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In every reported case where police mistakenly arrested someone using facial recognition, that person has been Black
  • In the documentary Coded Bias, the police in England were utilizing new AI facial recognition technology to find criminals on the streets and yes they were almost all black. The documentary states that it is because the models were trained on mostly white people so it couldn't differentiate black peoples features as well. Or something to that affect.

  • Unable to run apt update | Lock held by apt-get
  • killing the apt update shouldn't break anything since its not installing any packages it's just updating your repos. i would have just killed the pid 1635...also not sure if it would break something but i doubt it...did you dmesg to see what else info you might be able to find out?

  • Why Personal Cloud Storage is so bad on Linux?
  • i have multiple google drives synced right into my file i just click it, it mounts it, and drag stuff in and out as if it were local...i'm on debian with gnome. dropbox works the same way. obviously icloud and onedrive may be more difficult, but i'm pretty sure there is something formsyncing up onedrive, but i choose to disable one drive on all my windows devices.

  • Would You Rather Give Up Meat Or Flying For The Environment?
  • Definitely meat. I'm omnivorous now, but have been vegan for years and vegetarian years before that. Its actually ideal if you can afford it/ find the right dumpsters.

    I have not found an efficient and fast way to travel across the ocean as i am not an experienced large vessel sailor and/or do not have access to a deep ocean worthy vessel.

  • The Perfect Linux Distribution
  • I'm in this camp. Been messing with linux since 2004. Ubuntu 5.10 i think it was, Fedora core 4, slackware, crunchbang, arch...almost 2 decades later i'm on Pop OS. shit just works it's out of my way. i can customize it to look how i want, set it and forget it. nvidia works great etc. i use the terminal a lot though. mainly for bash scripts and ssh server stuff, directory navigation and management etc. I use a lot of third party TỤI apps too. I like the option of having a stable easy to use GUI for mundane lazy periods and the ability to do whatever i need in terminal. Plus pop os with tiling and floating window manager toggle is awesome.

  • France says it will evacuate its citizens from Niger very soon
  • Oh now they want out? I thought they moved there because they love it and want to assimilate into the population. Become one of the locals and partake in the struggle for the beauty of life, a brotherhood of man....

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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