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Do you have the same feeling?
  • Go for it. Just don't try do everything at once and burn out.

    Treat it as a hobby. Spend money on tools you may only need for a single project. Experiment. Take your time. Watch youtube videos of other makers to scratch your itch, when you can't (or don't want to) actually do it yourself. Appricate the beauty of enginerring around you. Enjoy the process.

    Just start. Either you gain a new fulfilling new hobby, or you satisify your urge enough, and stop being crazy.

    Some recommendations to get you started:

  • Der Wahl-O-Mat zur Europawahl ist online!
  • Beim Bau neuer Wohngebäude in der EU soll die Errichtung von Photovoltaikanlagen verpflichtend sein.

    "Verpflichtend" im sinne von "Das Haus wird abgerissen, wenn man das nicht macht", oder im sinne von "Man bekommt weniger Fördergeld wenn man das nicht macht (wodurch der Bau vielleicht unwirtschaftlich wird)"

  • Companies are not your friend
  • Most Adobe tools don’t have any good free alternatives even for home use.

    inkscape is on a level with illustrator (maybe even better)

    for drawing: try krita

    if you want to pay money (much much less than for adobe): Affinity is on a level with fotoshop

  • where do people with pirated copies of games meet to play online together ?
  • the goldberg-steamcrack supports multiplayer.

    I only tested it in lan, and it works great. Not sure if it works online, too. You may need hamachi.

    And of course: online multiplayer with randos is probably not worth it, as others have pointed out. On one hands it's probably a bitch to set up. On the other cheating is probably rampant.

  • Just one more lane
  • But only temporarily

    but is it?

    I thought the temporal improvement would be for everyone who already used the high way (because they will get to their destination a little bit faster). And for the few extra people, who start to use the highway but didn't use it before, the improvment will stay.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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