@DestroyerOfWorlds @stabby_cicada growing up in a rural area and spending time visiting even more rural areas as an adult has given me a decidedly unromantic view of nature.
Nature is where the mud and snow and heat is. Nature is where things try to eat you and poison you. Nature wants to do what nature wants.
It’s not personal or adversarial. Nature just does not care.
I like talking to people about the things that interest them. People are interesting! I pick up heavy things and put them back down, and I run when no one is chasing me. Love #books, #knitting, #outdoors, #weightlifting, #running and #baking.
Happy to shout virtual moral support in your direction.
Header: a road sign leaning by a tired looking wooden fence in the middle of a hay field. Profile: Hic Sunt Dracones (here be dragons) sticker on a post