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First Presidential Debate Megapost!
  • We are literally voting for the chance of a catastrophic heart attack at this point. It's utterly insane.

    Whoever the mythical undecided people are, they decided last night and Biden isn't going to recover from that.

  • First Presidential Debate Megapost!
  • took 3 minutes after the debate for ABC to essentially call for Biden to step down. Finally someone said the quiet thing out loud.

    That might have been the worst debate performance in the history of US presidential debates. When Kennedy won might be the only other death swing in polls like we will see tomorrow.

  • The US healthcare system is barbaric...
  • This was in response to me saying that I think our technology and care are pretty good

    The kicker to all's not. Our healthcare is absolute ass compared to the rest of the world. The only thing we're ahead on right now is erection pill and weight loss drugs.

    If you end up with cancer or a moderately complex injury, you're fucked. Good luck on that lead time to see a specialist.

  • The US healthcare system is barbaric...
  • I'm pretty sure everyone's dad says that. As a dad, I've said it too. I'd almost rather be in prison than a nursing home, it's the same atmosphere but way cheaper.

  • Removed Deleted
    Jeff Bezos Spent $42 Million To Build A Massive Clock That Will Outlast Humanity
  • Because Bezos jerks off at the thought of immortality and he has fuck you money to jerk off with.

    It seems like if I were going to build something to try and test time, it'd be functional and good for humanity. Let's see if we can build a probe to outlast voyager. Let's build an ocean in the middle of the desert....things like that.

  • Opinion: The credit reporting system shouldn’t punish Americans for getting sick
  • should. The only answer to this problem is universal healthcare...period. if this were implemented poor people will be in crippling debt the rest of their lives and once again the middle class will eat even higher insurance premiums to make up for it.

    Big healthcare will get aggressive around settling it's debts and it will squeeze blood from a stone if it has to.

    Universal Healthcare or nothing.

  • AI took their jobs. Now they get paid to make it sound human
  • But these people who are getting paid to humanise AI are fantastic opportunists. Sure, it's not a great job, but they have effectively recognised a new seat at a moment when we're redefining the idea of productivity.

    That's fucking soul crushing.

    We just fired you to hire this machine, however, if you'd like to stick around and edit for it, we will pay you 1/4 to 1/2 your current rate.

    Jesus...fuck that guy.

  • The US healthcare system is broken...
  • Wait until you see how much the monthly cost is for a family these days if you're going through the exchange.

    The other fun game is tech doesn't offer it anymore. I'm in the job hunt and 7 of 10 jobs make you go out of pocket, the next two give you and obscene monthly responsibility so they can say they offer it, and the 10th job has 5000 applicants.

    It's not sustainable.

  • Tesla Shareholders Approve Musk's $56 Billion Pay Package in Early Voting
  • It should eliminate your need to work, but Musk feeds on the attention and less so the money. There's not a thrill left he can't afford.

    Running around and acting important is all he has left.

  • Hezbollah and Hamas flags waved during pro-Palestinian demonstration in New York
  • My point is Palestine as a whole or even partially support Hamas. Go Google'll see from 30-90 percent support.

    Only a couple of Hamas flags flying would surprise me.

  • Hezbollah and Hamas flags waved during pro-Palestinian demonstration in New York
  • It's not pretty...

    People on Lemmy seem to think Hamas just wants to bring unicorns and rainbows to the region. When in reality, they'd stone most of the users here for their views.

    It's all weird. I don't know what kind of social engineering they did to make it OK to kill 1000 civilians, but their campaign was wildly successful.

  • Hezbollah and Hamas flags waved during pro-Palestinian demonstration in New York
  • The problem is 60-70% of Palestine supports Hamas. This isn't a fringe group waving flags around.

  • Supreme Court rejects challenge to abortion pill mifepristone
  • It's too bad the D's won't put up a candidate like our lives depend on it.

  • Trump vows to end taxation of tips at sweltering Las Vegas rally
  • This will solidify the gig economy in a bad way.

  • EVs Could Last Nearly Forever—If Car Companies Let Them
  • I was going to scoff at the Prius...the battery is only 1500$.

    I need a Prius frame in an El Camino body.

  • Record-Breaking Accomplishments On Jobs And Unemployment Under Biden
  • Just don't ask him how many white collar jobs we lost over the last year.

  • Study finds 268% higher failure rates for Agile software projects
  • Pbpbpbp...agile fails fast by design.

    The counter from the article is you need a specification first, and if you reveal the system wasn't going to work during requirements gathering and architecture, then it didn't count as a failure.

    However, in my experience, architects are vastly over priced resources and specifications cost you almost as much as the rest of the project due to it.'s a shit article that confuses fail fast with failure.

  • The Wall Street Journal’s story about Biden’s mental acuity suffers from glaring problems
  • We are doomed...we get to choose from two senile old men to lead us through China's attempt to take Taiwan.

  • One of the world's richest women will support Trump if he promises to back Israel annexation of the West Bank
  • Hamas will militantly decline any peace offer that doesn't include their holy sites.

    It's a no win situation. This war will continue long after everyone here is dead.

  • Trump edges out Biden 51-42 in head-to-head matchup: POLL Trump edges out Biden 51-42 in head-to-head matchup: POLL

    The president's ratings for the economy and immigration are at career lows, according to the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll.

    Trump edges out Biden 51-42 in head-to-head matchup: POLL

    There was an article earlier about people smoking crack if they thing Trump is up 10 points.

    Well...he's up 10 points. The Democrats need to do something fairly drastic soon if they want to win 24.

    MTG shows Hunter Biden revenge porn for congress. Marjorie Taylor Greene Inflicts Hunter Biden Nudes on Congress

    MAGA congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene once again caused chaos at a House hearing—this time by waving around X-rated images of the president’s son.

    Marjorie Taylor Greene Inflicts Hunter Biden Nudes on Congress
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