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Is it safe to open ports 80 and 443 in my home network?

Hi all, I'm running a small website off of a raspberry pi in my house. I have opened ports 80 and 443 and connected my IP to a domain. I'm pretty confident in my security for my raspberry pi (no password ssh, fail2ban, nginx. Shoutout networkchuck.). However, I am wondering if by exposing my ports to the raspberry pi, I am also exposing those same ports to other devices in my home network, for example, my PC. I'm just a bit unsure if port forwarding to an internal IP would also expose other internal IP's or if it only goes to the pi. If you are able to answer or have any other comments about my setup, I would appreciate your comment. Thanks!

Hey could we defederate with
  • No, don't defederate. Just because an instance doesn't align politically with your views doesn't mean that they have to be gone. And we should definetly avoid a mastodon blocklist situation.

    If you refuse to meet someone on level ground because you consider them intolerant of your own ideas, you're the one being intolerant.

  • How do you guys use a distro that doesn't have the AUR (or equivalent?)
  • Never heard of it, but it sounds awesome! I'll definetly be looking more into it. I'm on XFCE, so I'll have to install it manually. But overall its great that someone has gone out and made a permissions manager for flatpak.

  • How do you guys use a distro that doesn't have the AUR (or equivalent?)
  • Maybe thats where my noob comes in but flatpak has been more of a workaround than an actual install for me. Things always not running correctly or being unable to do certain things due to containerization. If I was running a server though, and if flatpak is efficient, it seems like a great idea!

  • What is
  • If you click on the logo for XIRGO it takes you to a site with a certificate. I think whoever owns XIRGO set up the domain for some redirects and decided lemmy would be the best time to use the domain. @TheDude Am i right?

  • What is

    I was surprised to visit (without the sh.) and find an IT company. How did the url come to be, amazing name and all?

    How do you guys use a distro that doesn't have the AUR (or equivalent?)

    I know I said in my last post I'm a noob, and, i still am, I'm just a noob who can follow a YouTube tutorial. I installed Arch, not only for its minimalistic install, but also because I love the AUR. Everything I could ever want to install is there, and anyone who wants to upload their files can. This gives a windows-like install experience, which, pardon my... spanish, is actually pretty good. Any program is free to be uploaded and installed by anyone.

    My question to you is: If you do not use an arch-based distro, how do you go about installing software? I've heard people say that "the default package manager is enough" but I can't be the only person who installs niche software. I wouldn't want to only be able to install packages hopefully approved by my distro. Flatpaks are kind of annoying, in my opinion? It's not a native install of a package, it's sandboxed (which can be good in some cases, but in general just an inconvenience.) Compiling from source is too hardcore for me, so props if that is you, however, non-FOSS software has to be moved by hand to its specific folders and .desktop files have to be made by text. If you don't use the AUR, how do you go about your Linux experience?

    P.S. Hope you like the new sux/teal logo!


    Im kindof a noob but I love linux

    Such a cool piece of software. Use this community for anything related to linux for now, if it gets too huge maybe there will be some sort of meme/gaming/shitpost spinoff. Currently though... go nuts

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

    You're Br without the Bro ❤️

    No, not the blood type

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