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Looking for a URL Bookmarking Solution with Obsidian
  • @Calixthe Really fun thing to come across a repost of my Lemmy comment on my Mastodon timeline. #LongLiveTheFediverse #Lemmy #Mastodon

  • Obsidian: Organize Your Info, Not Your Files
  • @EpiphanicSynchronicity @gelberhut 100% AND leave me alone when I use folders. I sometimes get the “no, no, no“ lecture on folder and I do not care for it. I organize mine as I please.

  • Obsidian: Organize Your Info, Not Your Files
  • @EpiphanicSynchronicity @gelberhut I don’t get the demonizing of folders at all.

  • bowreality Bowreality

    Bavarian/Canadian, perennial learner and wannabe ninja from the prairies! (she/her)

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