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Anon thinks about Google
  • apple maps works quite well for me

    but tbh, between apple and google, it’s really just picking your poison

  • Pride unit rule
  • If we were to pit every single Pokémon against this thing, would they win?

  • Locked
    non vegan pizza time
  • wah, someone felt targeted!

  • my home rule
  • stay

  • Tumblr has the weirdest social commentary sometimes
  • yeah Tumblr is a double-edged sword. the queer community there is incredible and I want to be a part of it, but the TERFs are also omnipresent and numerous, and the moderation doesn’t do much to stop them…

  • Teen self-immolates in front of Winnipeg Mosque to protest the genocide against Palestinians and Muslims in Gaza and the rest of Palestine
  • Stop selling weapons to Israel, that would be a good start

    Send more humanitarian aid to Palestine

    Make it easier for Palestinian refugees to come to Canada

  • Tumblr has the weirdest social commentary sometimes
  • my biggest problem with tumblr is that it has a big TERF community

    as a trans woman, I’m pretty reticent about federating with them

  • Tumblr has the weirdest social commentary sometimes
  • in fact, tumblr itself may be a part of the fediverse someday!

    wether or not we should want that is another topic.

  • Google and Apple are hosting an app dedicated to TheDonald and other far-right forums that were banned from Reddit.
  • how about embracing their existence on the fediverse by defederating their ass into oblivion?

  • What a time to be alive
  • What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?

  • What a time to be alive
  • holy shit, they invented a White Guy™

  • Milo Rule
  • explaining the joke

    the main character is played by "Weird Al" Yankovic

  • Fuck your early access
  • alpha male? puh. i’m a phi male. they’ve got nothing on me 😎

  • Always r(ule)emember what they took from you.
  • according to the same thread, Madeline is 2,13 meters tall holy shit

    (that’s 6'12" in freedom units)

  • CO2 Gas Chamber Rule
  • even if farm animals were slaughtered in the most humane and painless of ways, the way they’re treated while they’re alive is still horrifyingly atrocious

  • Rule
  • you’ll have a different tone of voice when the world gets hit with the Cauliflower Flu /s

  • VLC Player
  • the thing can read fucking SNES soundtrack files out of the box. i’m sure it could run a marathon if you asked it to

  • flower cat rule

    Alt text: picture of a tuxedo longhair cat laying on a table, with a big flower around their neck

    They look pretty tired


    Alt text: a YouTube thumbnail featuring a shirtless, bearded, grinning man holding a cucumber and a measuring tape. Next to him is the text "IT WORKED!"

    A caption was added: "mesopotamian farmers after discovering irrigation"

    silicate rule

    Alt text: Screenshot of the Wikipedia page for the Carbonate-silicate cycle, but the word "Silicate" has been circled in red and there is a red arrow pointing from it to a picture of a very silly cat

    just some dice I threw around. nothing to see here

    Alt text: Five dices. Top left corner is a three, top right corner is a six, bottom left corner is also a six and bottom right corner is two threes forming a straight angle.

    rule 😞

    Alt text: A hand holding a Valentine’s Day card with a triceratops on it. The text on it reads: "Nobody TOPS You!" (there is also a stegosaurus toy attached to the card)

    carotte Chloé 🥕

    Hello! I’m Chloé, a nerdy ace transbian :3

    This is my Lemmy account that I don't use super often. However, I am active on the microblogging side of the fedi at :3

    pronouns are she/her

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    Comments 64