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Iran's president, foreign minister and others found dead at helicopter crash site, state media says
  • that's a deliberate geopolitical move to gain direct involvement of the US into the conflict by inciting retaliation from Iran. So they were expecting the repercussion.

    It is a dick move but not as severe as attacking the head of the country. Just imagine during the WW2 the Allied assassinate the Japanese Emperor. It was a no go.

    Man, If you hate someone, find a rational reasons for them to be hated. Not every wrongs can be linked to them. Use your head, not emotion.

  • Locked Removed
    TIL: How The Founder Of Zionism, Theodor Herzl, Planned on Eradicating Palestinians as early as 1890
  • I like how this comment tries to justify a genocide.

    'Hey, we are the victims here. All these genocidal acts committed by us didn't happen out of thin air. We can't no longer endure them. So please, please let us commit all these atrocities so that we can be the perpetrators instead of the victims.'


    -The Zionists-

  • Lemmy is a worse platform for women than Reddit was
  • that the kind of people you'll come across in liber-media. You'll find toxic people, but you'll also find accommodating people. If you want to play safe, then I don't think any lemmy or any future-whatever-libre-non-lemmy will suit your taste. Make your own server and just make sure that whoever subscribed to that are up to your expectation.

  • Lemmy is a worse platform for women than Reddit was
  • The good thing about lemmy is that it don't get directive from any governments to censor certain issues like what happen to Google, reddit, meta and other social media For any other case, the mods will take care of the instances. If you don't like it, just block whichever instances, communities or users you want. Whats so difficult about that? Nobody is forcing you to be in whatever toxic instance/community is or to read posts that you don't like.

  • Chinese woman jailed for reporting on Covid in Wuhan to be freed after four years
  • Yeah, it could be. May be the sentiment during that time made me think otherwise.

    Anyway to quote NYT,

    We found no evidence his medical care was compromised. But these documents, along with Dr. B’s account and experts’ analysis, reveal important new details about his illness and treatment.


    The experts said that based on the records, the treatment Dr. Li received, in general, followed the norms of that time for managing the symptoms of coronavirus patients


    By the morning of Feb. 6, doctors wrote in the progress notes that Dr. Li was at risk of multiple organ failure. Several physicians we spoke to said that Dr. Li’s condition was so serious that his medical team should have at this point, or before it, considered intubating him and placed him on a ventilator — a higher level of oxygen support.

    The records indicate that Dr. Li had earlier been given oxygen through a nasal tube and then an additional oxygen mask. His medical team also tried to use a noninvasive ventilator on Jan. 19, but wrote that “the patient could not tolerate.”

    It is unclear why Dr. Li was not intubated. Some doctors are more reluctant to intubate young patients; sometimes the patients themselves refuse it. To this day, there is no consensus on when invasive ventilators should be used on Covid-19 patients.


    According to Dr. B, who arrived at Dr. Li’s intensive care ward around 9 p.m., about two hours after Dr. Li entered cardiac arrest, the hospital’s leadership pushed the medical team to use ECMO because it wanted to show the public that no effort had been spared.

    But several doctors in the room argued that by that point it was too late for it to have been of any use, an assessment that six physicians we talked to agreed with. Dr. B also said putting Dr. Li on ECMO, given its invasive nature, would have been an “insult to his body.”

  • Chinese woman jailed for reporting on Covid in Wuhan to be freed after four years
  • And don't forget the tragic ending suffered by the Dr (can't remember his name) that first brought out the covid issue, and his phone messages were leaked to the public if I am not mistaken. He was left dead with no proper care by the authority.

  • Has Generative AI Already Peaked? - Computerphile
  • no matter our computational techniques, the diminishing returns in predictive precision is reached far sooner than we achieve general intelligence

    That's very bold presumption. How can they be so sure of this, that any future models can't tackle the issue? have they got proof or something.

  • How can I hide the top toolbar in Post View?

    I've already customized all the functions through the bottom navigation and left drawer. The top toolbar is kind of redundant and harder to reach, so would like to hide it.

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