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A Black student’s family sues Texas officials over his suspension for hairstyle
  • Not every state. This is Texas. I'm in California and my kid went to school with shoulder length hair that was half blue. My relatives in Texas kept asking what the school was doing about it. There's nothing on the books about hair and the principal said it looked cool. Hair has always been a control issue in bible thumping communities, which I thankfully am no longer around.

  • I'm feeling a lot of shame right now.
  • From my experience:

    Gently let your husband know that if his mom says something negative that he should not pass it along to you. What his mom said did not hurt you until he told you. That's how I taught my kid not to spread gossip.

    As for your mother in law, if she comments that something is messy, hand her a broom. That's how I got my certified-clean-freak mom to stop making comments. "Vacuum's in the closet" was another one, but she was my mom, not my MIL, so it wasn't as hard for me. Sooo...have your husband do it. :)

  • What's a skill that's taken for granted where you live, but is often missing in people moving there from abroad?
  • Also non-cartel coyotes rest during the day. I lived in Nevada where coyotes are a given, but never in my life saw one during the day.

  • woody woodpecker
  • Holy shit. I had to turn it off. WTF.

  • My kid is learning to drive and I wanted to rent/get ahold of a manual to teach that too, but nothing doing. You can't find one to rent and I'm not buying a whole car for a few weeks' training.

  • funny signs blueskiesoc
    low flying aircraft?

    This sign is close to a machine cleaning trash and other debris from a canal. Snakes accidentally get scooped with the debris and slither over the side.

    funny signs blueskiesoc
    One week after the rains
    funny signs blueskiesoc
    Dude, Stahp
    Gossamer jellyfish

    Still from "Antarctic Treasure: The Underwater Images of Norbert Wu"

    Barrel jellyfish, Rhizostoma pulmo by Arne Kuilman

    Update: Found the original source, the photographer Arne Kuilman. Link to his Flickr page.

    Black Vultures mate for life

    Text from

    Black Vulture

    Latin name: Coragyps atratus

    Unique romantic feature: Fight for fidelity

    Where they are found: From the southeastern USA to South America

    Size: Length: 22 to 29 inches (56 to 74 cm); Weight: 2.6 to 4.3 pounds (1.18 to 1.95 kg): Wingspan: 4.4 to 5.5 feet (1.34 to 1.68 m)

    Diet: Carrion

    Black vultures prove you don’t have to be beautiful to enjoy a committed, long-term relationship. Um, rude.

    Looking dressed more for a funeral than a wedding, these scavenger birds feature all-black plumage with bumpy, featherless grayish-black heads, and short, hooked beaks.

    Found in open habitats and along roads from the southeastern United States to South America, black vultures are all about family life. They form bonds that last their whole lives (about 10 years).

    Suddenly deciding to...

    organize my supplies: pull everything out sort, play with stuff, go to store for organizing bins and maybe order new craft supplies, label, get tired, and leave almost everything in piles for weeks. Oh, and feel guilty every single time I walk by the piles, but be completely unable to do anything about them.

    Can't find image source, but I know a turkey vulture when I see one.

    My favorite for sentimental reasons. I grew up in an area where you might spot one if you were very lucky. It was rare, but cool.

    My best guess is juvenile Andean condor from Peru

    I can't find the image source to confirm, but looks right.

    Is it just me? Seemingly an amnesiac at the dr's office
  • That was very thoughtful. Thank you.

  • ADHD magic trick: set something down
  • Say where it is out loud! That's my stove trick--"THE STOVE IS OFF". Yes, I have walked away from a lit burner before.

  • What would you tell your 18 year old self?
  • All the ADHDers in here. :(

    Same. Same.

  • Executive Dysfunction Days
  • Hormonal fluctuations have been shown to affect symptoms. You* can talk to your doctor about a small bump up in meds for when you are most affected. I can't remember if it's just before a period or during that symptoms get worse. I recommend tracking your period and making notes of when it's worse for you. Menopause is crazy for many reasons, but defo for ADHD.

    *Anyone who has a period.

  • How do you do schedules?
  • 👍

  • Humble brag
  • I think you forgot what you were writing when you wrote it, lol.

  • Removed
  • It's pronounced "reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepoooooooooooooooooost"


  • Removed
  • rheeeee poast 👍

  • Is this place actually going to allow people to post?
  • So far so welcoming/supportive. 👍

  • Growing up with undiagnosed adhd be like
  • I got along just fine until college when I dropped out after the first year since I couldn’t coast by with great test skills and doing basic homework for high school…

    Oh hell yeah. Honors student to failing out of my first year of college. Fuck. I went back years later, but that first time was a helluva wake up call.

  • Ask: When do you know your meds are working?
  • noticed the same day

    was able to persist at a non-fun task for an hour, like lolwut

  • blueskiesoc blueskiesoc
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