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I just watched 12 Angry Men (1957) for the first time and it is incredible.
  • I watched it with my partner not long ago and I was ready for a good albeit dry movie. Nah, that movie kept me enraptured for every second. Probably one of my favorite movies now.

  • The FTM's Complete Guide to Looking Like a Hot Dude
  • I just meant when I was younger I would have killed for it. I never came across it unfortunately.

  • The FTM's Complete Guide to Looking Like a Hot Dude
  • As a trans man, this is the guide I would have killed to have 10 years ago. I respectfully disagree with your take.

  • Why We Hate Bi Men
  • I don't care how many times people explain to me that "kill all men" doesn't actually mean kill all men. It still hurts. Ever since I transitioned, I've noticed the casual misandry thrown about everywhere like it's not a big deal, but it's a big deal to me. "All men are trash" includes me.

    I've always had an issue with the idea that generalizations are okay. If "all men are trash" actually means "the patriarchy is trash", just say that. I understand a lot of it as simply venting, but it's almost never constructive or helpful, and it certainly isn't fun to hear as a trans dude. Hell, part of the reason it took so long for me to accept myself as a man is because of this kind of rhetoric.

    I hope it gets better, because it does feel very alienating whenever I encounter it. I want to be a part of queer spaces, but it's hard when you feel hated.

  • Billions of nanoplastics released when microwaving baby food containers
  • I'm glad you're doing something, despite the pain you're in. I simply want bring your attention to the fact that the doom and gloom attitude is harmful for the fight. In fact, many consider the onslaught of apocalyptic headlines and the new industry of climate fear to be a new tactic to get people to do nothing. Michael E. Mann, famous climatologist, has talked about this problem as well.

  • Billions of nanoplastics released when microwaving baby food containers
  • I mean, that's up to you. But I guarantee you will both feel better and maybe help save the world if you try doing something beyond getting angry and then disassociating.

    Consider the fact that headlines that instill fear and doom work against us. What use is trying if it's all fucked anyway? The thing is it isn't over until it's over. I can't make you have hope, but hopefully you can come to realize that hope does a lot more for us than giving up. If you can envision a better future, you can work towards it! You can help advocate in your local Citizen's Climate Lobby chapter, develop a good garden for local wildlife and pollinators, or even just helping others be aware of the issue can help. There's no one coming to save us, so it's up to us to save ourselves.

    Or you can just get angry and do nothing.

    I understand the anxiety. I was frozen from it for a long time. But what helped more than anything else was simply going outside and tending a garden. Find a love for the life on this planet, and try to protect it. There's so much worth fighting for.

  • Billions of nanoplastics released when microwaving baby food containers
  • Our fate is never sealed. Undirected anger is as useless as apathy. Have hope, and work towards that hope.

  • How 2013 film The Congress predicted Hollywood's current AI crisis How 2013 film The Congress predicted Hollywood's current AI crisis

    With US actors striking in part because of the threat of AI to their livelihoods, a 10-year-old, little-seen movie starring Robin Wright now seems eerily prescient, writes Caryn James.

    How 2013 film The Congress predicted Hollywood's current AI crisis

    The Congress is one of my favorite movies that seemingly no one has seen. It's loosely based off the Stanisław Lem book "The Futurological Congress", but has a focus on what advanced technology could mean for actors. I highly recommend giving it a shot.

    Best "Lets Play" Series
  • All the David Cage sbfp let's plays are fuckin gold. I don't watch playthroughs anymore but I will go back and watch those every now and then

  • A.I. experts downplay ‘nightmare scenario of evil robot overlords’. Over 1,300 sign letter claiming it’s a ‘force for good, not a threat to humanity’
  • Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought the big risk with AI is its use as a disinfo tool. Skynet ain't no where near close, but a complete post truth world is possible. It's already bad now... Could you imagine AI generated recordings of crimes that are used as evidence against people? There are already scam callers that use recordings to make people think theyve kidnapped relatives.

    I really feel like most people aren't afraid of the right things when it comes to AI.

  • What do y'all use to plan your creations?
  • That sounds awesome. I've never used CAD software but I might as well start, and also I have access to a 3d printer, so I might as well learn something for that as well. I'll give it a try!

  • What do y'all use to plan your creations?

    I'm starting to get more interested in building more complex things, but am unsure how to plan out my ideas. Is there a good source on drafting/planning designs? I honestly have no idea where to start.

    Where are all the good stealth games?
  • I just scrolled through to see if anyone shouted out Mark of the Ninja. I hate stealth games, but absolutely loved that one.

  • Trans women have no advantage in elite sport, new report finds
  • I agree. But, for the sake of just exploring the thought process... IF the idea of trans women absolutely dominating cis women in sports were accurate (which does not seem to be the case), it would be something to discuss from a good faith perspective. Should we pivot to weight classes? Should there be a trans lady league? How do nonbinary folks fit in to this whole thing? Sports are inherently unfair, but that doesn't mean there's no room to talk about how we want sports to be.

    It's really exhausting when every aspect of your life as a trans person has become politicized, because there are differences between cis and trans people generally, and they are worth talking about. Maybe one day discussions can be had that aren't simply thinly veiled transphobic talking points.

  • Trans women have no advantage in elite sport, new report finds
  • Even if there were a "biological advantage" the only reason people started to pretend to care about women's sports is because it's a way to alienate trans people. If there were a good faith discussion being had, it wouldnt be so infuriating.

    I hope that something good comes from all this in the end.

  • cadeje Cade
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