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26-year-old Rhyker Earl killed by Indiana Sheriffs during medical call, please share as this story has not reached any major outlets yet

From r/acab:


September 16, 2024

On September 8, 2024, 26-year-old Rhyker Earl experienced a medical emergency around 8:30 PM. He underwent a severe seizure at home in Demotte, Indiana. His grandmother called 911 for emergency assistance. EMTs from Keener Township Emergency Medical Services and officers from the Jasper County Sheriff's Office responded. While they were on scene, Rhyker was in a postictal state, trying to recover from his seizure. He was confused and agitated, typical symptoms for someone who had just suffered a severe seizure. As Rhyker was trying to put on shorts to go to the hospital for medical attention, he lost his balance and fell into an officer. At that time officers became aggressive, yelling, "you don't treat law enforcement that way." Officers took Rhyker to the ground and handcuffed him face down on the floor. Multiple officers then remained on top of Rhyker while EMTs administered three separate doses of sedatives. Some of the EMTs on scene had responded earlier in the day to a different location when Rhyker had another, less severe seizure. They knew he was undergoing a medical emergency, and they also knew he had asthma. Officers stayed on top of Rhyker for more than 15 minutes, with his face in a pillow. During this time, Rhyker begged for his life and screamed that he couldn't breathe. His pleas, and those of his aunt and grandmother, were ignored. After more than 15 minutes, Rhyker went limp. His aunt noticed that Rhyker was blue in the face and pleaded with EMTs to do something. After an agonizing few minutes, they finally took Rhyker's pulse and realized he was not breathing. Rhyker was taken to the hospital, but it was too late. After tests confirmed Rhyker had no brain activity, life support measures were terminated on September 10th.

National civil rights attorney Ben Crump, along with Indiana attorney Stephen Wagner, have been retained by Rhyker's family to investigate the circumstances surrounding his death. At this early stage there are still many unanswered questions. Why was Rhyker treated like a criminal, not a patient? Why did officers ignore the obvious risks of prone restraint? Why did they ignore his pleas that he could not breathe? The family's attorneys intend to fully investigate this matter and hold all those responsible for Rhyker's needless death accountable.

During this difficult time, Rhyker's family would like to thank all those who have expressed their condolences on the tragic loss of a young father who was loved by many, especially those who attended the candlelight vigil for Rhyker last evening.

Until their investigation is complete, the family and their attorneys will have no further comment.

Stephen M. Wagner WAGNER REESE, LLP 11939 North Meridian Street Carmel, IN 46032 Email: Mobile: (317) 431-6966 One of the Attorneys for the Family of Rhyker Brian Earl

If you don't want EVERYONE to participate in your community, then you should really make it private.
  • ActivityPub votes are public by design, Lemmy just hides the voters from users, while Mbin displays them. Anyone can also spin up their own instance and get access to the data.

    PieFed recently added a feature to pseudonymize votes. When enabled, your votes are labeled with the name of a shadow account linked to yours, but only the administrators of your instance know that it belongs to you.

  • Mbin instances
  • Fair enough, I hadn't been keeping track of their pace of development. Doesn't look super active.

    I'm operating under the assumption that for a while the bulk of new user growth will happen on the existing larger instances, which are all running Lemmy, rather than Piefed or Mbin instances growing faster than them. I think that'll remain true even once Piefed and Mbin are more featureful than Lemmy, unless the gap is really significant.

    If that turns out to be true, then for Lemmy to no longer be the dominant software, the existing big instances would need to switch, which wouldn't be a trivial task. Piefed or Mbin could add the ability to migrate an existing Lemmy database, but I assume that it would be overall easier and less risky for them to move to a Lemmy clone than to a different system.

  • Mbin instances
  • You walking away would be a net benefit at this point.

    It’s not that obvious.

    At the very least, we're at the point where the counterargument to mine is merely damning with faint praise.

    I haven't tried Mbin, and as a Piefed user I agree that it's not there yet. I'm not suggesting that they should replace Lemmy as the backbone software of the threadiverse. However, Lemmy will continue to run in the absence of active development.

