cherrycode @ cherrycode Posts 6Comments 7Joined 11 mo. ago
That does sound a little dumb but maybe they were trying to create their own resource like awesome-lists or something
The commits on the 2nd account would have a different name and email right?
Do I archive every small project that I'm done with?
What would you do if I archived the repositories with the most recent activity?
What do you mean by documentation projects?
I don't think it's a config issue as I haven't changed it for months now
I don't really understand a lot of things in the repo
I'll have a look at it sometime later thanks
For now I have made a container image with node installed in it after following some guides
I enter the project directory and then run this
podman run -it --rm -p 8080:8080 -v $(pwd):/app/$(basename "$PWD"):z my-node-image:latest
Can you provide a guide for how to use containers for that? I'm not familiar with them so I have no idea how to do that.