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"Maybe This is Too Cool" - After years of layoffs and pay/resource freezes, Amazon execs treat themselves to a private Foo Fighters concert worth millions
  • Ahhhh this all makes sense now. You are on a crusade about cancel culture. You want to cancel cancel culture and this is just a proxy battle where you have avoided for several comments actually stating your purpose, but now you are so angry that you can’t resist blurting it out. We could’ve saved a lot of time here but that’s fine. I’m guessing the opacity was on purpose.

    This was informative, I’m actually done now. Maybe lay off the CAPSLOCK next time. Later dude.

  • "Maybe This is Too Cool" - After years of layoffs and pay/resource freezes, Amazon execs treat themselves to a private Foo Fighters concert worth millions
  • I can articulate it you just aren’t interested in hearing it. You’re outraged at people’s outrage and are shouting us down saying we aren’t allowed to think or feel what we think and feel.

    This is a public forum. We are discussing this topic because it’s relevant. What we express or don’t express isn’t threatening to you. It’s just discussion and opinion sharing. Nothing happening here impacts you. If you hate it, leave the thread man.

    I mean look at these walls of text you’re dropping over an artist you yourself said you don’t even care about. This is kind of ridiculous.

    Anyway I’m done. This has gone on far too long.

  • important rule
  • A lot of it is clearly age dependent and about what they did. My kids are very, very young. What the repeat doesn’t yet reflect what they believe. One is barely 2 so they are truly still a parrot lol so reacting big just often confuses them. As they get older no doubt I’ll drop the hammer if I hear something heinous.

  • important rule
  • No. I’m responding to your flippant response with the sarcasm it deserves. Stop acting like you’re being generous and helpful. We both know what you did and are doing.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend, I’m not engaging this nonsense further.

  • "Maybe This is Too Cool" - After years of layoffs and pay/resource freezes, Amazon execs treat themselves to a private Foo Fighters concert worth millions
  • Why do you care if an individual boycotts something they don’t want to support? What impact does that have on you?

    You also made the distinction of private vs public performance so now I’m more confused. You said because it’s private it doesn’t matter but it also doesn’t make it morally permissible?

  • important rule
  • Sure! I’m crashing right now so feel free to follow up but the short answer is proactivity and not worrying about public perception when it doesn’t matter.

    For instance: if one of my kids goes “that person is black!” We don’t go “shhh shhh stop stop” and act like it’s the end of the world in public (or in private). We go “yes that man is black. What color skin do I have?” Or “yes that man’s skin is black. Daddy’s skin is white. People have different skin colors! What color is your skin?”

    Shaming and acting like observing it is bad teaches them that there’s something wrong with it vs the simple reality that people look different. It’s not different than blond or back hair unless you make it a big deal.

    As they get older, we’ll start (this is at least our plan) pointing out things like the race and gender of people in different roles around them. As they get more observant and curious our goal is to slowly introduce the concept of “gender roles” and inequality so that then don’t just internalize what they see with no context.

    We don’t have it all figured out but we’re trying our best and we’ll adapt where we can.

    Naturally if it any of this puts someone in an uncomfortable position we take it upon ourselves to apologize but we don’t make a massive deal about it to the kids or they get a very mixed message

  • important rule
  • it doesn’t mean “giving the target population special privileges in unrelated fields to make up for it”

    Your language overall makes me think you’re fine but I’d be lying if I didn’t say this particular part didn’t catch my attention. Is there a reason you felt the need to say this? In the context of affirmative action being repealed in the US it feels a tad loaded. Giving the benefit of the doubt here truly, but still curious why you felt the need to say this.

  • important rule
  • Preach. To add to this: My wife and I have a lot of discussions about how to raise our kids as not just race conscious but how to not make marginalized groups teaching lessons for our kids. It’s been interesting to say the least.

  • Benderule
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