I care to count.
  • @wildginger Have there been actual tests on this? I'm sure there have, but I haven't looked into it too much.

  • I've had more conversations about this than I care to count.
  • @bitsplease @Poem_for_your_sprog Pretty much. Just also want to add that if we want to make eggs or dairy a staple of our diet (especially dairy), it requires essentially treating other living beings as factories to be abused until they die. Like, cows don't continuously produce milk all the time, right? They have to give birth and *then* they start producing milk (like literally every mammal). So if we want milk on demand, we need to keep cows continuously pregnant, clearly abuse.

  • I've had more conversations about this than I care to count.
  • @wildginger @RvTV95XBeo Right, so you can just take it after a meal and uptake should be okay...