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User banner @ buyeuropean
1 wk. ago

  • Thanks for the feedback. InLoox has been added to the database: Please note that we mistakenly put Pipedrive in the infographic in the first version due to Imprint confusion. The company is based in New York and we therefore replaced it with "efficy".

  • Absolutely! That's why we want to promote moving to European solutions.

  • It's not just American software in the infographic. We want to showcase European alternatives for lots of products and companies, not just American.

  • Oh, I know but thank you! It's just that I started (stupidly) on, then became mod, then started an account on the proper server ( - and now I would need to migrate. At some point I will.

  • Buy European

    European Alternatives - Business Software

  • Thanks for the suggestion! Added to the database.

  • It is still part of the database!

  • Thanks for the feedback! We decided to go for it as we want to make sure that the database is not specifically designed for tech-savvy people. We want to give basic information to make the move to different solutions accessible and easy to understand for everyone.

  • Thanks for the feedback! Definitely something for the next iteration of the infographic but I will make sure to add it to the database asap.

  • Thanks for the feedback. It is not supposed to be a complete list. It's a start. You can find more alternatives in our database:

  • But I will be more than happy to replace them or add alternative in the next iteration of the infographic. What apps would you recommend?

  • Thanks for the info - I guess so too. Makes you wonder whether the mission is the primary goal. ¯(ツ)_/¯

    Would be interesting to see if they remove informational content like infographics too. [clears throat]

  • Oh I think you mean the other website. Our website never used Google Analytics.

  • Oh, you’re free to use whatever resource you like. If you want my biased opinion: the difference is like night and day. I find it slower and less structured, so I definitely prefer our approach. But I’m sure some people might prefer the other one - it just depends on what you’re looking for. I also read that they use(d) Google Analytics which is weird to me. But I mean we use .net and not .eu (as catchy .eu domain names were already registered) - so I guess nobody's perfect.

    Another difference: The website you mentioned can be discussed here. This is a one-way street as I learned as my post about our website on the related subreddit got deleted and another user's post about our website got deleted too.

    The biggest issue we face right now is filling the database but people are already submitting lots of suggestions using the form on the website which helps a lot :)

  • Buy European

    European alternatives to non-European apps (2.0)

    Buy European - European database for products, services, brands and companies