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Can't make account, I tried and failed with two emails, and it says password doesn't match
  • Exactly. It's not really different from a disposable address.

  • hmmm
  • On top of the idiocy of staring at the sun, I really wonder how this vague search is supposed to help anyone figure out their problem. Unless the results are contextual to there being a recent eclipse

  • thinking of trying linux,
  • I'm imagining that same instance still stuck open for years until you found out.

  • Neil deGrasse Tyson Complains That “Dune 2” Isn’t a Shining Beacon of Scientific Accuracy
  • This doesn't mention anything about it working with any kind of large impact, though. It's all about higher frequency vibrations from layers of sand moving around. It's an interesting phenomenon, but jot what is being talked about.

  • I hate to say it but I haven't been very active on lemmy, but I want to be
  • I've noticed that a lot of the negative news posts are all posted by a few users. I usually check their profile, and if I see that is the type of content they almost exclusively post, I block them.

    I'm generally pretty informed, like you said, so I don't feel like it's being willfully ignorant. A good amount of it is pretty biased as well. So I don't feel like it's the best way to be informed.

  • alright alright I hear you
  • This is why I switched to feeding before going to bed

  • Vivek Ramaswamy suspends his 2024 Republican presidential bid and endorses rival Donald Trump
  • Wow, I'm shocked. Who could have seen this coming. Surely, he won't get his own show or some other media position to make money off of.

  • New Steam Beta update allows you to purchase games privately
  • If you read the page linked, it tells you

  • [GPU] ASUS TUF Gaming GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER Overclocked 6GB 1845 MHz Boost ($449.88 - $250 = $199.88) (Clearance) []
  • This is an incredibly bad deal, lmao. A 1660 for $200 in 2023. Hell it's almost 2024.

  • Bargain
  • How is it tensegrity with rigid bottles used as support?

  • Woman Enters MRI Machine With a Gun, Gets Shot in Butt
  • Magic Ring Imaging

  • People of Lemmy! How to get fit?
  • This may be obvious, but I want to add that you should skip if you are injured. Noting that being sore from a previous workout is not the same as an injury. Also, if you are significantly sleep deprived it may be worth skipping, since you won't be adequately recovered and that could also lead to injury. You will miss more days if you make an injury worse than if you play it safe and take time to heal. A day or two missed won't ruin all your progress. Just don't make up excuses.

  • Russian troops shoot and kill a Georgian civilian near the breakaway province of South Ossetia
  • I'm not educated on the topic at all, but it sounds like you answered your own question in the second part of your comment.

  • It was like being in an episode
  • I saw it too. Did we hop timelines?

  • It was like being in an episode
  • I have no experience with this, but I found this guide.

    If you happen to be on linux, there are likely guides out there for that, too. I would think there is a decent amount of overlap of people who want to play old Star Trek games and people who are interested in linux.

  • Ex-North Dakota lawmaker charged with traveling for sex with minor, receiving child sex abuse images
  • Because the democrats eat them instead /s

    I wish I didn't have to put a stupid /s, but the things people believe now are wild

  • Andy Stott - Posers : Dark and brooding industrial techno

    Andy Stott has a sound unlike any artist I've heard before. Really stretching what can be called techno, in my opinion. Most of his work has this very dark and brooding industrial sound to it with a bit of dub thrown in.

    Talking while performing another task is quite challenging. Do you feel similarly?

    I'm not the best communicator while not distracted to begin with. Often struggling to verbalize a thought or find a word I can't remember for some reason. If I am focused on talking, though, I can usually get by well enough and even be a bit witty, especially if its not face-to-face communication. However, if I'm doing something else, like doing something with my hands at work, and someone tries to talk to me, I stumble over what I'm saying quite a lot. Banter is nearly impossible. I can normally have a bit of back and forth with someone and throw some funny quips in, but in these situations I just end up saying something stupid and often taking things too literally, only to immediately internally regret my choice of words as I properly process the conversation in the next moment.

    I think it's because conversation takes a good bit of processing power for me to have flow "naturally". Any sort of distraction diverts some of that processing power and impedes my conversational ability. It can be pretty frustrating since everyone seems to want to talk while working and it just doesn't work for me.

    Do any of you share a similar experience? If so, how do you deal with it?

    "Do you live in the Midwest?" by self-report
  • Wait until you see the Confederate flags in PA. Ya know, where the battle of Gettysburg happened. Very much not a southern state. It's wild seeing this shit in my neighborhood.

  • YouTubes Antiblick is illegal in the EU
  • I'm not in a position to look into it right now, but is there a part of the EULA that gives consent to detect ad blockers, and would that be good enough for the law referenced?

  • cave Cave
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