    I expect Sublinks to eventually overtake Lemmy since it's being designed as a drop-in replacement, in a language better suited to web development than Rust. The dev team also aren't pathological authoritarians, as far as I know. If development on Lemmy were to stop, the threadiverse community's attention and resources would significantly shift towards Sublinks, which would benefit us all in the long run.

  • Mbin instances
  • I'm not saying that the work you've previously done should be undone. Ideally you would abandon your shitty politics instead of your development work, but I assume that's out of the question.

    From the perspective of those trying to advocate for people to actually use lemmy, the instances that you run, and lemmygrad, are a serious problem. Together with hexbear, they're the "missing stairs" of the threadiverse. We're constantly having to tell people "Yeah, it's understandable that you don't want to associate with tankies, but it's really not so bad if you just block those three instances, and don't mind that two of them are run by the lead developers of lemmy". You walking away would be a net benefit at this point.

  • Mbin instances
  • Ah yes, I sure am making any effort whatsoever to conceal my identity? Weird dodge there, guy.

    At this point even someone as ideologically blinded as you should be able to see that the presence of you and your tankie friends is a liability to the project. Why do you think OP is looking to avoid a " type of situation"?

  • Organized Left
  • We are, surprisingly enough, not very unified on that point. I used to be a non-voter, annoyed at the anarchists that would harangue me to vote. Now I'm a grudging voter, annoyed at the anarchists that harangue me *not* to vote. xD

    Both then and now, I maintain that anarchists should either vote or not, and then shut the hell up about it. The whole argument is just a lot of pointless bikeshedding about the most marginal effects.

    I think there's a lot more agreement among anarchists that we shouldn't get involved in or donate to electoral campaigns. We have better things to do with our time and resources.

  • Organized Left
  • Generally speaking, anarchy isn't some lost golden age that anarchists want to return to, it's something new that we want to create. Both past and present societies have anarchistic elements that we can draw inspiration from, but none of those societies really live up to our ideals.

    There are some that characterize anarchism as equivalent to direct democracy. I disagree with that, but I do think it can be categorized as a further evolution of democracy. Autonomous democracy, if you will. It retains the idea that everyone is equal and that we don't need monarchs to govern us. However, where democracy sets up a centralized apparatus for majoritarian, society-wide rule-making and enforcement, in anarchy the rules are created and applied in a decentralized fashion where they are needed, by mutual agreement.

  • Oof ouch owie
  • Perhaps I've misinterpreted your usage of "last line of defense"?

    These aren't regular conservatives that we're dealing with. MAGA is a fascist movement. The MO of fascists is to gain and hold power for their in-group by *any means necessary*. While it should never be our first option, we need to be willing and able to violently resist them, because they sure as hell don't have any qualms about violently subjugating us.

  • Oof ouch owie
  • Interesting, this is the first I've heard of the "reputation rehab" angle on the guy. Do you have any further reading you could link me to?

    Rather than going full Inglorious Basterds, I think it's important to have both "carrot" and "stick" options for these people. It doesn't really do us any good if there's no way to come back from having been involved in hate groups. Just make sure to keep the Richard Spencer treatment available, to provide them some motivation to get their heads right.

  • Oof ouch owie
  • public shaming is the last line of defense we have against these types of people

    Wait, really? I know liberals tend to like weird pseudo-pacifism, but have y'all really committed so hard to it that you think "public shaming" is our last line of defense?

    Get armed, and get trained. You may end up needing it. *We* may end up needing it.

  • The Alt-Right Playbook: The Cost of Doing Business

    I've been slowly working my way through the "The Alt-Right Playbook" series since one of the videos was posted here a while back. I thought this one was particularly good and worth sharing.

    Why the Right Constantly Panics Over Societal ‘Decadence’ Why the Right Constantly Panics Over Societal ‘Decadence’

    No, ‘Western society’ has not fallen from some mythic elevated past. But such right-wing views are appealing, and the left needs an answer to them if we want to avoid being pushed back into traditional hierarchies.

    Why the Right Constantly Panics Over Societal ‘Decadence’

    > > > No, ‘Western society’ has not fallen from some mythic elevated past. But such right-wing views are appealing, and the left needs an answer to them if we want to avoid being pushed back into traditional hierarchies. > >

    From their conclusion, it seems like the author is looking for something like solarpunk.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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