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Stay Mad, Tankies
  • I'd suggest taking a flight overseas the day after the elections, booked prior to it. If Trump losses, you can use it to celebrate it. If he wins... well, you can ask for asylum on arrival.

  • Cambrian ruleiod
  • And an exoskeleton can't have anything covering it because... ?

  • China is attempting to mirror the entire GitHub over to their own servers, users report
  • Why move the batteries instead of "moving" the electrons? You generate the electricity anywhere you want and use Therese nice cables that happen to be everywhere.

  • Cambrian ruleiod
  • Those are images made from the data recovered from their fossils. I guess they didn't look like that at all. If the same process was done with human skeletons we'd have a very good laugh.

  • Rep. Jamaal Bowman loses New York primary to pro-Israel George Latimer, most expensive primary race ever
  • Now imagine if instead of Israel's money it was Russia's money or China's.

  • To those of you with nothing to hide: One day you might have. Because you don’t make the rules.
  • Easy: "You, the government, want me to show you all my data? Right after you show me (and everyone else) all your documents, including the "top secret" ones. Because you haven't done anything wrong, right?"

  • Exclusive: Majority Of Voters Want Next Government To Take UK Back Into European Union
  • But "llanitos" don't want to be Spaniards. And I respect that. So the logical way is for Gibraltar to follow the rules of the EU.

  • Fuck this guy.
  • The answer (I think) it's not UBI, cooperatives OR more democracy. It's all this at once and even more.

    UBI would mean everyone has a meal under a roof and has no fear of starting a business. Cooperatives put the value of the work in the hands of the worker. Free public universal healthcare and education systems with public affordable/free housing and public supermarkets makes everyone safer.

  • Fuck this guy.
  • In most of the democracies, voting day is on Sunday.

  • Exclusive: Majority Of Voters Want Next Government To Take UK Back Into European Union
  • In regards of Gibraltar, the problem is it being a fiscal paradise. If one of the agreement was that Gibraltar has too have the same rules as the rest of the EU it could be enough for the Spanish government.

    And if that meant enforcing the same for Ireland and Luxemburg, even better.

  • Microsoft really wants Local accounts gone after it erases its guide on how to create them
  • The triumphant return of the NETWORK COMPUTER!!! On your screen... sorry, OUR screen if you install or upgrade to Win-dows 11.

  • Ah Bernie, what could have been...
  • Have Bernie Sanders as their public enemy #1

  • Why doesn't the military do this? are they stupid?
  • If you fire a laser against a mirror, it bounces but raises the heat of the mirror so you end up melting the mirror and destroying the drone.

  • xkcd #2948: Electric vs Gas
  • After all, it's recommended to stop before reaching 400 km or 3 hours. And now EVs have that range or close to it.

  • Someone appreciates you at least
  • I guess gentooer means eating a tostada with something on it as comparison of a hard tortilla.

  • The US healthcare system is broken...
  • Just like economics... And almost with the same precision😉

  • The US healthcare system is broken...
  • Paleontology is also a science to study the past but doesn't let you foresee the future.

  • The US healthcare system is broken...
  • So it's more like a tax for not having insurance then.

  • bufalo1973 bufalo1973
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