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  • I also think that it would be cool to see it on Steam someday, but I also think that it's stronger as a browser game. There's just something magical to having such a great, mysterious and immersive experience behind a simple hyperlink


    ATTENTION::'mindspike logging active'

    I would've written something about what this browser game is about, but imo it's best experienced blind

    Tell me about your homebrew lore
  • I'm in the process of gathering a custom Necron dynasty named Iataret (though I'm on hiatus right now lol). Its thing is that it's fairly isolated and mostly keeps to several worlds; on their crownworld and around temples offworld, they cultivate specific flowers known as "Iataret flowers".

    The backstory is that, during the Necrontyr days, one of their early phaerons had a daughter that died very young. So, the phaeron have issued an order to plant her favourite flower all over the planet in her memory. In time, this has become a regular tradition to plant and care for those flowers.

    After the biotransference, the original story of these flowers has been forgotten, but these Necrons still remember that they are important for some reason and continue to care for them.

  • Deleted
  • Pff, easy. Monad is a programming pattern for creating functions that return wrapper types with additional computations. Or, in layman's terms, "When no monad, thing happen. When monad, thing happen, BUT ALSO another thing happen."

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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